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DT181 - Bank Presentation Cashing Update with Remit Control

**Form Purpose
Run Bank Presentation Cashing Update with Remit Control (DT181) to create
general ledger  distribution records for remittance activity that has occurred
since the last  time DT181 was run

You can use this program only if your company uses remittance control.

**Processing Effect
DT181 automatically processes all the Presented bills of exchange produced by
DT161 or DT70.1 for a specific date and cash code and changes the status of
the obligations applied to those bills of exchange to Historical.

**More Information
If any bill of exchange has any bank or administrative expense associated
with it, you need to first use DT80.1 (Bill of Exchange Cashing Selection) to
enter the expense information.  With remittance control, you can only enter
summary bank expense information, not information for individual BOEs.

Updated Files

    ARCUSTOMER - Updates last payment amount and date.

    ARCUSTPER  - Updates period paid totals.

    ARDISTRIB  - Creates distributions for general ledger posting.

    ARDRAFTS   - Updates bill of exchange status to cashed and set general
                 ledger update flag.

    AROIHDR    - Updates invoice header information.

    AROITEMS   - Updates status of open items to fully applied.

    AROPIVOT   -

    ARSUMMARY  - Updates summary of bill of exchange to cashed.

    ARXIND     -

    CBBANKENT  - Updates used flag of bank in API called by program.

    CBBANKINST - Updates used flag of payment code in API called by program.

    CBCASHCODE - Updates used flag of cash code in API called by program.

    CBCPYCASH  - Updates used flag at company cash code level in API called by

    CBDISTRIB  - Creates records for posting to General Ledger.

    CBTRANS    - Primary file updated by program.

    CKPOINT    - Updates file to determine the program restarting point.

    CUSTDESC   - Updates file in API called by program. Not used in DT181.

    DTCASHING  - Updates general ledger update flag.

    DTREMIT    - Updates status of remittance.

    JBOOKHDR   - Validates the journal books.

    NATBALANCE - Updates bill of exchange balance at national account level.

    TXCODEMAST - Updates the tax code and tax type to be used.

    TXCOMPANY  - Validates the tax company.

    TXTAXCODE  - Validates the tax code.

    TXTAXTABLE - Updates the tax table information applicable to the

    TXTAXTRAN  - Updates the tax transaction records.

Referenced Files

    APACCRCODE - Validates Accounts payable accrual codes.

    APCOMPANY  - Validates Accounts Payable company.

    APVENGROUP - Validates vendor group information.

    ARAPPLIED  - Referenced to change status of open transactions.

    ARCODE     - Validates accounts receivable code.

    ARCOMP     - Validates AR company.

    ARPROCLEVL - Validates the process level.

    ARREASON   - Validates adjustment reason code.

    CBADJUST   - Checks if adjustment record exists.

    CBBALANCE  - Validates cash code to check for balance.


    CBSTMTDTL  - Validates bank statement detail information.

    CBUSER     - Validates user access to cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates userclass access to cash code.

    CUACCT     - Validates currency account.

    CUCONV     - Provides currency conversion.

    CURELAT    -

    DTCREDIT   -

    GLADDRESS  - Validates general ledger company address.

    GLCHART    - Validates company chart of account information.

    GLCODES    - Validates General Ledger codes.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates Genral Ledger company.

    JBKOPCODE  - Validates journal book operator code.

    JBKSYSCODE - Validates journal book system codes.

    NATACCT    - Validates national account relationship.

    TXTAXRATE  - Maintains tax rates for tax codes used.

INVOKED Programs
