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                             APVENLOC FILE

                            Vendor Location

The Vendor Location file contains all location code records for alternate
vendor locations defined for accounts payable vendors. An alternate vendor
location can be used as a purchasing location, a remittance location, or both.
A vendor can have more than one alternate vendor location record.


AP10.1    AP10.2    AP115     AP12.1    AP125     AP126
AP135     AP150     AP151     AP155     AP156     AP161
AP170     AP180     AP191     AP193     AP20.1    AP20.2
AP20.3    AP20.4    AP20.5    AP20.6    AP20.7    AP20.8
AP210     AP23.1    AP25.1    AP25.2    AP26.1    AP27.1
AP28.1    AP28.2    AP290     AP30.1    AP30.2    AP30.4
AP30.3    AP32.1    AP32.2    AP520     AP55.1    AP56.1
AP56.2    AP80.1    AP90.5    AP90.6    AP90.7    AP90.8
AP91.4    AP96.4    API1.1    API2.1    CB06.2    EE135
EE20.1    EE20.2    EE20.4    EE35.1    EE35.2    EE520
IC81.1    MA41.2    MA43.1    MA43.2    MA43.3    MA43.4
MA43.5    MA43.7    MA43.8    MA531     MA61.1    MA65.1
MA70.1    MAI1.1    PO150     PO204     PO216     PO227
PO231     PO24.1    PO25.1    PO25.7    PO25.8    PO27.2
PO27.4    PO52.1    AP92.3    AP92.4    AP93.3    AP93.4
PO16.1    PO16.2


AP100     AP110     AP160     AP300     AP510     API3.1
TX140     API4.1    IC840


VLO-VENDOR-GROUP     Alpha 4                                     AP100   AP510
Vendor Group         The vendor group to which the vendor        API3.1
                     and location belong. Must be a valid
                     record in the Vendor Group file.

VLO-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AP100   AP510
Vendor               The identification number assigned to       API3.1
                     the vendor. Must be a valid record in
                     the Vendor file.

VLO-LOCATION-CODE    Alpha 4                                     AP100   AP510
Location Code        A user-defined code representing an         API3.1
                     alternate remittance or purchasing
                     location for the vendor.

VLO-LOC-TYPE         Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Location Type        Indicates the type of alternate vendor      API3.1
                     location. Valid values are:

                     B = Both. The location code represents
                     both a purchasing and a remittance
                     location for the vendor.

                     P = Purchase-From. The location code
                     represents an alternate purchasing
                     location for the vendor.

                     R = Remit-To. The location code
                     represents an alternate remittance
                     location for the vendor.

VLO-VENDOR-VNAME     Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AP100   AP135
Vendor Name          The name of the alternate vendor            AP510   API3.1

VLO-VENDOR-CONTCT    Alpha 30                                    AP100   AP510
Contact              The name of the main contact for the        API3.1
                     alternate vendor location.

VLO-NORM-REMIT       Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Normal Remit To      If the Location Type = R or B, this         API3.1
                     field indicates whether the location is
                     the normal remit-to location for the
                     vendor. If Yes is selected in this
                     field, the location address
                     automatically overrides the vendor
                     address on the Vendor file for vendor
                     payments when invoices are added. Only
                     one alternate location for a vendor can
                     have Yes selected in this field. Valid
                     values are:

                     N = No.
                     Y = Yes.

VLO-NORM-PURCH       Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Normal Purchase From If the Location Type = P or B, this         API3.1
                     field indicates whether the location is
                     the normal purchase-from location for
                     the vendor. If Yes is selected in this
                     field, the location address
                     automatically overrides the vendor
                     address on the Vendor file for storing
                     vendor purchase activity balances. Only
                     one alternate location for a vendor can
                     have Yes selected in this field. Valid
                     values are:

                     N = No.
                     Y = Yes.

