Payment Terms
The Payment Terms file contains terms codes. Terms codes are used to
calculate due date and discount information for an invoice. Terms codes can be
used in various Lawson systems. Non-Lawson systems can use the terms compute
logic via an application program interface program.
PO150 PO25.1 PO25.2 PO27.2 TE200
AC42.1 AC42.2 AP10.1 AP10.2 AP10.5 AP10.6
AP110 AP125 AP126 AP131 AP20.1 AP20.2
AP20.3 AP20.4 AP20.5 AP20.7 AP210 AP23.1
AP25.1 AP25.2 AP26.1 AP27.1 AP510 AP520
API1.1 API2.1 API3.1 AR08.1 AR10.1 AR115
AR190 AR258 AR31.5 AR42.1 AR42.2 AR42.6
AR42.7 AR42.8 AR43.1 AR44.3 AR48.3 AR501
AR502 AR550 AR560 BRIP.1 DT92.1 IC28.1
MA180 MA41.2 MA43.2 MA43.9 MA530 MA531
MA540 MA60.2 MA60.3 MA60.5 MA61.1 MA66.3
MA67.1 MA67.2 MA70.1 MAI1.1 PBIP.1 PO100
PO101 PO122 PO130 PO131 PO20.1 PO21.2
PO21.3 PO21.4 PO21.5 PO22.1 PO220 PO23.1
PO29.1 PO295 PO30.1 PO30.2 PO30.3 PO300
PO31.1 PO31.2 PO32.2 PO33.1 PO34.1 PO35.1
PO38.1 PO39.1 PO39.2 PO44.1 PO50.1 PO52.1
PO520 POED.1 POI3.1 POI7.1 POIE.1 POII.1
POIJ.1 PR198 RQ10.1 RQ10.2 TE01.2 TE01.3
WH20.2 WH20.7
TMS-TERMS-CD Alpha 5 TE01.2
Terms Code A user-defined code associated with
user-defined payment terms. Used to
calculate due date and discount
information for an invoice.
TMS-DESC Alpha 30 (Lower Case) TE01.2
Description Occurs 2 Times
The description of the terms code.
TMS-DISC-PCT Percent 7.5 (Percent) Occurs 3 Times TE01.2
Discount Percent The discount percent defined for the
terms code.
TMS-DISCOUNT-DAY Numeric 3 Occurs 3 Times TE01.2
Discount Day The discount days defined for the terms
code. Indicates the number of days
following the invoice date that a
discount can be taken.
TMS-DISC-MONTH Alpha 2 Occurs 3 Times TE01.2
Discount Month The discount month defined for the
terms code. Identifies the month in
which the discount will be taken.
TMS-DISC-DAY Numeric 2 Occurs 3 Times TE01.2
Discount Day The discount day defined for the terms
code. Identifies the day of the month
through which the discount can be taken.
Additional Months The number of additional months to be
added to the calculated discount date.
TMS-CUT-OFF-DAY Numeric 2 TE01.2
Cut Off Day The invoice cutoff day used to
determine the due date month. If the
invoice day falls on or before the
cutoff day you define, the invoice will
be due in the month following invoice
month. If the invoice day falls after
the cutoff day you define, the first day
of the month following the invoice date
is used to calculate the due date month
(two months following the invoice
TMS-PROX-DAY Numeric 2 Occurs 2 Times TE01.2
Prox Day The day of the month used to calculate
the discount date and, optionally, the
net due date.
TMS-SPLIT-BEG-DAY Numeric 2 Occurs 5 Times TE01.2
Split From Day The beginning day of the invoice date
range. Used for split terms.
TMS-SPLIT-END-DAY Numeric 2 Occurs 5 Times TE01.2
Split To Day The ending date of the invoice date
range. Used for split terms.
TMS-SPLIT-DISC-DAY Numeric 2 Occurs 5 Times TE01.2
Split Discount Day The discount day used for the defined
split invoice date range.
TMS-SPLIT-NET-DAY Numeric 2 Occurs 5 Times TE01.2
Split Net Day The net due day used for the defined
split invoice date range.
TMS-SPLIT-EOM-FLAG Alpha 1 Occurs 5 Times TE01.2
Split End of Month Indicates whether the net due day for
Flag the defined invoice date range will be
the last day of the month.
Valid values are
Blank = End of month is not used
Y = Yes; end of month is net due day
TMS-SPLIT-MO-FORW Numeric 2 Occurs 5 Times TE01.2
Months Forward The number of months to be added to the
invoice month that the due date defined
for the split invoice date range will be
applied. Valid values are 00 and 01.
TMS-EOM-INDIC Alpha 1 TE01.2
End of Month Flag Indicates whether the net due date will
be the end of the month.
