TR207 - Instructor Listing
**Form Purpose
Run Instructor Listing (TR207) to print a list of the instructors and the
courses they are certified to teach.
The list shows, by instructor: the effective date, name, address if the
instructor is not an employee defined in HR11.1 (Employee), course, course
description, effective end date, type, instructor date, and duration.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
EMPLOYEE - If the instructor is an employee, the Employee file is
accessed to retrieve employee information.
PACOURSE - The Courses file is accessed to verify the course.
PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is accessed to
retrieve the phone number for each employee.
PAINSCOURS - The Course Instructor file is accessed to retrieve course
instructor information.
PAINSTRUCT - The Instructor Information file is accessed to retrieve
instructor information.
PAINSTSES - The Session Instructor file is accessed to retrieve session
instructor information.
PASESSION - The Sessions file is accessed to retrieve session information.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the