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                             EEADVANCE FILE

                            Employee Advance

The Employee Advance file contains employee advance records created in the
Lawson Employee Expense system.


AP125     AP126     AP131     AP150     AP155     AP160
AP20.1    AP20.2    AP20.3    AP20.4    AP20.5    AP20.7
AP23.1    AP230     AP240     AP245     AP25.1    AP25.2
AP250     AP26.1    AP27.1    AP32.1    AP520     API1.1
API2.1    API3.1    API4.1    AR48.3    EE220     EE90.1
EEI1.1    IC28.1    IC840     MA180     MA41.2    MA43.2
MA43.9    MA530     MA531     MA540     MA60.2    MA60.3
MA60.5    MA61.1    MA66.3    MA67.1    MA67.2    MA70.1
MAI1.1    PO100     PO101     PO122     PO131     PO20.1
PO21.2    PO21.3    PO21.4    PO21.5    PO22.1    PO23.1
PO29.1    PO30.1    PO30.2    PO30.3    PO300     PO31.1
PO31.2    PO32.2    PO33.1    PO34.1    PO35.1    PO38.1
PO39.1    PO39.2    PO44.1    PO50.1    PO52.1    PO520
POI3.1    POIE.1    POII.1    POIJ.1    RQ10.1    RQ10.2
WH20.2    WH20.7    AP55.1    EE230     EE235


AP30.4    AP300     AP305     EE135     EE20.1    EE35.1
EE35.2    EE520


EEA-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   EE20.1
Company              The company number. Must be a valid
                     record in the Accounts Payable Company

EEA-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  EE20.1
Vendor ID            The employee number. Must be a valid
                     vendor record in the Accounts Payable
                     Vendor file.

EEA-ADVANCE-NBR      Alpha 10                                    EE20.1
Advance Number       A unique number assigned to the
                     employee advance.

EEA-ADV-DESC         Alpha 30                                    EE20.1
Description          The description of the advance.

EEA-REC-STATUS       Numeric 1                                   EE135   EE20.1
Record Status        The record status of the advance. Valid     EE35.1  EE35.2
                     values are:                                 EE520

                     0 = Unreleased.
                     1 = Released.

EEA-APPROVAL-CODE    Alpha 3                                     EE20.1  EE35.1
Approval Code        The approval code assigned to the
                     employee advance. Used for approving
                     advances and expenses before they can be
                     released to the Accounts Payable system.
                     Must be a valid record in the Approval
                     Code file.

EEA-PROC-LEVEL       Alpha 5                                     EE20.1
Process Level        The process level assigned to the
                     employee advance. Must be a valid record
                     in the Accounts Payable Process Level

EEA-TRAN-ADV-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 EE20.1
Transaction Advance  The amount of the employee advance.
Amount               Must be entered in company base
                     currency. This field contains the same
                     value as the Base Advance Amount field.

EEA-TRAN-ND          Numeric 1                                   EE20.1
Transaction Number   The number of decimal positions defined
of Decimals          for the currency of the advance.

EEA-BASE-ADV-AMT     Signed 15.2                                 EE20.1
Base Currency        The amount of the employee advance in
Advance Amount       the company base currency.

EEA-ADV-CURRENCY     Alpha 5                                     EE20.1
Transaction Currency The currency of the employee advance.
                     Defaults the company base currency. Must
                     be a valid record in the Currency Code

EEA-CURR-RATE        Signed 13.6                                 EE20.1
Currency Rate        The exchange rate used to convert the
                     transaction advance amount to the
                     company base currency.

EEA-CURR-EFF-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Currency Effective   The effective date for the currency
Date                 exchange rate.

EEA-ADVANCE-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       EE20.1
Advance Date         The date the employee advance was
                     authorized. Used when updating the
                     employee's balance (vendor balance).

EEA-CASH-CODE        Alpha 4                                     EE20.1
Cash Code            The cash code assigned to the employee
                     advance. Represents the bank account the
                     advance is paid from. Must be a valid
                     record in the Cash Code file.