VLO-REMIT-TO-CODE    Alpha 4                                     AP100   AP510
Remit Payment To     If the Normal Purchase From Location        API3.1
                     field = Yes, this field indicates which
                     alternate remit-to location will be used
                     when the purchase-from location code is
                     used. Must be a valid remit-to location
                     (type R or B) record in the Vendor
                     Location file. If left blank, the vendor
                     address defined in the Vendor file is
                     used as the remittance address.

VLO-PHONE-PREFIX     Alpha 6                                     AP100   AP510
Telephone Country    The country code for the alternate          API3.1
Code                 vendor location telephone number.

VLO-PHONE-NUM        Alpha 15                                    AP100   AP510
Telephone Number     The telephone number for the alternate      API3.1
                     vendor location.

VLO-PHONE-EXT        Alpha 5                                     AP100   AP510
Telephone Extension  The telephone extension number for the      API3.1
                     alternate vendor location.

VLO-FAX-PREFIX       Alpha 6                                     AP100   AP510
Fax Country Code     The country code for the fax machine        API3.1
                     telephone number.

VLO-FAX-NUM          Alpha 15                                    AP100   AP510
Fax Number           The fax machine telephone number.           API3.1

VLO-FAX-EXT          Alpha 5                                     AP100   AP510
Fax Extension        The fax machine telephone number            API3.1

VLO-TELEX-NUM        Alpha 15                                    AP100   AP510
Telex                The telex number for the alternate          API3.1
                     vendor location.

VLO-TAX-EXEMPT-CD    Alpha 1                                     API3.1
Tax Exempt Code

VLO-TAX-CODE         Alpha 10                                    AP100   AP110
Tax Code             The tax code assigned to the alternate      AP510   API3.1
                     vendor location. Used to automatically      TX140
                     calculate invoice tax information. Must
                     be a valid record in the Tax Code file.
                     If left blank, the tax code assigned to
                     the vendor, if assigned, defaults. Valid
                     only if the location type is purchase
                     from or both.

VLO-TERM-CODE        Alpha 5                                     AP110   AP510
Payment Terms        The payment terms code assigned to the      API3.1
                     alternate vendor location. Used to
                     automatically calculate invoice due date
                     and discount information for the
                     location's invoices. Must be a valid
                     record in the Terms Code file. If left
                     blank, the terms code assigned to the
                     vendor defaults. Valid only if the
                     location type is purchase from or both.

VLO-INV-CURRENCY     Alpha 5                                     AP100   AP110
Invoice Currency     The currency used to add invoices for       AP125   AP126
                     the alternate vendor location. The          AP151   AP156
                     currency code defaults on the location's    AP180   AP20.1
                     invoices during invoice entry. Must be a    AP20.2  AP20.3
                     valid record in the Currency Code file.     AP20.4  AP20.5
                     If left blank, the location uses the        AP20.7  AP20.8
                     invoice currency assigned to the vendor.    AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP510
                                                                 AP56.1  AP56.2
                                                                 AP80.1  API3.1
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MAI1.1

VLO-CURR-RECALC      Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Currency             Indicates whether invoices for this         API3.1
Recalculation        alternate vendor location will be
                     automatically revalued to account for
                     currency rate fluctuations when they are
                     scheduled for payment. This revaluation
                     may result in the creation of currency
                     gain or loss transactions. Valid values

                     N = No.
                     Y = Yes.

VLO-BANK-INST-CODE   Alpha 3                                     AP100   AP110
Payment Code         The payment code assigned to the            AP510   API3.1
                     alternate vendor location. Represents a
                     type of cash payment, such as a check or
                     payment tape, or a bill of exchange
                     payment. Must be a valid cash or bill of
                     exchange payment transaction code record
                     in the Bank Transaction Code file. If
                     left blank, the payment code assigned to
                     the vendor, if assigned, defaults. Valid
                     only if the location type is remit to or

