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                            EECEXPENSE FILE

                           Expense Interface

The Expense Interface file is used by the Expense Interface program to
interface employee expense records from a desktop application or a non-Lawson
system to the Lawson Employee Expense system. When you run EE520 (Expense
Interface), the system reads records in this file for interface into the
Employee Expense file and, for released status expenses, into the Accounts
Payable Invoice file.

When the Expense Interface file records are successfully interfaced, they are
purged from this file. You can use EE52.1 (Expense Update) to add records to
this file or maintain records already loaded into this file before interfacing
the records.

Expense records with an open status must have one or more corresponding
records in the Expense Distribution Interface file.


EE52.1    EE52.2    EE520


CVE-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   EE52.1
Company              Required. The company number. Must be a
                     valid record in the Accounts Payable
                     Company file.

CVE-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  EE52.1
Employee             Required. The employee number. Must be
                     a valid record in the Accounts Payable
                     Vendor file.

CVE-EXPENSE-NBR      Alpha 10                                    EE52.1
Expense Number       Required. The expense report number.

CVE-EXPENSE-TYPE     Alpha 1                                     EE52.1
Expense Type         Required. Identifies the type of
                     expense. Valid values are:

                     E = Expense.
                     P = Cash Payback.

CVE-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      EE52.1
Description          The description assigned to the
                     employee expense report.

CVE-REC-STATUS       Numeric 1                                   EE52.1
Record Status        Required. The record status of the
                     expense. Valid values are:

                     0 = Unreleased. Not available for
                     matching or payment.

                     1 = Open. Available for payment.

CVE-POSTING-STATUS   Numeric 1                                   EE52.1  EE52.2
Expense Report       Required. The posting status of
Posting Status       associated expense report distributions.
                     Valid values are:

                     0 = Unreleased. Distributions not
                     available for posting.

                     1 = Unposted. Distributions available
                     for posting.

                     9 = Posted. Distributions posted to the
                     general ledger.

                     Note: If the expense status is
                     Unreleased, the distribution posting
                     status must be Unreleased. If the
                     expense status is Open, the distribution
                     posting status must be Unposted or

CVE-APPROVAL-CODE    Alpha 3                                     EE52.1
Approval Code        The approval code assigned to the
                     employee expense. Used for approving
                     expenses to be released to the Accounts
                     Payable system. Must be a valid record
                     in the Approval Code file.

CVE-EXPENSE-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       EE52.1
Expense Date         Required. The date the expense was
                     incurred. Used when updating the
                     employee's purchase balance.

CVE-DUE-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       EE52.1
Due Date             Required. The due date of the employee

CVE-DISTRIB-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       EE52.1
Post Date            The date used for posting the expense
                     report distributions to the general
                     ledger. If left blank, the expense date

CVE-TRAN-EXP-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 EE52.1
Transaction Expense  Required. The total amount of the
Amount               employee expense. Includes both
                     company-paid and employee-paid expenses.
                     Must be entered in company currency.
                     This field contains the same value as
                     the Base Currency Expense Amount field.

CVE-BASE-EXP-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 EE52.1
Total Expense Amount The amount of the employee expense in
                     the company base currency. Includes both
                     company-paid and employee-paid expenses.

CVE-BASE-TAX-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 EE52.1
Total Tax Amount     The total tax amount of the expense in
                     the company base currency.

CVE-BASE-EMP-PAID    Signed 15.2                                 EE52.1
Total Employee Paid  The total employee-paid amount of the
Amount               expense in the company base currency.

CVE-PROC-LEVEL       Alpha 5                                     EE52.1
Process Level        The process level assigned to the
                     employee expense. Must be a valid record
                     in the Accounts Payable Process Level
                     file. This field is required if the
                     company does not have a default process
                     level assigned.

CVE-DEF-ACCT-UNIT    Alpha 15                                    EE52.1
Default Accounting   Required. The default general ledger
Unit                 accounting unit assigned to the employee
                     expense. Defaults on all expense
                     distributions that do not have an
                     accounting unit assigned.

CVE-ACTIVITY         Alpha 15                                    EE52.1
Activity             The default activity assigned to the
                     expense. Defaults on detail lines
                     entered for the expense. Must be a valid
                     record in the Lawson Activity Management

CVE-ACCT-CATEGORY    Alpha 5                                     EE52.1
Account Category     The default account category assigned
                     to the expense. Defaults on detail lines
                     entered for the expense. Must be a valid
                     record in the Lawson Activity Management

CVE-CASH-CODE        Alpha 4                                     EE52.1
Cash Code            The cash code assigned to the employee
                     expense. Represents the bank account the
                     expense is to be paid from. Must be a
                     valid record in the Cash Code file.

CVE-ACCR-CODE        Alpha 4                                     EE52.1
Invoice Accrual Code The invoice accrual code assigned to
                     the employee expense. Used to default a
                     general ledger invoice accrual account
                     to the expense. Must be a valid record
                     in the Invoice Accrual Code file. If
                     left blank, the invoice accrual code
                     assigned to the employee, if assigned,
                     the process level, or the company

CVE-HLD-CODE         Alpha 4                                     EE52.1
Hold Code            The hold code assigned to the employee
                     expense, if assigned. Used to prevent
                     the expense from being scheduled for
                     payment in the Lawson Accounts Payable
                     system. Must be a valid invoice hold
                     code record in the Hold Code file.