EEA-ACCR-CODE        Alpha 4                                     EE20.1
Invoice Accrual Code The invoice accrual code assigned to
                     the employee advance. Used to default a
                     general ledger accrual account to the
                     advance. Must be a valid record in the
                     Invoice Accrual Code file.

EEA-HLD-CODE         Alpha 4                                     EE20.1  EE35.1
Hold Code            The hold code assigned to the employee
                     advance, if assigned. Used to prevent
                     the advance from being scheduled for
                     payment in the Lawson Accounts Payable
                     system. Must be a valid invoice hold
                     code record in the Hold Code file.

EEA-HOLD-TYPE        Alpha 1                                     EE20.1  EE35.1
Hold Type            Indicates the type of invoice hold code
                     assigned to the employee advance. Valid
                     values are:

                     T = Temporary. Upon release to Accounts
                     Payable, the advance will be held for
                     only one payment cycle. AP170 (Payment
                     Closing) removes the hold code from the
                     advance record.

                     P = Permanent. Upon release to Accounts
                     Payable, the advance will be held until
                     you remove the hold code from the
                     advance record.

                     Blank. A hold code is not assigned to
                     the employee advance.

EEA-REL-FOR-PMT      Alpha 1                                     EE20.1  EE35.1
Release For Payment  Indicates whether the advance can be
                     released to Accounts Payable. Valid
                     values are:

                     Y = Yes.
                     N = No.

EEA-TRANS-NBR        Alpha 10  (Right Justified)                 EE20.1
Payment Number       The payment number assigned to the
                     employee advance if paid with a manual
                     payment. This field is zero for an
                     advance payment issued with a system
                     payment in Accounts Payable.

EEA-BANK-INST-CODE   Alpha 3                                     EE20.1
Cash Payment         The payment code assigned to the
Transaction Code     employee advance. Represents a type of
                     cash payment. Must be a valid cash
                     payment type bank transaction code
                     record in the Bank Transaction Code

EEA-CHECK-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       EE20.1
Payment Date         The date assigned to the manual
                     payment. This date is assigned to
                     general ledger transactions created for
                     the payment.

EEA-CHECK-AMT        Signed 15.2                                 EE20.1
Payment Amount       The manual payment amount issued for
                     the employee advance. Defaults the
                     company base currency advance amount.

EEA-TRANS-IDENT      Numeric 10                                  EE20.1
Transaction ID       A unique system-generated
                     identification value assigned to the
                     transaction to make this record unique.

EEA-APPROVED-FLAG    Alpha 1                                     EE20.1
Approved             Indicates whether the invoice is
                     approved for payment.

EEA-REMIT-TO-CODE    Alpha 4                                     EE20.1
Remit To Location    A user-defined code that represents a
Code                 vendor's remittance address.

Journal Book         The journal book assigned to the

EEA-PAY-GROUP        Alpha 4                                     EE20.1
Pay Group            The pay group associated with the
                     employee advance. Must be a valid record
                     in the Pay Group file.

EEA-CREATE-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       EE20.1
Creation Date        The creation date.

EEA-AP-STATUS        Derived
AP Record Status     The record status of the employee
                     advance in the Lawson Accounts Payable
                     system. Used when matching paid advances
                     to expenses. Valid values are:

                     1 = Released.
                     9 = Historical.
                     Blank. Not released to Accounts Payable.

