AR44.1 - Transaction Obligation Grouping
**Form Purpose
Use Transaction Obligation Grouping (AR44.1) to group multiple open
obligations. Depending on the net total of the obligation grouping, a credit
memo or debit memo will be created.
Updated Files
AROBLIGGRP - Tracks obligations selected for the debit memo grouping.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates the AR company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates the AR customer group.
ARCUSTOMER - Validates the AR customer.
AROIHDR - Accesses the open item header information.
AROITEMS - Accesses the open item detail information.
CUSTDESC - Retrieves the customer's name.
NATACCT - Validates national account relationships.
AR44.2 - Filter Options
**Form Purpose
Use Filter Options (AR44.2) to define options used to display open
transactions for a customer.
Updated Files
CBBANKINST - Validates the payment code. The used flag is updated in an API
called by the program.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates the AR company. Company level information is used in
ARCUSTOMER - Validates the AR customer. Customer level information is used
in processing.
AR44.3 - Release Information
**Form Purpose
Use Release Information (AR44.3) to define information for the new debit or
credit memo that will be created when you release the obligation grouping. You
also select a reason code that is used to fully adjust the invoices, credit
and debit memos that have been selected. You can enter additional charges to
included in the new obligation amount.
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Generates an adjust record with a grouping type reason code
for selected obligations upon release of the new debit memo.
ARAPPLIED - Generates an applied record upon release of the new debit memo.
ARCOMP - Validates the AR company. If the new debit memo number is not
entered the next reassignment number for that company is used.
The reassignment number for that company is then updated.
ARCUSTOMER - Validates the AR customer. The customer's current balance will
be updated if additional charges are added to the new debit
memo. If a bill of exchange is generated the customer's BOE
balance will be raised and current balance lowered.
ARCUSTPER - Updated in a API it does not apply to AR44.3.
ARDISTRIB - Generates distribution records upon release of the new debit
ARDRAFTS - Generates a record for the debit memo if the payment code of
the new debit memo is a bill of exchange type and the
customer's BOE flag is "I" for individual BOE's.
AROBLIGGRP - Tracks the obligations selected for processing. Upon release
of the new debit memo the record will be deleted.
AROIHDR - Generates a record for the new debit memo upon release.
AROITEMS - Generates a record for the new debit memo upon release.
AROPTR - Validates the AR operator code. The used flag is updated.
ARPROCLEVL - Validates the AR process level. The used flag is updated.
ARREASON - Validates the grouping reason code entered. The used flag is
CBBANKENT - Validates the bank. The used flag is updated.
CBBANKINST - Validates the payment code. The used flag is updated.
CBCASHCODE - Validates the cash code. The used flag is updated.
CUSTDESC - Validates the AR customer. The customer's current balance will
be updated if additional charges are added to the new debit
memo. If a bill of exchange is generated the customer's BOE
balance will be raised and current balance lowered.
JBOOKHDR - Used in journal book processing.
NATBALANCE - Updates the current balance for national accounts. The
national account BOE balance will be updated if a bill of
exchange is generated.
TERMS - Validates the terms code. It is optionally used to determine
the due date of the debit memo.
Referenced Files
ARCODE - Validates the AR code.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates the AR customer group.
ARCUSTTOTS - Checks for process level exclusion.
CBUSER - Determines user access to cash ledger.
CBUSRCLASS - Determines user access to cash ledger.
CUACCT - Determines the GL account to be used in currency gain/loss
CUCONV - Determines the exchange rate between the company base currency
and another currency.
CURELAT - Validates the relationship between the company base currency
and another currency.
DTCUSTBANK - Validates the BOE customer bank.
GLADDRESS - Validates the GL address.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLCODES - Validates the GL codes.
GLSYSTEM - Determines if a GL company record has been set up for the AR
JBKOPCODE - Used in journal book processing.
JBKSYSCODE - Used in journal book processing.
NATACCT - Validates national account relationships between customers.
INVOKED Programs