VLO-CASH-CODE        Alpha 4                                     AP100   AP110
Cash Code            The cash code assigned to the alternate     AP125   AP126
                     vendor location. Represents a bank          AP151   AP156
                     account. Must be a valid record in the      AP180   AP20.1
                     Cash Code file. If left blank, the cash     AP20.2  AP20.3
                     code assigned to the vendor, if             AP20.4  AP20.5
                     assigned, defaults. Valid only if the       AP20.7  AP20.8
                     location type is remit to or both.          AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP510
                                                                 AP56.1  AP56.2
                                                                 AP80.1  API3.1
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MAI1.1

VLO-BANK-ENTITY      Alpha 15                                    AP100   AP510
Bank                 The bank identification used to deposit     API3.1
                     electronic payments for the vendor. This
                     field is required for ACH or BACS
                     payment types. Valid only if the
                     location type is remit to or both.

VLO-VBANK-ACCT-NO    Alpha 17                                    AP100   AP510
Bank Account         The bank account number used to deposit     API3.1
                     electronic payments for the alternate
                     vendor location. This field is required
                     for ACH or BACS payment types. Valid
                     only if the location type is remit to or

VLO-VBANK-ACCT-TP    Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Bank Account Type    Indicates the type of bank account used     API3.1
                     to deposit electronic payments for the
                     alternate vendor location. Valid only if
                     the location type is remit to or both.
                     Valid values are:

                     C = Current/Checking Account.
                     S = Savings Account.
                     Blank = Electronic payment type was not

VLO-EDI-NBR          Alpha 15                                    AP100   AP510
EDI Number           The electronic data interchange (EDI)       API3.1
                     number for the alternate vendor
                     location. Used for reference.

VLO-ACH-PRENOT       Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP110
Prenotification      Required only for ACH payment types.        AP160   AP510
Status               Indicates the status of electronic          API3.1
                     payment processing between the alternate
                     vendor location and the processing bank.
                     Valid values are:

                     N = Notified. AP160 (Payment Tape
                     Creation) automatically changes the
                     status from Prenotified to Notified to
                     indicate that the processing bank has
                     been notified but has not yet accepted
                     the electronic payment tape.

                     P = Prenotified. Select this status
                     when first entering ACH information to
                     prenotify the processing bank.

                     A = Accepted. Change the status to
                     Accepted once the processing bank
                     accepts the electronic payment tape.

                     Blank = ACH payment type not selected.

VLO-OPERATOR         Alpha 10                                    AP100   AP510
Operator Code        The operator associated with                API3.1
                     maintaining the alternate vendor
                     location record.

VLO-USER-NAME-01     Alpha 20                                    AP100   AP510
Vendor User Field 1  The value of the information being          API3.1
                     tracked by the first user-defined vendor
                     group field.

VLO-USER-NAME-02     Alpha 20                                    AP100   AP510
Vendor User Field 2  The value of the information being          API3.1
                     tracked by the second user-defined
                     vendor group field.

VLO-USER-NAME-03     Alpha 20                                    AP100   AP510
Vendor User Field 3  The value of the information being          API3.1
                     tracked by the third user-defined vendor
                     group field.

VLO-USER-NAME-04     Alpha 20                                    AP100   AP510
Vendor User Field 4  The value of the information being          API3.1
                     tracked by the fourth user-defined
                     vendor group field.

VLO-USER-NAME-05     Alpha 20                                    AP100   AP510
Vendor User Field 5  The value of the information being          API3.1
                     tracked by the fifth user-defined vendor
                     group field.

VLO-USER-NAME-06     Alpha 20                                    AP100   AP510
Vendor User Field 6  The value of the information being          API3.1
                     tracked by the sixth user-defined vendor
                     group field.

VLO-INVOICE-GROUP    Alpha 4                                     AP100   API3.1
Invoice Group        A user-defined invoice group assigned
                     to the location. This value defaults on
                     invoices entered for the location. Can
                     be used to select invoices for payment
                     in AP150 (Cash Requirements).

