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                              CBTRANS FILE

                            Bank Transaction

The Bank Transaction file contains Cash Ledger bank transaction records.


CB175     CB221     AP195     CB220     CB260     CB90.4


AP170     AP180     AP181     AP190     AP255     AP265
AP81.1    AP90.5    AR115     AR124     AR20.1    AR21.1
AR21.2    AR21.3    AR24.1    AR30.1    AR30.2    AR30.4
AR570     AR575     AR580     AR82.1    CB06.2    CB10.1
CB15.1    CB15.2    CB180     CB185     CB190     CB191
CB20.1    CB25.1    CB30.1    CB300     CB500     CB80.1
DT180     DT181     DT185     DT92.1


CBT-CASH-CODE        Alpha 4                                     AP170   AP180
Cash Code            The cash code. Represents a bank            AP181   AP190
                     account. Must be a valid record in the      AP255   AP265
                     Cash Code file.                             AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-BANK-INST-CODE   Alpha 3                                     AP170   AP180
Transaction Code     The bank transaction code. Represents a     AP181   AP190
                     type of cash payment, bill of exchange      AP255   AP265
                     payment, or bank service. Must be a         AP81.1  AP90.5
                     valid record in the Bank Transaction        AR115   AR124
                     Code file.                                  AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-TRANS-NBR        Alpha 10  (Right Justified)                 AP170   AP180
Transaction Number   A unique number used to identify the        AP181   AP190
                     bank transaction.                           AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-SUFFIX           Numeric 3                                   AP170   AP180
Transaction Suffix   The transaction suffix number.              AP181   AP190
                     Represents the occurrence value of the      AP255   AP265
                     transaction.                                AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-BANK-INST-TYPE   Alpha 1                                     AP170   AP180
Transaction Code     Indicates the type of bank transaction      AP181   AP190
Type                 (based on the transaction code assigned     AP255   AP265
                     to the transaction). Valid values are:      AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                     C = Cash Payment Transaction.               AR20.1  AR21.1
                     D = Bill of Exchange Payment                AR21.2  AR21.3
                     Transaction.                                AR24.1  AR30.1
                     B = Bank Service Transaction.               AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-SOURCE-CODE      Alpha 2                                     AP170   AP180
Source Code          Identifies where the transaction was        AP181   AP190
                     created. Valid values are:                  AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                     AP = Accounts Payable.                      AR115   AR124
                     AR = Accounts Receivable.                   AR20.1  AR21.1
                     CB = Cash Ledger.                           AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   AP170   AP180
Company              The company number that initiated the       AP181   AP190
                     bank transaction. Must be a valid record    AP255   AP265
                     in the General Ledger Company file and a    AP81.1  AP90.5
                     valid relationship record must exist in     AR115   AR124
                     the Company-Cash Code Relationship file.    AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AP170   AP180
Vendor ID            If the Source Code field = AP, this         AP181   AP190
                     field contains the accounts payable         AP255   AP265
                     vendor number associated with the bank      AP81.1  AP90.5
                     transaction. Must be a valid record in      AR115   AR124
                     the Accounts Payable Vendor file.           AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-CUSTOMER         Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AP170   AP180
Customer Number      If the Source Code field = AR, this         AP181   AP190
                     field contains the accounts receivable      AP255   AP265
                     customer number associated with the bank    AP81.1  AP90.5
                     transaction. Must be a valid record in      AR115   AR124
                     the AR Company Customer file.               AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-EMPLOYEE         Numeric 9                                   AP170   AP180
Employee             The employee number associated with the     AP181   AP190
                     bank transaction. THIS FIELD IS NOT         AP255   AP265
                     CURRENTLY USED.                             AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-TRANS-IDENT      Numeric 10                                  AP170   AP180
Transaction ID       A unique system-generated                   AP181   AP190
                     identification value assigned to the        AP255   AP265
                     transaction to make this record unique.     AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-PROC-LEVEL       Alpha 5                                     AP170   AP180
Process Level        The process level associated with the       AP181   AP190
                     bank transaction. If the Source Code        AP255   AP265
                     field = AP, must be a valid record in       AP81.1  AP90.5
                     the Accounts Payable Process Level file.    AR115   AR124
                     If the Source Code field = AR, must be a    AR20.1  AR21.1
                     valid record in the Accounts Receivable     AR21.2  AR21.3
                     Process Level file. If the Source Code      AR24.1  AR30.1
                     field = CB, this field may be blank or      AR30.2  AR30.4
                     must be a valid record in the Cash          AR570   AR575
                     Deposit Process Level file.                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-ISSUE-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP170   AP180
Issued Date          The date of the transaction.                AP181   AP190
                                                                 AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-RECON-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP170   AP180
Reconciliation or    Represents the date the transaction         AP181   AP190
