AP156 - Bill of Exchange Creation
**Form Purpose
Run Bill of Exchange Creation (AP156) to print the generated bills of
exchange. Run AP156 after you generate bills of exchange by running AP151
(Bill of Exchange Generation) with Yes in the Update field.
Note The payment form type and remittance options you defined for each
company (in this case, the posting company assigned to the pay group in AP01.1
(Pay Group)) and payment code determine which payment forms to use and how
your remittance advice forms print. Cash codes, payment codes, and bill of
exchange payment formats are defined in the Lawson Cash Ledger system.
Updated Files
APDRAFTS - Updates bill of exchange payment records.
CBBANKENT - Validates bank and updates used flag.
CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.
CBCPYCASH - Validates company-cash code relationship.
CKPOINT - Updates check point records.
Referenced Files
APCOMPANY - Validates company.
APDRFTCDES - Validates bill of exchange accrual codes.
APINVOICE - Accesses invoice information for remittance advice.
APPAYMENT - Accesses split invoice payment information.
APPROCLEV - Validates process level.
APVENCLASS - Validates vendor class.
APVENLOC - Validates alternate vendor locations.
APVENMAST - Validates vendor master.
CBDRFTFORM - Accesses bill of exchange payment format information.
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for user class.
GLADDRESS - Used in general ledger common routine.
GLSYSTEM - Used in general ledger common routine.
INVOKED Programs