CVE-HOLD-TYPE        Alpha 1
Hold Type            Indicates the type of invoice hold code
                     assigned to the employee expense, if
                     assigned. Valid values are:

                     T = Temporary. Upon release to Accounts
                     Payable, the expense will be held for
                     only one payment cycle. AP170 (Payment
                     Closing) removes the hold code from the
                     expense record.

                     P = Permanent. Upon release to Accounts
                     Payable, the expense will be held until
                     you remove the hold code from the
                     expense record.

                     Blank. A hold code is not assigned to
                     the employee expense.

CVE-REL-FOR-PMT      Alpha 1                                     EE52.1
Release For Payment  Indicates whether the expense can be
                     released to Accounts Payable. Valid
                     values are:

                     Y = Yes. Default value.
                     N = No.

CVE-REFERENCE        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)
Reference            The default reference assigned to the
                     employee expense. Defaults on
                     distributions entered for the expense.

CVE-DIST-DESCRIPT    Alpha 30  (Lower Case)
Distribution         The default description assigned to the
Description          expense. Defaults on distributions
                     entered for the expense.

CVE-DIST-COMPANY     Numeric 4
Posting Company      The company the expense will be posted
                     to. Must be a valid general ledger
                     company record and a valid intercompany
                     relationship must be defined in the
                     Lawson General Ledger system.

CVE-DEF-TRAN-CURR    Alpha 5                                     EE52.1
Default Transaction  The default currency assigned to the
Currency             expense. Defaults on distributions
                     entered for the expense. Must be a valid
                     record in the Lawson Currency system.

CVE-DEF-CNV-RATE     Percent 14.6  (Percent)                     EE52.1
Default Exchange     The default exchange rate for the
Rate                 employee expense. Defaults on
                     distributions entered for the expense.
                     If left blank and a Default Currency is
                     defined, the rate defined for the
                     relationship defaults.

CVE-CURR-EFF-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       EE52.1
Currency Effective   The effective date of the exchange
Date                 rate, if entered. If left blank, the
                     expense date defaults.

CVE-TRANS-NBR        Alpha 10  (Right Justified)                 EE52.1
Payment Number       The payment number assigned to the
                     employee expense if paid with a manual
                     payment. This field is not used.

CVE-BANK-INST-CODE   Alpha 3                                     EE52.1
Cash Payment         The payment code assigned to the
Transaction Code     employee expense. If left blank, the
                     payment code assigned to the employee,
                     vendor class, or pay group defaults.

CVE-CHECK-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       EE52.1
Payment Date         The date assigned to the manual
                     payment. This field is not used.

CVE-CHECK-AMT        Signed 15.2                                 EE52.1
Payment Amount       The manual payment amount issued for
                     the employee expense. This field is not

CVE-CROSS-REF        Alpha 10                                    EE52.1
Cross Reference      The user-defined cross reference value
                     assigned to the expense.

CVE-TRANS-IDENT      Numeric 10
Transaction ID       A unique system-generated
                     identification value assigned to the
                     transaction to make this record unique.

CVE-REMIT-TO-CODE    Alpha 4                                     EE52.1
Remit To Location    The remit to location assigned to the
Code                 expense. Represents an alternate
                     remittance address for the employee.
                     Must be a valid record in the Vendor
                     Location file.

CVE-INVOICE-GROUP    Alpha 4                                     EE52.1
Invoice Group        The user-defined invoice group assigned
                     to the expense. AP150 (Cash
                     Requirements) has an option to select
                     all transactions assigned the same
                     invoice group. If blank, the invoice
                     group defaults from the employee, if

Approved             Indicates whether the expense is
                     approved for payment. Valid values are:

                     Y = Yes. Default value.
                     N = No.
                     D = Disapproved.

CVE-JRNL-BOOK-NBR    Alpha 12                                    EE52.1
Journal Book         The journal book assigned to the

CVE-ADVANCE-NBR      Alpha 10                                    EE52.1
Advance Number       If an employee advance was issued for
                     the expense report, and the company has
                     Matching selected in the Employee
                     Expense Reconciliation field, you can
                     type the advance number in this field to
                     apply the full expense amount to the
                     advance. Entry in this field creates a
                     record in the Advance-Expense Matching

CVE-SEGMENT-BLOCK    Alpha 103                                   EE52.1
User Analysis        This field identifies the user analysis
                     values included in the transaction.

                     You can either type up to four values
                     or use Define (F6) to open the User
                     Analysis Entry subform. Use this subform
                     to select the user analysis values you
                     want to include in the transaction. If
                     you choose to type values, use commas to
                     separate them. For example:

                     There are three conditions that affect
                     how you can select user analysis values.
                     See the User Analysis Entry form help or
                     the Strategic Ledger procedures manual
                     for additional information.

CVE-JBK-SEQ-NBR      Numeric 10                                  EE52.1
Journal Book         The journal book sequence number
Sequence Number      assigned to a journal book transaction
                     when it is added or interfaced to the
                     Lawson system. Used only when  Auto
                     Journal Book Seq Nbr is set to Yes in
                     GL10.1 (Company).

                         EECEXPENSE FILE INDEX


CVESET1   COMPANY       This index is used to access employee    EE52.1  EE52.2
          VENDOR        expense records for a specific employee  EE520
          EXPENSE-NBR   and company.