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                            DTCUSTBANK FILE

                        AR Customer Paying Bank

The AR Customer Paying Bank file contains paying banks for a customer and the
bank accounts associated with each bank location.


AR10.1    AR31.5    AR42.1    AR42.2    AR42.6    AR42.7
AR43.1    AR44.3    AR502     AR560     DT150     DT155
DT160     DT165     DT166     DT180     DT30.1    DT30.2
DT40.1    DT42.1    DT45.1    DT52.1    DT520     DT60.1
DT60.2    DT70.1    DT70.3    DT80.1    DT85.1    DT85.2
DT92.1    DT90.1    AR100     AR110     AR25.1


AR09.2    AR105     AR115     AR301     AR501     AR550


DTB-CUST-GROUP       Alpha 5                                     AR09.2  AR501
Customer Group       The customer group assigned to the          AR550
                     customer. Must be a valid record in the
                     AR Customer Group file.

DTB-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   AR09.2  AR501
Company              The company number represents an            AR550
                     established company and is entered on
                     all function codes.

DTB-CUSTOMER         Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  AR09.2  AR501
Customer             The customer number. Must be a valid        AR550
                     record in the AR Company Customer file.

DTB-BANK-ENTITY      Alpha 15                                    AR09.2  AR501
Bank                 A bank identification representing a        AR550   DT155
                     bank location for the customer. Must be     DT90.1  DT92.1
                     a valid record in the Cash Ledger Bank

DTB-BANK-ACCT-NBR    Alpha 17                                    AR09.2  AR501
Bank Account Number  The bank-assigned identification number     AR550   DT155
                     of the customer's bank account.             DT90.1  DT92.1
                     Represents a bank account the customer
                     pays bills of exchange from.

DTB-DEFAULT-BNK      Alpha 1                                     AR09.2  AR501
Default Bank         Indicates whether this bank and account     AR550
                     number is the default bank information
                     for the customer. Only one bank and
                     account number can be designated as the
                     default bank information for the
                     customer. Valid values are:

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

DTB-BANK-TYPE        Alpha 1                                     AR09.2  AR501
Bank Type            This will show if the bank account is       AR550
                     for use in bill of exchange or EFT
                     processing. Valid values are:

                     B = Bills of Exchange
                     E = EFT

DTB-START-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AR09.2  AR501
Start Date           The start date for EFT selection.           AR550

DTB-END-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AR09.2  AR501
Ending Date          The end date for EFT selection.             AR550

DTB-PRENOTE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       AR09.2  AR115
Prenote Date         This is the date the prenote was sent       AR501   AR550
                     to the customer in EFT processing.

DTB-FT-TYPE          Alpha 1                                     AR09.2  AR501
FT Type              This the type of bank account. Valid        AR550
                     values are:

                     Blank = Debit and credit account
                     C = Credit account
                     D = Debit account

DTB-PRE-NOTE         Alpha 1                                     AR09.2  AR501
Prenote Required     Indicates is sending a prenote is           AR550
                     required for this bank account.

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

DTB-PRENOTE-STATUS   Numeric 1                                   AR09.2  AR105
Prenote Status       This is the status of the pre note for      AR115   AR501
                     this bank record. Valid values are:         AR550

                     0 = Not Prenoted (default)
                     1 = Printed
                     9 = EFT Record Sent

DTB-CUST-ACCT-TYPE   Alpha 1                                     AR09.2  AR501
Cust Acct Type       The type of account the customer has:       AR550
                     C = Check
                     S = Savings

DTB-BANK-TRAN-CD     Alpha 2                                     AR09.2  AR115
Bank Tran Cd         Indicates whether first, regular or last    AR501   AR550
                     direct debit transaction for a customer.

                         DTCUSTBANK FILE INDEX


DTBSET1   CUST-GROUP    This the primary path used to access     AR09.1  AR09.2
          COMPANY       records.                                 AR09.5  AR10.1
          CUSTOMER                                               AR301   AR31.5
          BANK-ENTITY                                            AR42.1  AR42.2
          BANK-ACCT-NBR                                          AR42.6  AR42.7
                                                                 AR43.1  AR44.3
                                                                 AR501   AR502
                                                                 AR550   AR560
                                                                 DT150   DT155
                                                                 DT160   DT165
                                                                 DT166   DT180
                                                                 DT30.1  DT30.2
                                                                 DT40.1  DT42.1
                                                                 DT45.1  DT52.1
                                                                 DT520   DT60.1

DTBSET2   CUST-GROUP    This path is used to validate a          AR09.2  AR31.5
          COMPANY       customer's default bank.                 AR42.1  AR42.2
          CUSTOMER      Subset                                   AR42.6  AR42.7
                        Where DEFAULT-BNK = "Y"                  AR43.1  AR44.3
                                                                 AR502   AR560
                                                                 DT150   DT155
                                                                 DT160   DT165
                                                                 DT166   DT180
                                                                 DT30.1  DT30.2
                                                                 DT40.1  DT45.1
                                                                 DT52.1  DT520
                                                                 DT60.1  DT60.2
                                                                 DT70.1  DT70.3
                                                                 DT80.1  DT85.1
                                                                 DT85.2  DT90.1

DTBSET3   CUST-GROUP    This index will contain only those
          COMPANY       banks used in bill of exchange
          CUSTOMER      processing.
          BANK-ENTITY   Subset
          BANK-ACCT-NBR Where BANK-TYPE = "B"

DTBSET4   CUST-GROUP    This index will contain only those       AR09.2  AR09.7
          COMPANY       banks used in EFT processing.            AR100   AR105
          CUSTOMER      Subset                                   AR110   AR115
          BANK-ENTITY   Where BANK-TYPE = "E"                    AR25.1

                         DTCUSTBANK FILE RELATIONS



Arcustgrp      ARCUSTGRP    Required

                            DTB-CUST-GROUP     -> ACG-CUST-GROUP

Cbbankent      CBBANKENT    Required

                            DTB-BANK-ENTITY    -> CBE-BANK-ENTITY

Custdesc       CUSTDESC     Required

                            DTB-CUST-GROUP     -> CUD-CUST-GROUP
                            DTB-CUSTOMER       -> CUD-CUSTOMER