Tax Table
The Tax Table file contains tax table information. A tax table defines a
series of up to eight tax codes to be applied to a single transaction and it
defines how each tax code will affect the taxable amount of a transaction.
The tax table code can be assigned to a transaction to create up to eight
individual tax distribution records for the transaction.
PO150 PO54.4 TX02.1 TX03.1 TX03.2 TX140
TX221 TX300
AP00.3 AP10.1 AP10.2 AP10.5 AP10.6 AP110
AP125 AP126 AP131 AP170 AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1 AP20.2 AP20.3 AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7 AP23.1 AP25.1 AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2 AP32.2 AP510 AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1 API4.1 API5.1 AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124 AR15.4 AR190 AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3 AR24.1 AR29.2 AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1 AR42.2 AR42.7 AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570 AR575 AR580 BR00.2 BR11.1
BR120 BR121 BR420 BRIP.1 CB03.2 CB10.1
CB10.3 CB191 CB20.1 CB30.1 CB500 CXCP.1
DT180 DT181 EE05.1 EE20.3 EE520 DR100
IC02.1 IC10.1 IC10.2 IC11.1 IC12.1 IC141
IC142 IC28.1 IC330 IC811 IC812 IC83.1
IC840 MA08.1 MA180 MA208 MA41.1 MA41.2
MA41.4 MA43.1 MA43.2 MA43.3 MA43.4 MA43.5
MA43.7 MA43.8 MA43.9 MA530 MA531 MA540
MA60.2 MA60.3 MA60.5 MA61.1 MA65.1 MA66.2
MA66.3 MA67.1 MA67.2 MA70.1 MAI1.1 PBIP.1
PO100 PO101 PO122 PO131 PO132 PO20.1
PO21.2 PO21.3 PO21.4 PO21.5 PO22.1 PO220
PO23.1 PO25.2 PO25.6 PO25.7 PO25.8 PO27.3
PO29.1 PO30.1 PO30.2 PO30.3 PO300 PO31.1
PO31.2 PO32.2 PO33.1 PO34.1 PO35.1 PO38.1
PO39.1 PO39.2 PO44.1 PO50.1 PO52.1 PO520
POII.1 POIJ.1 POIT.1 PR197 RQ10.1 RQ10.2
RQ10.3 RQ11.1 RQ35.1 RQ500 RQIB.1 RQIC.1
RQIF.1 RQIG.1 TX01.2 TX804 WH130 WH132
WH190 WH20.2 WH20.7 WH222 WH30.1 WH30.2
WH30.3 WH30.4 WH31.1 WH31.2 WH31.3 WH31.4
WH32.1 WH32.2 WH32.3 WH32.4 WH33.1 WH33.2
WH33.3 WH33.4 WH33.5 WH33.6 WH33.8 WH33.9
WH34.1 WH34.2 WH34.3 WH34.4 WH40.1 WH40.2
WH520 WH830
TXT-TAX-TABLE Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table A user-defined code for the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
This field represents up to eight AP10.6 AP110
individual tax codes to be applied to AP125 AP126
the same transaction. AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
The tax table code must have already AP190 AP20.1
been defined using TX01.1 (Tax Code AP20.2 AP20.3
Master). AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-EFFECT-DATE Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) AP00.3 AP10.1
Effective Date The effective date for the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
More than one tax table can exist with AP10.6 AP110
the same name and different effective AP125 AP126
dates. AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-DESCRIPTION Alpha 30 (Lower Case) AP00.3 AP10.1
Description The name or description of the tax AP10.2 AP10.5
table. AP10.6 AP110
AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-TAX-CODE1 Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table - Tax The first tax code in the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
Code 1 The first tax code is used to calculate AP10.6 AP110
the sales tax based on the taxable AP125 AP126
transaction amount. The tax code must AP131 AP170
have already been defined using TX01.1 AP180 AP181
(Tax Code Master). AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-FLAG1 Alpha 1 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Distrib. Flag - This field indicates what the effect AP10.2 AP10.5
Tax Code 1 will be on taxable amounts for the next AP10.6 AP110
tax code in the table. The tax rate AP125 AP126
defined for the first tax code in the AP131 AP170
table will be calculated against the AP180 AP181
taxable amount of the transaction. AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
Leave the field blank to have no effect AP20.4 AP20.5
on the next tax code's taxable amount. AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
Add means that the value of that AP25.2 AP26.1
calculation will be added to the AP27.1 AP30.2
transaction's taxable amount for the AP32.2 AP510
next tax code. AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
Subtract means that the value of that API4.1 API5.1
tax calculation will be subtracted from AR08.1 AR10.1
the taxable amount of the transaction AR115 AR124
for the next tax code. AR15.4 AR190
+ = Add To Taxable AR20.1 AR21.1
- = Subtract From Taxable AR21.2 AR21.3
" " = No Effect On Taxable AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-TAX-CODE2 Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table - Tax The second tax code in the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
