AP81.1 - Manual Forms Reservation
**Form Purpose
Use Manual Forms Reservation (AP81.1) to reserve payment numbers for manual
cash payments. The reservation process is required only for payment codes that
require manual payment reservation. The payment reservation process prevents
duplicate system and manual payment numbers from being issued. You can
unreserve a manual payment number as long as you have not applied an invoice
to it.
You can also use AP81.1 to void payment numbers that have never been issued
for payment, such as a damaged payment form.
Updated Files
CBBANKENT - Validates bank and updates used flag.
CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.
CBCHECK - Creates payment records.
CBCPYCASH - Validates company-cash code relationship and updates used flag.
CBDISTRIB - Used by bank transaction common routine.
CBTRANS - Used in bank transaction common routine; records are added as
a voided status.
Referenced Files
CBADJUST - Used in bank transaction common routine.
CBBALANCE - Used in bank transaction common routine.
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.
GLADDRESS - Used in general ledger common routine.
GLCODES - Used in general ledger common routine.
GLSYSTEM - Used in general ledger common routine.
INVOKED Programs