Void Date            cleared the bank or was voided.             AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-ISSUE-BNK-AMT    Signed 15.2                                 AP170   AP180
Acct Currency        The amount of the transaction in the        AP181   AP190
Issued Amt           currency of the bank account.               AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-ISSUE-BASE-AMT   Signed 15.2                                 AP170   AP180
Base Currency        The amount of the transaction in the        AP181   AP190
Issued Amt           base currency of the company responsible    AP255   AP265
                     for generating the transaction.             AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-RECON-BNK-AMT    Signed 15.2                                 AP170   AP180
Acct Currency        The amount of the transaction               AP181   AP190
Reconciled Amt       recognized by the bank in the currency      AP255   AP265
                     of the bank account.                        AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-RECON-BASE-AMT   Signed 15.2                                 AP170   AP180
Base Currency        The amount of the transaction               AP181   AP190
Reconciled Amt       recognized by the bank in the currency      AP255   AP265
                     of the company responsible for              AP81.1  AP90.5
                     generating the transaction.                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-TRAN-ND          Numeric 1                                   AP170   AP180
Transaction Number   The number of decimal places defined        AP181   AP190
of Decimals          for the bank account currency.              AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   AP170   AP180
Base Number Of       The number of decimal places defined        AP181   AP190
Decimals             for the currency of the company             AP255   AP265
                     responsible for generating the              AP81.1  AP90.5
                     transaction.                                AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-BNK-TRANS-SIGN   Alpha 2                                     AP170   AP180
Banking Transaction  Indicates the type of bank transaction.     AP181   AP190
Type                 Valid values are:                           AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                     CR = Bank Credit.                           AR115   AR124
                     DR = Bank Debit.                            AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-ORIG-CNV-RATE    Signed 12.6                                 AP170   AP180
Exchange Rate        The exchange used to convert                AP181   AP190
                     transaction amounts from the bank           AP255   AP265
                     account currency to the company base        AP81.1  AP90.5
                     currency. This is the rate in effect at     AR115   AR124
                     the time the transaction was created or     AR20.1  AR21.1
                     entered.                                    AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-RECON-CNV-RATE   Signed 12.6                                 AP170   AP180
Reconciled Exchange  The exchange used to convert                AP181   AP190
Rate                 transaction amounts from the bank           AP255   AP265
                     account currency to the company base        AP81.1  AP90.5
                     currency. This is the rate in effect at     AR115   AR124
                     the time the transaction was reconciled.    AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-ISSUE-TRAN-AMT   Signed 15.2                                 AP170   AP180
Trans Currency       The amount of the transaction in the        AP181   AP190
Issued Amount        currency of the transaction.                AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-BNK-CNV-RATE     Signed 12.6                                 AP170   AP180
Bank Currency        The exchange rate used to convert the       AP181   AP190
Exchange Rate        transaction currency to the bank account    AP255   AP265
                     currency.                                   AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-BANK-ND          Numeric 1                                   AP170   AP180
Bank Currency Nbr    The number of decimal places defined for    AP181   AP190
of Decimals          the bank account currency.                  AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     AP170   AP180
Transaction Currency The currency of the transaction. Must be    AP181   AP190
                     a valid record in the Currency Codes        AP255   AP265
                     file.                                       AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AP170   AP180
Description          The description of the transaction.         AP181   AP190
                                                                 AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-REFERENCE        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      AP170   AP180
Reference            The reference value assigned to the         AP181   AP190
                     transaction. Used for informational         AP255   AP265
                     purposes.                                   AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-PERIOD-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP170   AP180
Period Date          The ending date of the bank statement       AP181   AP190
                     period the transaction was reconciled       AP255   AP265
                     in.                                         AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-LAST-DIST-SEQ    Numeric 4                                   AP170   AP180
Last Distribution    The last system-assigned sequence           AP181   AP190
Sequence Nbr         number assigned to distributions for a      AP255   AP265
                     cash ledger transaction.                    AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-REC-STATUS       Numeric 1                                   AP170   AP180
Record Status        The status of the transaction in the        AP181   AP190
                     Lawson Cash Ledger system. Valid values     AP255   AP265
                     are:                                        AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                     0 = Unreleased.                             AR20.1  AR21.1
                     1 = Open.                                   AR21.2  AR21.3
                     2 = Reconciled.                             AR24.1  AR30.1