VLO-SEP-CHK-FLAG     Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Separate Payment                                                 API3.1

VLO-ACTIVE-STATUS    Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Status               The status of the account. If Inactive,     API3.1
                     no posting can be done to the account.

                     A = Active
                     I = Inactive

VLO-ERS-CAPABLE      Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
ERS Capable          Indicates whether the vendor location       API3.1
                     can process Evaluated Receipt Settlement
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

VLO-ERS-HANDLING     Alpha 4                                     AP100   AP510
ERS Handling                                                     API3.1

VLO-INVC-REF-TYPE    Alpha 2                                     AP100   AP510
ERS Invoice          Indicates the type of number the vendor     API3.1
Reference            is providing to reference the invoice.
                     BM = Bill of Lading
                     IN = Invoice
                     OW = Service Order Number
                     PL = Packing List Number
                     PO = PO Number
                     VN = Vendor Order Number
                     WO = Work Order
                     WP = Warehouse Pick Ticket
                     ZZ = Mutually Defined

VLO-EDI-AUTO-REL     Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
EDI Invoice Auto     Indicates whether the company               API3.1
Release              automatically releases EDI invoices.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

VLO-WRITE-OFF-AMT    Signed 15.2                                 AP100   AP510
Minimum Claim Amount                                             API3.1

VLO-VEN-CLAIM-TYPE   Alpha 2                                     AP100   AP510
Vendor Claim Type    CB = Chargeback                             API3.1  PO52.1
                     CM = Credit Memo
                     N = None

VLO-CLAIM-HOLD-CD    Alpha 4                                     AP100   AP510
Vendor Claims                                                    API3.1
Chargeback Hold

VLO-REPLACE-GOODS    Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Replace Goods        N = No                                      API3.1
                     Y = Yes

VLO-SHIP-OR-HOLD     Alpha 1                                     AP100   AP510
Ship or Hold Goods   S = Ship                                    API3.1  PO52.1
                     H = Hold

VLO-E-MAIL-ADDRESS   Alpha 60  (Lower Case)                      AP100   AP510
E Mail Address                                                   API3.1

VLO-VEND-ACCT        Alpha 30                                    AP100   AP510
Vend Acct            The customer number the vendor has          API3.1
                     assigned to you.

VLO-TAX-USAGE-CD     Alpha 10                                    AP100   AP510
Tax Usage Cd         The tax usage coe for the vendor.  This     API3.1
                     filed is required if the AP Company
                     inidcates that VAT reporting required.

VLO-VAT-REG-CTRY     Alpha 2                                     AP100   AP510
Vat Reg Ctry         The country component of the VAT            API3.1
                     Registration Number. This field,
                     together with the Registration Number
                     for the company on the tax transaction.

VLO-VAT-REG-NBR      Alpha 12                                    AP100   AP510
Vat Reg Nbr          The number component of the VAT             API3.1
                     Registration Number. This field together
                     with the Registration Country field make
                     up the VAT Registration Number.

VLO-VDR-ADDR1        Derived
Vendor Address Line  Vendor location address line 1.

VLO-VDR-ADDR2        Derived
Vendor Address Line  Vendor location address line 2.

VLO-VDR-ADDR3        Derived
Vendor Address Line  Vendor location address line 3.

VLO-VDR-ADDR4        Derived
Vendor Address Line  Vendor location address line 4.

Vendor City or       Vendor city or address line 5.
Address Line 5

VLO-VDR-STATE        Derived
Vendor State or      Vendor state or province.

VLO-VDR-POSTAL       Derived
Vendor Postal Code   Vendor postal code.

VLO-VDR-COUNTRY      Derived
Vendor Country       Vendor country.

VLO-VDR-COUNTY       Derived
Vendor County

VLO-VAT-NBR          Derived
Vat Nbr              The concatenation of the VAT-REG-CTRY
                     and VAT-REG-NBR fields, used as VAT
                     reporting ID.

