Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                              APUAVAL FILE

This file stores the user analysis values defined for transactions. The
values represent information your organization can use to measure
profitability. Data is written to this file as you create items. You must run
the posting program to interface the information to Strategic Ledger. For
additional information on user analysis values, see the Strategic Ledger
Procedures Manual.


AP131     AP175     AP220     AR48.3    IC28.1    MA180
MA530     MA531     MA60.2    MA60.3    MA60.5    MA67.1
MA67.2    MA70.1    MAED.1    PO100     PO101     PO122
PO131     PO20.1    PO21.2    PO21.3    PO21.4    PO21.5
PO22.1    PO23.1    PO29.1    PO30.1    PO30.2    PO30.3
PO300     PO31.1    PO31.2    PO32.2    PO33.1    PO34.1
PO35.1    PO38.1    PO39.1    PO39.2    PO44.1    PO50.1
PO52.1    PO520     POI3.1    POIE.1    POII.1    POIJ.1
RQ10.1    RQ10.2    WH20.2    WH20.7


AP125     AP126     AP170     AP180     AP181     AP190
AP193     AP198     AP20.1    AP20.2    AP20.3    AP20.4
AP20.5    AP20.7    AP23.1    AP25.1    AP25.2    AP26.1
AP27.1    AP28.1    AP28.2    AP30.2    AP30.4    AP300
AP32.2    AP45.1    AP520     API1.1    API2.1    EE135
EE35.1    EE35.2    EE520     MA41.1    MA41.2    MA43.1
MA43.2    MA43.3    MA61.1    MA65.1    MA66.2    MAI1.1


UAV-SEG-TYPE         Alpha 1                                     AP125   AP126
Seg Type             Segment type.                               AP170   AP180
                                                                 AP181   AP190
                                                                 AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP32.2  AP45.1
                                                                 AP520   API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  EE135
                                                                 EE35.1  EE35.2
                                                                 EE520   MA41.1
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.1
                                                                 MA43.2  MA43.3
                                                                 MA61.1  MA65.1
                                                                 MA66.2  MAI1.1

UAV-API-OBJ-ID       Numeric 12                                  AP125   AP126
Api Obj Id           A unique identifier assigned to this        AP170   AP180
                     record.                                     AP181   AP190
                                                                 AP193   AP20.1
                                                                 AP20.2  AP20.3
                                                                 AP20.4  AP20.5
                                                                 AP20.7  AP23.1
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP28.1  AP28.2
                                                                 AP30.2  AP32.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 EE135   EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520
                                                                 MA41.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.1  MA43.2
                                                                 MA43.3  MA61.1
                                                                 MA65.1  MA66.2

UAV-DIST-SEQ-NBR     Numeric 4                                   AP125   AP126
Distribution         A unique sequence number.                   AP170   AP180
Sequence Number                                                  AP181   AP190
                                                                 AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP28.1
                                                                 AP28.2  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 AP45.1  AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 EE135   EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520
                                                                 MA41.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.1  MA43.2
                                                                 MA43.3  MA61.1
                                                                 MA65.1  MA66.2

UAV-SEGMENT-BLOCK    Alpha 103                                   AP125   AP126
User Analysis        This field identifies the user analysis     AP180   AP181
                     values included in the transaction.         AP190   AP20.1
                                                                 AP20.2  AP20.3
                     You can either type up to four values       AP20.4  AP20.5
                     or use Define (F6) to open the User         AP20.7  AP23.1
                     Analysis Entry subform. Use this subform    AP25.1  AP25.2
                     to select the user analysis values you      AP26.1  AP27.1
                     want to include in the transaction. If      AP28.1  AP28.2
                     you choose to type values, use commas to    AP30.2  AP32.2
                     separate them. For example:                 AP45.1  AP520
                     value1,value2,value3,value4                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 EE135   EE35.1
                     There are three conditions that affect      EE35.2  EE520
                     how you can select user analysis values.    MA41.1  MA41.2
                     See the User Analysis Entry form help or    MA43.1  MA43.2
                     the Strategic Ledger procedures manual      MA43.3  MA61.1
                     for additional information.                 MA65.1  MA66.2

                         APUAVAL FILE INDEX


UAVSET1   SEG-TYPE      Used to determine if user analysis       AP125   AP126
          API-OBJ-ID    values exist for an expense              AP131   AP170
          DIST-SEQ-NBR  distribution.                            AP175   AP190
                                                                 AP193   AP198
                                                                 AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP220   AP23.1
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP30.2  AP30.4
                                                                 AP300   AP32.2
                                                                 API1.1  AR48.3
                                                                 IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA41.1  MA41.2

UAVSET2   API-OBJ-ID    Used to determine if user analysis
          DIST-SEQ-NBR  values exist for an invoice.