                     3 = Voided.                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                     4 = Stop Payment.                           AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-REINSTATE-FL     Alpha 1                                     AP170   AP180
Invoice Reinstated   If Source Code = AP, indicates whether      AP181   AP190
                     invoices associated with a voided cash      AP255   AP265
                     payment have been reinstated by AP190       AP81.1  AP90.5
                     (Invoice Reinstatement). If Source Code     AR115   AR124
                     = CB, indicates whether the voided          AR20.1  AR21.1
                     transaction has been updated by CB180       AR21.2  AR21.3
                     (Cash Ledger Void Update). Valid values     AR24.1  AR30.1
                     are:                                        AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                     N = No.                                     AR580   AR82.1
                     Y = Yes.                                    CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-PRINT-STATUS     Alpha 1                                     AP170   AP180
Print Status         Indicates whether the transaction has       AP181   AP190
                     been updated as reported on by the bank     AP255   AP265
                     transaction reconciliation. Valid values    AP81.1  AP90.5
                     are:                                        AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                     N = No.                                     AR21.2  AR21.3
                     Y = Yes.                                    AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-DIST-APPLIED     Signed 15.2                                 AP170   AP180
Distribution Applied The total distribution amount applied       AP181   AP190
                     to the transaction in the currency of       AP255   AP265
                     the bank account. If the Source Code        AP81.1  AP90.5
                     field = CB, the transaction cannot be       AR115   AR124
                     released until the total distribution       AR20.1  AR21.1
                     amount equals the transaction amount.       AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-BASE-APPLIED     Signed 15.2                                 AP170   AP180
Base Applied Amount  The total distribution amount applied       AP181   AP190
                     to the transaction in the currency of       AP255   AP265
                     the company responsible for generating      AP81.1  AP90.5
                     the transaction. This field is used to      AR115   AR124
                     balance the transactions distribution       AR20.1  AR21.1
                     base amounts when the transaction amount    AR21.2  AR21.3
                     is in balance.                              AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-DIST-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AP170   AP180
Posting Date         The date used for posting the               AP181   AP190
                     transaction to the general ledger.          AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-SERIAL-NUM       Numeric 8                                   AP170   AP180
Payment Run Serial   A system-generated number used to group     AP181   AP190
Number               tape payment transactions.                  AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-SUMMARY-OPTION   Alpha 1                                     AP170   AP180
Summary Option       Indicates whether the transaction is a      AP181   AP190
                     summarized tape payment record. Valid       AP255   AP265
                     values are:                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                     Y = Yes.                                    AR20.1  AR21.1
                     Blank = Not a summarized tape payment       AR21.2  AR21.3
                     record.                                     AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-REC-TYPE         Alpha 1                                     AP170   AP180
Record Type          Identifies the type of bank transaction     AP181   AP190
                     record. Valid values are:                   AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                     R = Cash Receipt Entry.                     AR115   AR124
                     T = Fund Transfer Header.                   AR20.1  AR21.1
                     D = Fund Transfer Detail.                   AR21.2  AR21.3
                     Blank = None of the above.                  AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-PAY-GROUP        Alpha 4                                     AP170   AP180
Pay Group            The pay group associated with the           AP181   AP190
                     transaction. Used only if the Source        AP255   AP265
                     Code field = AP. Must be a valid record     AP81.1  AP90.5
                     in the Pay Group file.                      AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-JRNL-BOOK-NBR    Alpha 12                                    AP170   AP180
Journal Book         The journal book assigned to the            AP181   AP190
                     transaction.                                AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-RECON-STMT-NBR   Numeric 12                                  AP170   AP180
Reconciliation       The bank-assigned reconciliation            AP181   AP190
Statement            statement number. Used only for cash        AP255   AP265
                     codes that require reconciliation           AP81.1  AP90.5
                     statements.                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-STMT-STATUS      Numeric 1                                   AP170   AP180
Statement Status     The status of the reconciliation            AP181   AP190
                     statement associated with the               AP255   AP265
                     transaction. Used only for transactions     AP81.1  AP90.5
                     for a cash code that requires               AR115   AR124
                     reconciliation statements. Valid values     AR20.1  AR21.1
                     are:                                        AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                     1 = Open.                                   AR30.2  AR30.4
                     9 = Closed.                                 AR570   AR575
                     Blank = Reconciliation statements not       AR580   AR82.1
                     required.                                   CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-BANK-SIGN        Derived
GL Transaction Type  Indicates whether the transaction
                     represents a bank debit or a bank

