Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AP170 - Payment Closing

**Form Purpose
Run Payment Closing (AP170) to complete a cash payment cycle for a pay group.
This is the last program in the payment cycle. Make sure you are satisfied
with your cash payment run before you close the payment cycle. Once you close
the cash payment cycle, you cannot reprint bad payment forms or recreate a
payment tape or electronic payment file.

AP170 creates a summary payment listing, a listing of recurring invoices, and
a summary of general ledger transactions.

**Processing Effect
AP170 creates general ledger entries for cash, discount, reportable income
withholding, currency gain and loss, and payment accrual transactions. If a
recurring invoice was processed in the payment cycle, AP170 creates the next
recurrence. If a prepayment or employee advance was processed, AP170 creates
the offsetting credit memo. AP170 removes temporary hold codes from vendors
and invoices, updates vendor balances to reflect payments made, and changes
paid invoices to historical status making them unavailable for further
maintenance. AP170 also creates offsetting tax recovery entries, if

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   - Creates an activity management commitment record.

    ACCOMMITX  - Creates an activity management commitment record.

    AMCONTROL  - Updated or referenced by asset management common routines.

    AMINTER    - Updated or referenced by asset management common routines.

    AMRPRINTER - Updated or referenced by asset management common routines.

    APASTDTL   - Creates or validates an asset detail record.

    APDISTRIB  - Creates invoice distributions.

    APFRIEXP   -

    APHLDINV   - Used to determine if a transaction or vendor is on hold.

    APINVOICE  - Updates and creates invoices records.

    APMONITOR  - Creates and deletes monitor file records.

    APPAYMENT  - Creates and updates invoice payment records.

    APUAVAL    -

    APVENBAL   - Updates vendor balance records.

    APVENMAST  - Updates vendor record.

    CBBANKENT  - Validates bank and updates used flag.

    CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.

    CBCHECK    - Updates payment records.

    CBCPYCASH  - Validates company - cash code relationship and updates used

    CBDISTRIB  - Accessed by bank transaction routines.

    CBTRANS    - Updates bank transaction records.

    CKPOINT    - Updates check point record.

    GLCOMMIT   -



    SYSTEMCODE - Validates the system code updating general ledger and updates
                 the object id.

    TXCODEMAST - Validates tax code. Does not update.

    TXCOMPANY  - Referenced by tax common routines. Does not update.

    TXTAXCODE  - Updates last transaction identification.

    TXTAXTABLE - Referenced and updated by tax common routines.

    TXTAXTRAN  - Creates tax system tax transaction records.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - Referenced by activity management common routines.

    ACACTGRP   - Referenced by activity management common routines.

    ACACTIVITY - Referenced by activity management common routines.


    APACCRCODE - Validates invoice accrual code record.

    APCOMPANY  - Validates company.

    APDISCCODE - Validates discount code.

    APHOLDCODE - Validates hold code.


    APPAYCOREL - Validates relationship between pay group and company.

    APPAYGROUP - Validates pay group.

    APPROCLEV  - Validates process level.

    APUSER     - Validates user can access pay group.

    APUSRCLASS - Validates all users for pay group.

    APVENGROUP - Validates vendor group.

    APVENLOC   -

    APWTHCODE  - Validates income withholding code.

    CBADJUST   - Accessed by cash ledger transaction routines.

    CBBALANCE  - Accessed by cash ledger transaction routines.

    CBCCTRNJB  - Validates journal book for cash code and payment code.



    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.

    CUACCT     - Accesses currency gain and loss accounts.

    CUCONV     - Accessed by the currency common routines.

    CURELAT    - Accessed by the currency common routines.

    GLADDRESS  - Accessed by the general ledger common routines.

    GLCHART    - Referenced by general ledger common routines.

    GLCODES    - Referenced by general ledger common routines.

    GLNAMES    - Accessed by general ledger common routine.

    GLSYSTEM   - Accessed by general ledger common routines.


    MAFRXREF   -

    TXTAXRATE  - Referenced by tax common routines.

INVOKED Programs