                         APVENLOC FILE INDEX


VLOSET1   VENDOR-GROUP  This index is used to access and         AP10.1  AP10.2
          VENDOR        validate location codes for a specific   AP100   AP110
          LOCATION-CODE vendor.                                  AP115   AP12.1
                                                                 AP125   AP126
                                                                 AP135   AP150
                                                                 AP151   AP155
                                                                 AP156   AP160
                                                                 AP161   AP170
                                                                 AP180   AP191
                                                                 AP193   AP20.1
                                                                 AP20.2  AP20.3
                                                                 AP20.4  AP20.5
                                                                 AP20.6  AP20.7
                                                                 AP20.8  AP210
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1

VLOSET2   VENDOR-GROUP  This index is used to access             AP10.2  AP30.1
          VENDOR        purchase-from location type codes for a  AP30.3  AP32.1
          LOCATION-CODE vendor.                                  AP92.3  AP92.4
                        KeyChange, Subset                        AP93.3  AP93.4
                        Where LOC-TYPE != "P"                    API3.1

VLOSET3   VENDOR-GROUP  This index is used to access remit-to    AP20.6  AP32.1
          VENDOR        location codes for a vendor.             AP92.3  AP92.4
          LOCATION-CODE KeyChange, Subset                        AP93.3  AP93.4
                        Where LOC-TYPE != "R"                    PO16.1  PO16.2

VLOSET4   VENDOR-GROUP  This index is used to access vendor      AP160
          VENDOR        location records set up for ACH
          LOCATION-CODE processing that have not been
                        Where ACH-PRENOT = "N"
                        Or    ACH-PRENOT = "P"

VLOSET5   VENDOR-GROUP  This index is used to access vendor      AP520   API3.1
          EDI-NBR       locations by EDI number.
          VENDOR        KeyChange

                         APVENLOC FILE RELATIONS



Address1       APVENADDR    Required

                            VLO-VENDOR-GROUP     -> VDR-VENDOR-GROUP
                            VLO-VENDOR           -> VDR-VENDOR
                            VLO-LOCATION-CODE    -> VDR-LOCATION-CODE
                            "Y"                  -> VDR-CUR-ADDR

Apvenmast      APVENMAST    Required

                            VLO-VENDOR-GROUP     -> VEN-VENDOR-GROUP
                            VLO-VENDOR           -> VEN-VENDOR

                         APVENLOC FILE RELATIONS



Apcomments     APCOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            "V"                  -> APC-REC-TYPE
                            VLO-VENDOR-GROUP     -> APC-VENDOR-GROUP
                            VLO-VENDOR           -> APC-VENDOR
                            VLO-LOCATION-CODE    -> APC-LOCATION-CODE

Apcpyvnd       APCPYVND

                            VLO-VENDOR-GROUP     -> APX-VENDOR-GROUP
                            VLO-VENDOR           -> APX-VENDOR
                            VLO-LOCATION-CODE    -> APX-LOCATION-CODE

Aplocbal       APVENBAL     Delete Cascades

                            VLO-VENDOR-GROUP     -> VBA-VENDOR-GROUP
                            VLO-VENDOR           -> VBA-VENDOR
                            VLO-LOCATION-CODE    -> VBA-LOCATION-CODE

Apvenaddr      APVENADDR

                            VLO-VENDOR-GROUP     -> VDR-VENDOR-GROUP
                            VLO-VENDOR           -> VDR-VENDOR
                            VLO-LOCATION-CODE    -> VDR-LOCATION-CODE

Apvenbal       APVENBAL     Delete Cascades

                            VLO-VENDOR-GROUP     -> VBA-VENDOR-GROUP
                            VLO-VENDOR           -> VBA-VENDOR
                            VEN-BAL-CURRENCY     -> VBA-BAL-CURRENCY
                            VLO-LOCATION-CODE    -> VBA-LOCATION-CODE