Report Issued Amount The issued amount of the transaction
                     stated as positive or negative.

Report Reconciled    The reconciled amount of the
Amount               transaction stated as positive or

Drill Down Status    The status of the transaction. Used for
                     drill down display purposes.

Reconciliation       The amount posted to the general ledger
Variance             reconciliation variance account for the

CBT-SHORT-PAYEE      Derived
Short Payee          A short vendor name for payments
                     generated by Accounts Payable.

CBT-JBK-SEQ-NBR      Numeric 10                                  AP170   AP180
Journal Book         The journal book sequence number            AP181   AP190
Sequence Number      assigned to a journal book transaction      AP255   AP265
                     when it is added or interfaced to the       AP81.1  AP90.5
                     Lawson system. Used only when  Auto         AR115   AR124
                     Journal Book Seq Nbr is set to Yes in       AR20.1  AR21.1
                     GL10.1 (Company).                           AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

CBT-SOURCE           Alpha 1                                     AP170   AP180
Source               The source of the transaction. Input or     AP181   AP190
                     output.  Input transactions are Accounts    AP255   AP265
                     Payable. Output transactions are            AP81.1  AP90.5
                     Accounts Receivable.                        AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191
                                                                 CB20.1  CB25.1
                                                                 CB30.1  CB500
                                                                 CB80.1  DT180
                                                                 DT181   DT185

                         CBTRANS FILE INDEX


CBTSET1   BANK-INST-CODEThis index is used to keep bank          AP170   AP180
          TRANS-IDENT   transaction records unique by using a    AP181   AP190
                        system generated identification number.  AP255   AP265
                                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB175   CB180
                                                                 CB185   CB190

CBTSET2   CASH-CODE     This index is used to group bank
          PERIOD-DATE   transaction records for a bank
          BANK-INST-CODEreconciliation period.
          TRANS-NBR     KeyChange

CBTSET3   CASH-CODE     This index is used to group bank         CB221   CB300
          BANK-INST-CODEtransaction records by cash code (bank
          SOURCE-CODE   account).
          TRANS-NBR     KeyChange

CBTSET4   BANK-INST-CODEThis index is used to access only        AP170   AP180
          SERIAL-NUM    summarized electronic media bank         AP181   AP190
          TRANS-IDENT   transactions from Accounts Payable.      AP255   AP265
                        KeyChange, Subset                        AP81.1  AP90.5
                        Where SERIAL-NUM != Zeroes               AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191

CBTSET5   REC-STATUS    This index is used to group and          AP190   AP195
          COMPANY       sequence bank transaction records by     CB180
          CASH-CODE     status.

