Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PO16.1 - Bid

**Form Purpose
Use Bid (PO16.1) to:

- Add small bid requests when the bid items are known and running the Bid
Creation batch program to create the bid would not make sense.

- Enter vendor bid responses that have been received via mail or fax.

- Maintain bid responses or catalog prices that have been entered into the
bid system by any means. Maintenance may need to be done because the vendor
has not provided enough data to load the bid item to a quote or contract line.
Vendor units of measure may need to be corrected, for instance. The program
can also be used to maintain an update flag, which gives you the ability to
keep certain items from being loaded to quotes or contract lines.

**More Information
The Mimic field allows you to add bids or bid responses by copying all of the
detail lines (not just those displayed) from an existing bid. This process is
started by inquiring on an existing bid (the bid must not have a vendor number
associated with it). Then enter a Y in the Mimic field, select the vendor for
the new bid or bid response, and add the bid or bid response.

Updated Files

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.

    ITEMLOC    - Used to validate Inventory Control item location for inventory

    POBID      - Used to create bid records.

    POBIDITEM  - Used to create bid item records.

Referenced Files

    APCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Accounts Payable company.

    APVENGROUP - Used to validate vendor group or to default vendor group.

    APVENLOC   - Used to validate and default Accounts Payable vendor location

    APVENMAST  - Used to validate the vendor ID and obtain vendor display

    GLCODES    -

    ICBIN      -


    ICVALUOM   - Used to validate item unit of measure.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate item and to obtain item descriptive

    ITEMSRC    -

    POCOMPANY  - Used to validate the purchase order company information.

    POITEMVEN  - Used to validate and obtain vendor item information.

    POLINE     - Used to update the purchase order line record.


    PURCHORDER - Used to validate and default purchase order information.

PO16.2 - Bid Response

**Form Purpose
Use Bid Response (PO16.2) to maintain bid responses that have been entered
into the bid system by any means. Maintenance may need to be done because the
vendor has not provided enough data to load the bid item to a quote or
contract line. Vendor units of measure may need to be corrected, for instance.

The program can also be used to maintain an update flag, which gives you the
ability to keep certain items from being loaded to quotes or contract lines.
Bid items are listed in manufacturer number sequence, to match the sequence of
the Bid Analysis report.

Updated Files

    POBID      - Used to create bid records.

    POBIDITEM  - Used to create bid item records.

Referenced Files

    APVENGROUP - Used to validate vendor group or to default vendor group.

    APVENLOC   - Used to validate and default Accounts Payable vendor location

    APVENMAST  - Used to validate the vendor ID and obtain vendor display

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.

    ICVALUOM   - Used to validate item unit of measure.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate item and to obtain item descriptive

    POCOMPANY  - Used to validate the purchase order company information.

    POITEMVEN  - Used to validate and obtain vendor item information.

    POLINE     - Used to update the purchase order line record.


    PURCHORDER - Used to validate and default purchase order information.

INVOKED Programs
