DT165 - Generation of Bank Remittance
**Form Purpose
Run Generation of Bank Remittance (DT165) to create a remittance for bills of
exchange with a Selected for Remit status.
**Processing Effect
The program assigns a remittance number to the selected group and creates a
remittance report that you can send to the bank you are remitting the bills of
exchange to. The system changes the status of the selected bills of exchange
to Include in Remittance and updates each bill of exchange with the remittance
number and bank information.
**More Information
Use DT70 (Remittance Presentation) if you need to remove a bill of exchange
from a bank remittance, then rerun DT165 with Yes in the Reprint Option field
and the appropriate Remittance Number to create a new remittance report.
Updated Files
ARCOMP - Automatic remit number at company level.
ARCUSTOMER - Updates current balance and bill of exchange balance in API
called by program. Not used in DT165.
ARCUSTPER - Updates period paid totals in API called by program. Not used
in DT165.
ARDRAFTS - Updated with the remit number.
CBBANKENT - Updates used flag of bank in API called by program. Not used
in DT165.
CBBANKINST - Updates used flag of payment code in API called by program.
Not used in DT165.
CBCASHCODE - Updates used flag of cash code in API called by program. Not
used in DT165.
CKPOINT - Updates file to determine the program restarting point.
CUSTDESC - Updates file in API called by program. Not used in DT165.
DTREMIT - Updated with remit number, date of remittance, and status.
NATBALANCE - Updates current balance and bill of exchange balance in API
called by program. Not used in DT165.
Referenced Files
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group relationship.
ARCUSTTOTS - Validation to check process level exclusion.
ARPROCLEVL - Validates process level.
CBUSER - Validation to determine user access to cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validation to determine user access to cash code.
CUCONV - Validates currency exchange rate.
CURELAT - Validates currency relationship.
DTCUSTBANK - Validates customer bank and account.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company address.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart.
GLSYSTEM - Validation to determine if general ledger company has been set
NATACCT - Validation to check if national account relationship exists.
INVOKED Programs