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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR560 - Transaction Interface

**Form Purpose
Run Transaction Interface (AR560) to processe files containing data that have
been loaded from a source external to the Lawson Accounts Receivable system.

**Processing Effect
Invoice, debit memo, and credit memo transactions will be processed along
with optional distribution and comment records. The program edits each field
and creates a report of all transactions that fail these edits. The report
includes each record field that failed the edits, an error description
identifying the type of error, and totals for the number of transactions
processed, successfully added, and not processed.

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   - Used as part of Activity commitment update.

    ACCOMMITX  - Used as part of Activity commitment update.

    ARAPPLIED  - Applied records created for Bills of Exchange.

    ARARHUF    -

    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    ARCUSTOMER - Last invoicing information updated.

    ARCUSTPER  - Customer period amounts updated for transaction activity.

    ARDISTRIB  - Distribution records created for general ledger transactions.

    ARDRAFTS   - Bills of Exchange are created for open items to be applied via
                 this method.

    ARICOMMENT - Deletes interface comment record after like record has been

    ARIDISTRIB - Deletes interface distribution record after like record has
                 been created.

    ARIITEM    - Deletes interface line item record after like open item record
                 has been created.

    ARISGBLK   -

    ARITRANS   - Deletes interface open item record after like record has been

    AROIHDR    - Creates open item header records for invoices, debit memos,
                 and credit memos.

    AROITEMS   - Creates open item records for invoices, debit memos, and
                 credit memos.

    AROPIVOT   -



    ARSUMMARY  - Summary records updated with open item activity.


    ARUOIHDR   -

    ARXIND     -

    CBBANKENT  - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CBBANKINST - Used as part of payment code validation.

    CBCASHCODE - Used as part of cash code validation.

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart purposes.

    CUSTDESC   - Validates customer description record.

    GLCOMMIT   -


    JBOOKHDR   - Used in journal book processing.

    NATBALANCE - National account balance updated for interfaced open items.

    TERMS      - Used flag updated.

    TXCODEMAST - Validates tax code flag.

    TXCOMPANY  - Validates tax code company.

    TXTAXCODE  - Validates tax codes.

    TXTAXTABLE - Validates tax table transaction records.

    TXTAXTRAN  - Creates tax transaction records for distribution taxable
                 distribution lines.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - Used as part of Activity validation.

    ACACTGRP   - Used as part of Activity validation.

    ACACTIVITY - Used as part of Activity validation.


    APACCRCODE - Used as part of vendor validation.

    APCOMPANY  - Used as part of vendor validation.

    APVENGROUP - Used as part of vendor validation.

    ARADJUST   -

    ARCODE     - Used to validate general ledger accounts receivable code.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used to validate customer group.

    ARCUSTTOTS - Used to validate process level inclusions.

    ARIITEM    - Deletes interface line item record after like open item record
                 has been created.

    ARPROCLEVL - Used to validate process level.


    BILLTO     - Validates customer bill to address record.

    CBUSER     - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CBUSRCLASS - Used as part of cash ledger validation.

    CUCONV     - Used as part of currency validation.

    CURELAT    -

    DTCUSTBANK - Validates Bills of Exchange bank accounts.


    GLADDRESS  - Validates general ledger company information.

    GLCHART    - Used as part of general ledger account validation.

    GLCODES    - Used to validate system control.

    GLINTCO    - Used to validate inter company general ledger relationships.

    GLNAMES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used as part of general ledger account validation.

    JBKOPCODE  - Used in journal book processing.

    JBKSYSCODE - Used in journal book processing.

    NATACCT    - Used to validate national account customer relationship.



    PBBILL     -

    PBHSTHDR   -

    SALESREP   - Used to validate sales representative.


    TXTAXRATE  - Validates tax rate.

INVOKED Programs
