Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AP55.1 - Cash Payment Entry

**Form Purpose
Use Cash Payment Entry (AP55.1) to define manual cash payment information for
one or more released invoices. If the payment code you select for the manual
cash payment requires manual payment reservation, the payment number must be
reserved in AP81.1 (Manual Forms Reservation).

**More Information
After you define a manual payment on this form, choose the Invoices button to
open AP55.2 (Cash Payment Invoice Application) to apply the manual cash
payment to one or more invoices. After you apply the payment, return to AP55.1
to release the manual payment. The total applied amount must equal the payment
amount before you can release a manual payment. To release a manual payment,
choose the Release form action.

If applying non-base currency invoices to a manual cash payment with a
different non-base currency invoice, and the total applied amount does not
equal the payment amount, choose the Bank Currency button to open the Bank
Currency subform. Use the subform to adjust the payment amount.

If applying non-base currency invoices to a base-currency manual cash
payment, and the total applied amount does not equal the payment amount,
choose the Company Currency button to open the Company Currency subform. Use
the subform to adjust the payment amount.

When you release a manual payment, the system creates a payment record used
by AP170 (Payment Closing) to create general ledger transactions. The total
invoice amount applied to the manual payment must equal the manual payment
amount before you can release the payment.

Note You can also use AP20 (Invoice Entry) to define and apply manual
payments information when a single manual payment applies to a single invoice.
When you release the batch or invoice containing the manual payment, you can
view or delete the manual payment in AP55 (Cash Payment), but cannot change
the application.

Manual payments are not scheduled by AP150 (Cash Requirements) and do not
have payment forms created by AP155 (Payment Forms Creation) or AP157 (Laser
Payment Forms Creation), magnetic tape records created by AP160 (Payment Tape
Creation), or electronic payment file records created by AP161 (Electronic
Payment Creation).

Updated Files

    APMONITOR  - Called when a payment is released.

    APPAYMENT  - This program changes split invoice payment records.

    CBBANKENT  - Validates bank and updates used flag.

    CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.

    CBCHECK    - This program changes, adds, and deletes payment records.

    CBCPYCASH  - Validates company-cash code relationship and updates used flag.

Referenced Files

    APCOMPANY  - Used to edit the company number.

    APINVOICE  - Used to edit the pay vendor.


    APUSER     -


    APVENGROUP - Used to edit the vendor group.

    APVENLOC   - Used to edit the vendor location.

    APVENMAST  - Used to edit the vendor number. The search name is used on
                 split invoice payment records.



    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.



    GLADDRESS  - Used in the general ledger common routines.

    GLCHART    -

    GLCODES    - Used to edit the payment date for subledger control.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used in the general ledger common routines.

AP55.2 - Cash Payment Invoice Application

**Form Purpose
Use Cash Payment Invoice Application (AP55.2) to apply manual cash payments
created in AP55.1 (Cash Payment Entry) to one or more released invoices. You
have the option to view released invoices that have been assigned a manual
payment hold code. If you assigned a manual payment hold code to the invoices
to be applied, the system automatically removes the hold when you apply a
manual payment.

**More Information
To define optional criteria used to select invoices for display, choose the
Filter button to open the Selection Criteria subform. An asterisk displays
next to the button if the filter is enabled.

To apply an invoice, select the Apply line action. To select an invoice for
transfer to another form, select the "X" (Select) line action and transfer to
another form.

If you apply a non-base currency invoice to a base currency manual cash
payment, and the total invoice applied amount does not equal the payment
amount, choose the "*" button to open the Base Currency Adjustment subform.
Use the subform to adjust the base currency applied amount and exchange rate
of individual invoice applications.

To apply invoices for more than one invoiced vendor to a single manual
payment, type the invoiced vendor number, select the Display Open ("O") form
action, and choose OK to view released invoices for the invoiced vendor.
Repeat the application process for each invoiced vendor.

If you apply a manual cash payment to the wrong invoice, you can delete the
application before you release the manual payment. If you realize the error
after you release the payment, you must void the payment in the Lawson Cash
Ledger system, run AP190 (Invoice Reinstatement) to reinstate the invoices,
then repeat the manual cash payment procedure.

After you fully apply a manual cash payment, use AP55.1 (Cash Payment Entry)
to release the payment for processing by AP170 (Payment Closing). The total
invoice amount applied must equal the manual payment amount before you can
release the applied payment.

Updated Files

    APHLDINV   -

    APINVOICE  - Used to edit pay vendor.

    APMONITOR  - This program adds accounts payable monitor records when a
                 split invoice payment record is changed and has been scheduled
                 by AP150 (Cash Requirements).

    APPAYMENT  - This program changes split invoice payment records.

    APVENBAL   - Not used.

    CBBANKENT  - Validates bank and updates used flag.

    CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.

    CBCHECK    - This program changes payment records.

    CBCPYCASH  - Validates company-cash code relationship and updates used flag.

Referenced Files

    APCOMPANY  - Used to edit the company number.

    APHLDINV   -


    APUSER     -


    APVENGROUP - Used to edit the vendor group.

    APVENMAST  - Used to edit the vendor number. The search name is used on
                 split invoice payment records.

    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.

    GLADDRESS  - Used in the general ledger common routines.

    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used in the general ledger common routines.

INVOKED Programs