Code 2 You must have defined the tax code using AP10.6 AP110
TX01.1 (Tax Code Master). AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-FLAG2 Alpha 1 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Distrib. Flag - This field indicates what the effect AP10.2 AP10.5
Tax Code 2 will be on the taxable amounts for the AP10.6 AP110
next tax code in the table. AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
Leave the field blank to have no effect AP180 AP181
on the next tax code's taxable amount. AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
Add means that the value of that tax AP20.4 AP20.5
calculation will be added to the AP20.6 AP20.7
transaction's taxable amount for the AP23.1 AP25.1
next tax code. AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
Subtract means that the value of that AP32.2 AP510
tax calculation will be subtracted from AP520 API1.1
the taxable amount of the transaction API2.1 API3.1
for the next tax code. API4.1 API5.1
+ = Add To Taxable AR08.1 AR10.1
- = Subtract From Taxable AR115 AR124
" " = No Effect On Taxable AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-TAX-CODE3 Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table - Tax The third tax code in the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
Code 3 You must have already defined the tax AP10.6 AP110
code using TX01.1 (Tax Code Master). AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-FLAG3 Alpha 1 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Distrib. Flag - This field indicates what the effect AP10.2 AP10.5
Tax Code 3 will be on taxable amounts for the next AP10.6 AP110
tax code in the table. AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
Leave the field blank to have no effect AP180 AP181
on the next tax code's taxable amount. AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
Add means that the value of that tax AP20.4 AP20.5
calculation will be added to the taxable AP20.6 AP20.7
amount of the transaction for the next AP23.1 AP25.1
tax code. AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
Subtract means that the value of that AP32.2 AP510
tax calculation will be subtracted from AP520 API1.1
the taxable amount of the transaction API2.1 API3.1
for the next tax code. API4.1 API5.1
+ = Add To Taxable AR08.1 AR10.1
- = Subtract From Taxable AR115 AR124
" " = No Effect On Taxable AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-TAX-CODE4 Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table - Tax The fourth tax code in the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
Code 4 You must have already defined the tax AP10.6 AP110
code using TX01.1 (Tax Code Master). AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-FLAG4 Alpha 1 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Distrib. Flag - This field indicates what the effect AP10.2 AP10.5
Tax Code 4 will be on taxable amounts for the next AP10.6 AP110
tax code in the table. AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
Leave the field blank to have no effect AP180 AP181
on the next tax code's taxable amount. AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
Add means that the value of that tax AP20.4 AP20.5
calculation will be added to the taxable AP20.6 AP20.7
amount of the transaction for the next AP23.1 AP25.1
tax code. AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
Subtract means that the value of that AP32.2 AP510
tax calculation will be subtracted from AP520 API1.1
the taxable amount of the transaction API2.1 API3.1
for the next tax code. API4.1 API5.1
+ = Add To Taxable AR08.1 AR10.1
- = Subtract From Taxable AR115 AR124
" " = No Effect On Taxable AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-TAX-CODE5 Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table - Tax The fifth tax code in the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
Code 5 You must have already defined the tax AP10.6 AP110
code using TX01.1 (Tax Code Master). AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-FLAG5 Alpha 1 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Distrib. Flag - This field indicates what the effect AP10.2 AP10.5
Tax Code 5 will be on taxable amounts for the next AP10.6 AP110
tax code in the table. AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
Leave the field blank to have no effect AP180 AP181
on the next tax code's taxable amount. AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
Add means that the value of that tax AP20.4 AP20.5
calculation will be added to the taxable AP20.6 AP20.7
amount of the transaction for the next AP23.1 AP25.1
tax code. AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
