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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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WH520 - Batch Feedback Interface

**Form Purpose
Run Batch Feedback Interface (WH520) to import one kind of feedback at a time
into the Lawson Warehouse system.  You can select picking, packing, or
shipping feedback that you scanned, for example, using a bar code reader or
other kind of interface.  This program lets you perform a large amount of one
kind of feedback at a time.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used for batch recovery.

    COCOMP     - Used to store component information when the demand line is
                 for a make-to-order kit item.

    COLINE     - Used to verify customer order line information.

    CUSTEP     -

    CUSTORDER  - Used to verify customer order information.

    CXCASEHEAD - Used to indicate whether items have been processed.

    CXCASEPREF - Used to validate the Case Carts case status.

    CXCOMPANY  - Not used in this program.


    CXITEMHIST - Not used in this program.

    CXPREFDIAG - Not used in this program.

    CXPREFITEM - Not used in this program.

    CXPREFJOBS - Not used in this program.

    HCPATCHRG  - Not used in this program.

    HCPATVISIT - Not used in this program.

    HOLDCODES  - Used to validate the hold codes.

    ICACTIVITY - Used in the Inventory Control edit routines.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.

    ICHISTORY  - Used to store item sales history for inventory tracked

    ICLOT      - Used to obtain lot information.

    ICRECEIPTS - Used in the Inventory Control edit routines.

    ICTRANS    - Used to store transaction history for stock-on-hand quantity
                 updates of inventory tracked items.

    ICTRANSDTL - Used to store detail transaction history for stock-on-hand
                 quantity updates of inventory tracked items.  Detail includes
                 bins, lots, serials, and multiple units of measure.



    INSTNBR    -

    ITEMLOC    - Used to verify the Inventory Control item location.  Also used
                 to store available, allocated, in process quantities for an
                 item location combination.

    ITSERIAL   - Used to obtain serial information.

    MMDIST     - Contains general ledger account postings for inventory

    MMUAVAL    -

    MSDSACK    -

    POCODE     -

    POINTAOC   -

    POINTERFAC - Used to store Purchase Order interface information.

    ROUTEDOC   - Used to obtain route information for the demand line.

    ROUTEHDR   - Used to obtain route header information for the demand line.

    ROUTESTOP  - Used to obtain route stop information for the demand line.

    RQTRANS    -

    SOHDETAIL  - Used to store stock-on-hand quantities for bin, lot, serial
                 number, and multiple unit of measure detail-tracked items.

    TXCODEMAST - Used to validate the tax code.

    TXCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Tax company.

    TXTAXCODE  - Used to validate the tax code.

    TXTAXTABLE - Used to validate the tax table.

    WHDEMAND   - Used to store customer order and requisitions quantities
                 ordered by item and location and expected ship date.  Contains
                 quantities to be allocated or backordered.

    WHDEMNDDTL - Contains detail information about bins, lots, serials and
                 multiple units of measure for the demand lines.

    WHDEMNDHDR - Contains header information for the demand line.





    WHSHIPCOMP - Used to store the make-to-order kit components to be shipped
                 for this shipment line.

    WHSHIPLINE - Used to store shipment line information including feedback

    WHSHIPMENT - Used to store shipment header information.

    WHSHLAUD   - Used to audit feedback changes to the shipment line.  This is
                 only used when "full" feedback is not performed for a shipment

    WHSHLDTL   - Used to store shipment line detail quantities for bin, lot,
                 serial and multiple unit of measure detail tracked items.







    WHWHLUF    -

    WHWHSUF    -

Referenced Files

    AGINGCODE  - Used in the Customer Edit routine.

    AMASSET    - Used to edit Procurement Management distribution edit routine
                 to edit asset codes.

    AMTEMPLATE - Used in the Asset Management asset edit routine.

    APACCRCODE - Used in the Vendor Edit routine.

    APCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Accounts Payable company.

    APVENGROUP - Used in the Vendor Edit routine.

    ARCOMP     - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable company.

    ARCUSTFLDS - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable customer.

    ARCUSTTOTS - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARLOCKBOX  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    ARPAYMENT  - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.


    COMPONENT  - Used to obtain Inventory Control definition of the components
                 for a make-to-order kit item.

    CUCONV     - Used for currency editing in the Customer Order edit

    CURELAT    -

    CUSTDESC   - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    CXBURDEN   - Not used in this program.


    CXDIAGNOST - Not used in this program.

    CXPRACPROC - Not used in this program.

    CXPRACTNR  - Not used in this program.

    CXPREFTEMP - Not used in this program.

    CXPTMPDIAG - Not used in this program.

    CXPTMPITEM - Not used in this program.

    CXTMPJOBS  - Not used in this program.

    EPTRANS    -

    FOBCODE    -

    GLADDRESS  - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    GLCHART    - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    GLCODES    - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    GLINTCO    - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    HCCHRGITEM - Not used in this program.

    HCPATIENT  - Not used in this program.

    ICBIN      - Used to obtain Inventory Control bin information.

    ICCATEGORY - Used to validate Inventory Control general ledger categories.

    ICCOUT     -

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the Inventory Control location.



    INSTNOTC   -


    INSTREGN   -

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate the Inventory Control item.

    ITEMUPC    -

    KITITEM    - Used to validate kit items.

    NATACCT    - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    NATBALANCE - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    OECOMPANY  - Used to validate the Order Entry company.

    OECUST     - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    OEFRTCODE  - Used to validate freight codes.

    OEMETHOD   -

    OEROUTE    - Used to validate the route for the demand line.

    ORDERTYPE  - Used in the customer order edit routine.

    POCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Purchase Order company.

    POLINE     - Used in the Purchase Order revision routine.


    POVENDOR   -


    PURCHORDER - Used in the Purchase Order revision routine.

    REASON     - Used to validate the reason code.

    REQHEADER  - Used to verify requisition information.

    REQLINE    - Used to verify requisition line information.

    RQLOC      - Used in the Requisitions edit routine.

    SHIPTO     -

    STATICCUST - Used in the Accounts Receivable customer edit routine.

    TXTAXRATE  - Used to validate the tax rate.

    WFSETUP    -

    WHDEMNDDTL - Contains detail information about bins, lots, serials and
                 multiple units of measure for the demand lines.

    WHPROCTYPE - Used to validate the process type.






INVOKED Programs