                         EEADVANCE FILE INDEX


EEASET1   COMPANY       This index is used to access employee    AP125   AP126
          VENDOR        advance records for a specific employee  AP131   AP150
          ADVANCE-NBR   and company.                             AP155   AP160
                                                                 AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP230
                                                                 AP240   AP245
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP250   AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.4
                                                                 AP300   AP305
                                                                 AP32.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 API3.1  API4.1

EEASET2   COMPANY       This index is used to access unreleased  AP55.1  EE20.1
          REC-STATUS    advance records for an employee.         EE230
          VENDOR        KeyChange

EEASET3   COMPANY       This index is used to access unreleased  EE135   EE220
          APPROVAL-CODE employee advance records for a specific  EE235   EE35.1
          VENDOR        approval code.
          ADVANCE-NBR   KeyChange, Subset
                        Where (REC-STATUS = Zeroes )

                         EEADVANCE FILE RELATIONS



Apcompany      APCOMPANY    Required

                            EEA-COMPANY           -> CPY-COMPANY

Apinvoice1     APINVOICE    Not Required

                            EEA-COMPANY           -> API-COMPANY
                            EEA-VENDOR            -> API-VENDOR
                            EEA-ADVANCE-NBR       -> API-INVOICE
                            Zeroes                -> API-SUFFIX
                            Zeroes                -> API-CANCEL-SEQ

Apinvoice2     APINVOICE    Not Required

                            EEA-COMPANY           -> API-COMPANY
                            EEA-VENDOR            -> API-VENDOR
                            EEA-ADVANCE-NBR       -> API-INVOICE
                            1                     -> API-SUFFIX
                            Zeroes                -> API-CANCEL-SEQ

Appayment1     APPAYMENT    Required

                            EEA-COMPANY           -> APP-COMPANY
                            EEA-VENDOR            -> APP-VENDOR
                            EEA-ADVANCE-NBR       -> APP-INVOICE
                            Zeroes                -> APP-SUFFIX
                            Zeroes                -> APP-CANCEL-SEQ
                            1                     -> APP-SEQ-NBR
                            Zeroes                -> APP-VOID-SEQ

Appayment2     APPAYMENT    Not Required

                            EEA-COMPANY           -> APP-COMPANY
                            EEA-VENDOR            -> APP-VENDOR
                            EEA-ADVANCE-NBR       -> APP-INVOICE
                            1                     -> APP-SUFFIX
                            Zeroes                -> APP-CANCEL-SEQ
                            1                     -> APP-SEQ-NBR
                            Zeroes                -> APP-VOID-SEQ

Apvenmast      APVENMAST    Required

                            CPY-VENDOR-GROUP      -> VEN-VENDOR-GROUP
                            EEA-VENDOR            -> VEN-VENDOR

Cbcheck1       CBCHECK      Not Required
                            Valid When EEA-             = EEA-
                                  And  EEA-TRAN-INV-AMT = EEA-TRAN-PAID-AMT

                            APP-CASH-CODE         -> CHK-CASH-CODE
                            APP-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CHK-BANK-INST-CODE
                            APP-TRANS-IDENT       -> CHK-TRANS-IDENT

Cbcheck2       CBCHECK      Not Required

                            APP-CASH-CODE         -> CHK-CASH-CODE
                            APP-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CHK-BANK-INST-CODE
                            APP-TRANS-IDENT       -> CHK-TRANS-IDENT

Cbtrans1       CBTRANS      Not Required

                            APP-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CBT-BANK-INST-CODE
                            APP-TRANS-IDENT       -> CBT-TRANS-IDENT

Cbtrans2       CBTRANS      Not Required

                            APP-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CBT-BANK-INST-CODE
                            APP-TRANS-IDENT       -> CBT-TRANS-IDENT

Eeapproval     EEAPPROVAL   Required

                            EEA-COMPANY           -> EAP-COMPANY
                            EEA-APPROVAL-CODE     -> EAP-APPROVAL-CODE

Glsystem       GLSYSTEM     Required

                            EEA-COMPANY           -> GLS-COMPANY

                         EEADVANCE FILE RELATIONS



Eematching     EEMATCHING

                            EEA-COMPANY           -> EEM-COMPANY
                            EEA-VENDOR            -> EEM-VENDOR
                            EEA-ADVANCE-NBR       -> EEM-ADVANCE-NBR