Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


UK52.1 - Bonus Pay Accrual History

**Form Purpose
Use Bonus Pay Accrual History (UK52.1) to view the bonus accruals assigned to
an employee.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    EMPLOYEE   -

    PRADIBON   -

    PROGPAY    -

    PRSYSTEM   -

UK52.2 - Bonus Pay Manual Adjustments

**Form Purpose
Use Bonus Pay Manual Adjustments (UK52.2) to make adjustments to bonus
accrual history.

Updated Files

    PRADIBON   -

Referenced Files


UK52.3 - Bonus Pay Totals

**Form Purpose
Use Bonus Pay Totals (UK52.3) to view the bonus accrual totals of an employee.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    PRADIBON   -