CBTSET6   CASH-CODE     This index is used to edit for a         AP170   AP180
          BANK-INST-CODEduplicate bank transaction.              AP181   AP190
          TRANS-NBR     KeyChange                                AP255   AP265
          SUFFIX                                                 AP81.1  AP90.5
          TRANS-IDENT                                            AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR20.1  AR21.1
                                                                 AR21.2  AR21.3
                                                                 AR24.1  AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.4
                                                                 AR570   AR575
                                                                 AR580   AR82.1
                                                                 CB06.2  CB10.1
                                                                 CB15.1  CB15.2
                                                                 CB180   CB185
                                                                 CB190   CB191

CBTSET7   CASH-CODE     This index is used to sequence bank
          ISSUE-DATE*   transaction records for a cash code
          BANK-INST-CODE(bank account) by issue date.
          SOURCE-CODE   KeyChange

CBTSET8   COMPANY       This index is used to group bank
          BANK-INST-CODEtransaction records by originating
          TRANS-NBR     company.
          SUFFIX        KeyChange

                         CBTRANS FILE RELATIONS



Apdrafts       APDRAFTS     Required
                            When CBT-BANK-INST-TYPE = "D"

                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> APT-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> APT-TRANS-IDENT

Aphset4        ARPYMNTHDR   Not Required

                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> APH-DEP-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> APH-TRANS-IDENT

Aphset5        ARPYMNTHDR   Not Required

                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> APH-ADJ-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> APH-ADJ-TRANS-IDNT

Arrtm          ARRTM        Not Required

                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> RTM-RTM-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> RTM-TRANS-IDENT

Cbadjust       CBADJUST     Not Required

                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CBJ-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> CBJ-TRANS-IDENT

Cbbalance      CBBALANCE    Not Required

                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CBB-CASH-CODE
                            CBT-PERIOD-DATE       -> CBB-PER-END-DATE

Cbbankent      CBBANKENT    Required

                            CBC-BANK-ENTITY       -> CBE-BANK-ENTITY

Cbbankinst     CBBANKINST   Required

                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CBI-BANK-INST-CODE

Cbcashcode     CBCASHCODE   Required

                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CBC-CASH-CODE

Cbcpycash      CBCPYCASH    Required

                            CBT-COMPANY           -> CBY-COMPANY
                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CBY-CASH-CODE

Cbrecpthdr     CBRECPTHDR   Not Required, Delete Cascades
                            Valid When CBT-SOURCE-CODE = "CB"
                                  And  CBT-REC-TYPE    = "R"

                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CBP-CASH-CODE
                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CBP-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-NBR         -> CBP-TRANS-NBR

Cbtrfhdr       CBTRFHDR     Not Required
                            Valid When CBT-SOURCE-CODE = "CB"
                                  And  CBT-REC-TYPE    = "T"

                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CBH-CASH-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-NBR         -> CBH-TRANSFER-NBR

Dtcashing      DTCASHING    Not Required

                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> DTS-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> DTS-TRANS-IDENT

Dtremit        DTREMIT      Not Required

                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> DRM-DEP-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> DRM-TRANS-IDENT

Glsystem       GLSYSTEM     Required

                            CBT-COMPANY           -> GLS-COMPANY

                         CBTRANS FILE RELATIONS



Apapphist      APAPPHIST

                            CBT-PAY-GROUP         -> AH3-PAY-GROUP
                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> AH3-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> AH3-TRANS-IDENT

Appayment      APPAYMENT

                            CBT-PAY-GROUP         -> APP-PAY-GROUP
                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> APP-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> APP-TRANS-IDENT

Cbcheck Summ   CBCHECK

                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CHK-CASH-CODE
                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CHK-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-SERIAL-NUM        -> CHK-SERIAL-NUM

Cbdistrib      CBDISTRIB

                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CBD-CASH-CODE
                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CBD-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-IDENT       -> CBD-TRANS-IDENT

Cbrecptdtl     CBRECPTDTL

                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CBA-CASH-CODE
                            CBT-BANK-INST-CODE    -> CBA-BANK-INST-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-NBR         -> CBA-TRANS-NBR

Cbtrfdtl       CBTRFDTL

                            CBT-CASH-CODE         -> CBL-DTL-CASH-CODE
                            CBT-TRANS-NBR         -> CBL-TRANSFER-NBR