Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             WHSHLAUD FILE

                          Shipment Line Audit

The Shipment Line Audit file contains changes made to shipment lines.




WH130     WH132     WH190     WH30.1    WH30.2    WH30.3
WH30.4    WH31.1    WH31.2    WH31.3    WH31.4    WH32.1
WH32.2    WH32.3    WH32.4    WH33.1    WH33.2    WH33.3
WH33.4    WH33.5    WH33.6    WH33.7    WH33.8    WH33.9
WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4    WH40.1    WH40.2
WH520     WH830     RQ300     WH222


WHA-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   WH130   WH132
Company              This field contains the company number.     WH190   WH30.1
                                                                 WH30.2  WH30.3
                                                                 WH30.4  WH31.1
                                                                 WH31.2  WH31.3
                                                                 WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-LOCATION         Alpha 5                                     WH130   WH132
Location Code        This field contains a valid stock           WH190   WH30.1
                     location within the company inventory.      WH30.2  WH30.3
                                                                 WH30.4  WH31.1
                                                                 WH31.2  WH31.3
                                                                 WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-SYSTEM-CD        Alpha 2                                     WH130   WH132
System Code          This field indicates on which Lawson        WH190   WH30.1
                     system the document originated.             WH30.2  WH30.3
                     OE = Customer Order                         WH30.4  WH31.1
                     RQ = Requisitions                           WH31.2  WH31.3
                     CX = Case Cart                              WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-DOC-NBR          Alpha 10  (Right Justified)                 WH130   WH132
Doc Nbr              This field indicates the document           WH190   WH30.1
                     number for the shipment line.               WH30.2  WH30.3
                                                                 WH30.4  WH31.1
                                                                 WH31.2  WH31.3
                                                                 WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-SHIPMENT-NBR     Numeric 10                                  WH130   WH132
Shipment Number      This field contains the shipment            WH190   WH30.1
                     number. One document can have several       WH30.2  WH30.3
                     shipment numbers if the items were not      WH30.4  WH31.1
                     shipped at the same time.                   WH31.2  WH31.3
                                                                 WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-LINE-NBR         Numeric 6                                   WH130   WH132
Line Number          This field contains the shipment line       WH190   WH30.1
                     number.                                     WH30.2  WH30.3
                                                                 WH30.4  WH31.1
                                                                 WH31.2  WH31.3
                                                                 WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-STATUS           Numeric 1                                   WH130   WH132
Status               This field indicates the shipment           WH190   WH30.1
                     status.                                     WH30.2  WH30.3
                     0 = Printed                                 WH30.4  WH31.1
                     1 = Picked                                  WH31.2  WH31.3
                     2 = Packed                                  WH31.4  WH32.1
                     3 = Shipped                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                     4 = Released                                WH32.4  WH33.1
                     5 = Closed                                  WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-PRE-ASMBLD-KIT   Signed 13.4                                 WH130   WH132
Pre-Assembled Kit    This field  contains the make-to-order      WH190   WH30.1
                     kit quantity.                               WH30.2  WH30.3
                                                                 WH30.4  WH31.1
                                                                 WH31.2  WH31.3
                                                                 WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-QUANTITY         Signed 13.4                                 WH130   WH132
Quantity             This field contains the backordered,        WH190   WH30.1
                     voided, or overshipped shipment line        WH30.2  WH30.3
                     quantity.                                   WH30.4  WH31.1
                                                                 WH31.2  WH31.3
                                                                 WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

WHA-ACTION-CD        Alpha 1                                     WH130   WH132
Action Code          This field indicates the action taken       WH190   WH30.1
                     on the shipment line (backorder, void,      WH30.2  WH30.3
                     or overship).                               WH30.4  WH31.1
                     B = Backorder                               WH31.2  WH31.3
                     V = Void                                    WH31.4  WH32.1
                     O = Overship                                WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.1
                                                                 WH33.2  WH33.3
                                                                 WH33.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH33.6  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3
                                                                 WH34.4  WH40.1
                                                                 WH40.2  WH520

                         WHSHLAUD FILE INDEX


WHASET1   COMPANY       Primary index used for accessing and     RQ300   WH130
          LOCATION      updating the table.                      WH132   WH190
          SHIPMENT-NBR                                           WH222   WH224
          LINE-NBR                                               WH30.1  WH30.2
          STATUS                                                 WH30.3  WH30.4
                                                                 WH31.1  WH31.2
                                                                 WH31.3  WH31.4
                                                                 WH32.1  WH32.2
                                                                 WH32.3  WH32.4
                                                                 WH33.1  WH33.2
                                                                 WH33.3  WH33.4
                                                                 WH33.5  WH33.6
                                                                 WH33.7  WH33.8
                                                                 WH33.9  WH34.1
                                                                 WH34.2  WH34.3

WHASET2   COMPANY       Used to find any changes that were made  WH520
          LOCATION      to shipment lines by shipment status.
          SHIPMENT-NBR  KeyChange