Valid values are
N = No
Y = Yes
Final Due Day This field contains the net due day
defined for the terms code if the net
due day is a specific day of the month
and is a different day than the discount
First Net Days The number of days to be added to the
invoice date or last discount date to
calculate the due date of the first
First Payment From Indicates whether the first net due
Indicator date is calculated using the invoice
date or the last discount date
calculated. Valid for first days only.
Valid values are
D = Last discount date calculated
I = Invoice date
TMS-FIRST-NET-DAY Numeric 2 TE01.2
First Net Due Day The day of the month the first payment
is due. Used for multiple payment terms.
First Net Due Month The month the first payment is due.
Used for multiple payment terms.
TMS-FIRST-PERCENT Percent 7.5 (Percent) TE01.2
First Payment The percent of the invoice amount to be
Percent included in the first scheduled payment.
Used for multiple payment terms. The
remaining invoice amount is divided
equally among remaining scheduled
payments. Any odd amount is included in
the last scheduled payment.
Total Payments The total number of payments to be
scheduled for an invoice assigned this
multiple payment terms code.
TMS-DAYS-INCR Numeric 2 TE01.2
Increment by Days The number of days between scheduled
payments. Used for multiple payment
TMS-MONTH-INCR Numeric 1 TE01.2
Increment by Months The number of months between scheduled
payments. Used for multiple payment
TMS-FIXED-DAYS-MO Numeric 2 Occurs 5 Times TE01.2
Fixed Days of Month A fixed day of the month that scheduled
payments will be due. Up to five fixed
days can be defined for a fixed days
terms code.
TMS-FIXED-DAYS-WK Numeric 1 Occurs 2 Times TE01.2
Fixed Days of Week A fixed day of the week that scheduled
payments will be due. Up to 2 fixed days
of the week can be defined for a fixed
day terms code.
Valid values are
1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
TMS-ADJUST-DAYS Numeric 2 AC42.1 AC42.2
Days for Adjustment The number of adjustment days defined AP10.1 AP10.2
for a fixed days terms code. Used to AP10.5 AP10.6
adjust a payment due date when the AP20.1 AP20.2
defined days between payments falls AP20.3 AP20.4
between fixed payment days. AP20.5 AP20.7
AP25.1 AP25.2
AR08.1 AR10.1
AR31.5 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.6
AR42.7 AR42.8
AR43.1 AR44.3
AR48.3 DT92.1
MA41.2 MA43.2
MA43.9 MA60.2
MA60.3 MA60.5
MA61.1 MA66.3
MA67.1 MA67.2
PO20.1 PO21.2
PO21.3 PO21.4
PO21.5 PO23.1
PO30.1 PO30.2
PO30.3 PO31.1
PO31.2 PO32.2
PO39.1 PO39.2
RQ10.1 RQ10.2
TE01.2 TE01.3
WH20.2 WH20.7
Anticipation Flag Indicates whether the terms code is
eligible for anticipation discount in
the Lawson Accounts Payable system.
Terms Code Type Indicates the type of terms code.
Valid values are
P = Prox
S = Split
N = Net
C = Prepayment
M = Multiple Payment
F = Fixed Days
Status Indicates whether the terms code is
active or inactive.
TMS-USED-FL Alpha 1 AC42.1 AC42.2
Used Flag Indicates whether the terms code has AP10.1 AP10.2
been used. A terms code can be deleted AP10.5 AP10.6
only if it has not been used. AP110 AP125
AP126 AP131
AP20.1 AP20.2
AP20.3 AP20.4
AP20.5 AP20.7
AP210 AP23.1
AP25.1 AP25.2
AP26.1 AP27.1
AP510 AP520
API1.1 API2.1
API3.1 AR08.1
AR10.1 AR115
AR190 AR258
AR31.5 AR42.1
AR42.2 AR42.6
AR42.7 AR42.8
AR43.1 AR44.3
AR48.3 AR501
AR502 AR550
AR560 BRIP.1
DT92.1 IC28.1
MA180 MA41.2
MA43.2 MA43.9
MA530 MA531
MA540 MA60.2
MA60.3 MA60.5
MA61.1 MA66.3
TMS-DESC-1 Derived
Description Line 1 The first line of description defined
for the terms code.
TMS-DESC-2 Derived
Description Line 2 The second line of description defined
for the terms code.
TMSSET1 TERMS-CD This path is used to access the terms AC42.1 AC42.2
code file by terms code. AP10.1 AP10.2
AP10.5 AP10.6
AP110 AP125
AP126 AP131
AP20.1 AP20.2
AP20.3 AP20.4
AP20.5 AP20.7
AP210 AP23.1
AP25.1 AP25.2
AP26.1 AP27.1
AP510 AP520
API1.1 API2.1
API3.1 AR08.1
AR10.1 AR115
TMSSET2 PROC-INDIC This path is used to access the terms TE200
TERMS-CD code file by a specific type.