DT155 - Bill of Exchange Print - Tape Create
**Form Purpose
Run Bill of Exchange Print - Tape Create (DT155) to print or create a tape
for bills of exchange generated in DT150 (Selection, Generation of Bill of
The format options you define for the payment code in the Lawson Cash Ledger
system determine whether DT155 creates forms or a tape and the type of form or
tape format.
If you need to reprint bills of exchange because of a bad alignment, printer
jams, or operator error, rerun DT155 with "R" in the Print Option field and
the range of bill of exchange numbers you want to reprint in the Bill of
Exchange Numbers fields.
Updated Files
ARCOMP - Validates screen parameter.
ARCUSTOMER - Updates current balance and bill of exchange balance in API
called by program. Not used in DT155.
ARCUSTPER - Updates period paid totals in API called by program. Not used
in DT155.
ARDRAFTS - Updates print flag.
CBBANKENT - Updates used flag of bank in API called by program. Not used
in DT155.
CBBANKINST - Updates used flag of payment code in API called by program.
Not used in DT155.
CBCASHCODE - Updates used flag of cash code in API called by program. Not
used in DT155.
CKPOINT - Updates file to determine the program restarting point.
CUSTDESC - Updates file in API called by program. Not used in DT155.
NATBALANCE - Updates current balance and bill of exchange balance at
national account level in API called by program. Not used in
Referenced Files
ARAPPLIED - Referenced to print invoice number on bill of exchange.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group relationship.
ARCUSTTOTS - Validates process level exclusion.
ARPROCLEVL - Validates screen parameters.
CBDRFTFORM - Script option informs of language in which bill of exchange
amount will be scripted.
CBUSER - Validation to determine user access to cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validation to determine user access to cash code.
CUCONV - Validation to determine currency exchange rate if transaction
currency in not same as company base currency.
CURELAT - Validation to check if currency relationship exists.
DTCUSTBANK - Validates customer bank and bank account number.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company address.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart.
GLSYSTEM - Validation to determine if general ledger company has been set
NATACCT - Validation to check if national account relationship exists.
STDCOMMENT - Retrieves comments to be printed on the bill of exchange.
INVOKED Programs