Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR501 - Customer Conversion

**Form Purpose
Run Customer Conversion (AR501) to import customer records to the Lawson
Accounts Receivable system from a file created by an external source.

**Processing Effect
The Update Option is used to edit only or edit and update the customer
records. The program edits the external data to protect the integrity of the
Accounts Receivable data.

The program creates a report in customer order that includes each field that
failed an edit, the field data, a description of the error, and totals for the
number of records processed, customers added, customer comments added, and

Note This program updates customer transaction period totals. AR502
(Transaction Conversion), AR503 (Payment Conversion), AR504 (Application
Conversion) do not update customer period totals.

Updated Files

    ARACMUF    -

    ARCCUST    - Deletes conversion customer records after like records are

    ARCUSTFLDS - Creates customer user-define fields.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Updates customer group with last customer number used.

    ARCUSTOMER - Creates customer records.

    ARCUSTPER  - Updates customer period totals for credits, billed,
                 chargebacks, write-offs, and sales.


    ARICUSTPER - Deletes conversion customer period records after like records
                 are created.

    ARIMICR    - Deletes conversion MICR/customer records after like records
                 are created.

    ARIOECUST  - Deletes conversion customer OE fields records after like
                 records are created.

    ARLOCKBOX  - Verifies remit lock box code.

    ARMICRCUST - Creates MICR/customer records.

    BILLTO     -

    CBBANKINST - Used to validate payment code.  The used flag is set to "Y".

    CKPOINT    - Used in program re-start logic.

    CRANALYST  - Verifies credit analyst code.

    CUSTDEFLTS - Verifies customer default code.

    CUSTDESC   - Creates customer description records.

    CUSTEP     -


    HOLDCODES  - Verifies hold codes.

    MAJCUSTCL  - Use to verify major class.

    MINCUSTCL  - Use to verify minor class.

    NATACCT    - Creates national account records.

    NATBALANCE - Creates national account balance records.

    OECUST     - Creates customer OE field records.

    SALESREP   - Verifies sales representative.

    TERITORY   - Verifies territory code.

    TERMS      - Verifies terms code.


Referenced Files

    AGINGCODE  - Verifies aging code.


    APCOMPANY  - Obtains company default information.

    APVENGROUP - Verifies vendor information if carrier field is used.

    ARCODE     - Validates AR code.

    ARCOMP     - Validates company

    ARCYCLE    - Verifies statement cycle code.



    ARREASON   - Validates reason code record.



    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    - Verifies currency relationship with invoice currency code.

    CUSTORDER  - Determines if any order entry orders exist before a customer
                 can be deleted.

    EPTRANS    -

    GLINTCO    - Verifies intercompany relationships for national accounts.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates part of company information.

    ICLOCATION - Validates item location record.


    INSTREGN   -

    OECOMPANY  - Validates Order Entry company record.

    OECUSTCODE - Validates Order Entry customer code.

    OEFRTCODE  - Validates Order Entry freight code.

    OEINVOICE  - Determines if any order entry invoices exist before a customer
                 can be deleted.

    OEMETHOD   - Validates Order Entry shipment method code.

    OEORDDISC  - Validates Order Entry order discount code.

    OEPRCLIST  - Validates Order Entry price list code.

    SHIPTO     - Validates Order Entry ship-to code.


    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
