DT160 - Remittance Selection
**Form Purpose
Run Remittance Selection (DT160) to select bills of exchange with an accepted
status for remittance. You can run DT160 for encashed or discounted
remittance. The program produces a listing of the bills of exchange selected
and the total amount. When you run DT160 with "Y" in the Update Option field,
the system changes the status of the selected bills of exchange to Selected
for Remit.
**More Information
After you run DT160, use DT60 (Remittance Presentation) to add or remove
selected bills of exchange from the remittance. Then, run DT165 (Generation of
Bank Remittance) to create a remittance form.
Updated Files
ARCOMP - Updates remit number at company level in API called by program.
ARCUSTOMER - Updates current balance and bill of exchange balance in API
called by program. Not used in DT160.
ARCUSTPER - Updates period paid totals in API called by program. Not used
in DT160.
ARDISTRIB - Creates records in API called by program. Not used in DT160.
ARDRAFTS - Updated with remittance detail.
CBBANKENT - Updates used flag of bank in API called by program. Not used
in DT160.
CBBANKINST - Updates used flag of payment code in API called by program.
Not used in DT160.
CBCASHCODE - Updates used flag of cash code in API called by program. Not
used in DT160.
CBCPYCASH - Updates used flag at company cash code level in API called by
program. Not used in DT160.
CBCREDRISK - Updated with amount of remittance as risk amount if remittance
is discounted.
CKPOINT - Updates file to determine the program restarting point.
CUSTDESC - Updates file in API called by program. Not used in DT160.
DTREMIT - Primary file updated by the program.
NATBALANCE - Updates current balance and bill of exchange balance in API
called by program. Not used in DT160.
Referenced Files
ARCODE - Validates accounts receivable code.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group.
ARCUSTTOTS - Validates process level exclusion.
ARPROCLEVL - Validates remittance process level.
CBCCTRNJB - Used as part of cash ledger validation.
CBUSER - Validation to determine user access to cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validation to determine user access to cash code.
CUCONV - Validates currency exchange rate.
CURELAT - Validates currency relationship.
DTCUSTBANK - Validates customer bank and account.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company address.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart.
GLSYSTEM - Validation to determine if general ledger company has been set
NATACCT - Validation to check if national account relationship exists.
INVOKED Programs