Subtract means that the value of that AP32.2 AP510
tax calculation will be subtracted from AP520 API1.1
the taxable amount of the transaction API2.1 API3.1
for the next tax code. API4.1 API5.1
+ = Add To Taxable AR08.1 AR10.1
- = Subtract From Taxable AR115 AR124
" " = No Effect On Taxable AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-TAX-CODE6 Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table - Tax The sixth tax code in the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
Code 6 You must have already defined the tax AP10.6 AP110
code using TX01.1 (Tax Code Master). AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-FLAG6 Alpha 1 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Distrib. Flag - This field indicates what the effect AP10.2 AP10.5
Tax Code 6 will be on taxable amounts for the next AP10.6 AP110
tax code in the table. AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
Leave the field blank to have no effect AP180 AP181
on the next tax code's taxable amount. AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
Add means that the value of that tax AP20.4 AP20.5
calculation will be added to the taxable AP20.6 AP20.7
amount of the transaction for the next AP23.1 AP25.1
tax code. AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
Subtract means that the value of that AP32.2 AP510
tax calculation will be subtracted from AP520 API1.1
the taxable amount of the transaction API2.1 API3.1
for the next tax code. API4.1 API5.1
+ = Add To Taxable AR08.1 AR10.1
- = Subtract From Taxable AR115 AR124
" " = No Effect On Taxable AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-TAX-CODE7 Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table - Tax The seventh tax code in the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
Code 7 You must have already defined the tax AP10.6 AP110
code using TX01.1 (Tax Code Master). AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-FLAG7 Alpha 1 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Distrib. Flag - This field indicates what the effect AP10.2 AP10.5
Tax Code 7 will be on taxable amounts for the next AP10.6 AP110
tax code in the table. AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
Leave the field blank to have no effect AP180 AP181
on the next tax code's taxable amount. AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
Add means that the value of that tax AP20.4 AP20.5
calculation will be added to the taxable AP20.6 AP20.7
amount of the transaction for the next AP23.1 AP25.1
tax code. AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
Subtract means that the value of that AP32.2 AP510
tax calculation will be subtracted from AP520 API1.1
the taxable amount of the transaction API2.1 API3.1
for the next tax code. API4.1 API5.1
+ = Add To Taxable AR08.1 AR10.1
- = Subtract From Taxable AR115 AR124
" " = No Effect On Taxable AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-TAX-CODE8 Alpha 10 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Table - Tax The eighth tax code in the tax table. AP10.2 AP10.5
Code 8 You must have already defined the tax AP10.6 AP110
code using TX01.1 (Tax Code Master). AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXT-FLAG8 Alpha 1 AP00.3 AP10.1
Tax Distrib. Flag - The taxable effect for the last tax AP10.2 AP10.5
Tax Code 8 code in the table must be blank. AP10.6 AP110
+ = Add To Taxable AP125 AP126
- = Subtract From Taxable AP131 AP170
" " = No Effect On Taxable AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
API2.1 API3.1
API4.1 API5.1
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR115 AR124
AR15.4 AR190
AR20.1 AR21.1
AR21.2 AR21.3
AR24.1 AR29.2
AR30.1 AR30.2
AR30.4 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.7
AR43.1 AR550
AR560 AR570
AR575 AR580
BR00.2 BR11.1
TXTSET1 TAX-TABLE This index is used to access the most AP00.3 AP10.1
EFFECT-DATE* recent tax table record using a AP10.2 AP10.5
descending key. AP10.6 AP110
AP125 AP126
AP131 AP170
AP180 AP181
AP190 AP20.1
AP20.2 AP20.3
AP20.4 AP20.5
AP20.6 AP20.7
AP23.1 AP25.1
AP25.2 AP26.1
AP27.1 AP30.2
AP32.2 AP510
AP520 API1.1
TXTSET3 TAX-TABLE This index is used to access tax tables
EFFECT-DATE without using a descending key.
Code 1 Mast TXCODEMAST Required
Code 2 Mast TXCODEMAST Required
When TXT-TAX-CODE2 != Spaces
Code 3 Mast TXCODEMAST Required
When TXT-TAX-CODE3 != Spaces
Code 4 Mast TXCODEMAST Required
When TXT-TAX-CODE4 != Spaces
Code 5 Mast TXCODEMAST Required
When TXT-TAX-CODE5 != Spaces
Code 6 Mast TXCODEMAST Required
When TXT-TAX-CODE6 != Spaces
Code 7 Mast TXCODEMAST Required
When TXT-TAX-CODE7 != Spaces
Code 8 Mast TXCODEMAST Required
When TXT-TAX-CODE8 != Spaces
Txcodemast TXCODEMAST Required