IC10.1 - Formats
**Form Purpose
Use Formats (IC10.1) to define user-defined item setup form formats. This
form enables you to customize the item setup process to meet your needs.
Customizing your own format(s) streamlines the process of adding an item in
IC11.1 (Item Master) and IC12.1 (Item Location). This form enables you to
choose the fields you want to use, indicate the display order, specify the
required fields, and enter field defaults.
You can set up multiple form formats, each being specific to the departments
in your organization. For example, you could set up a format named PURCH for
the purchasing staff to maintain item buying information. Use IC10.2 (Item
Master and Location) to use item setup formats created in this form.
Important Before you use this form, run IC180 (Dictionary Setup) to load the
dictionary setup file. This file consists of all fields used in the Inventory
Control application. You must type the company number and select the Inquire
form action to view these fields before you can set up a format.
Updated Files
ITEMFORMAT - Primary file maintained by program. This file holds the
format name information.
ITFLINE - Detail file maintained by program.
TXCODEMAST - The Tax Code Master file contains tax codes, descriptions, and
the tax types that define how the tax code is to be used.
TXCOMPANY - The Tax Company file contains company information, as well as
which tax system the company uses.
TXTAXCODE - Used to validate purchase and sell tax codes.
TXTAXTABLE - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
Referenced Files
APACCRCODE - An invoice accrual code is used to link a general ledger
invoice accrual account to an invoice.
APCOMPANY - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
APVENGROUP - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
BINSTORAGE - Used to validate default storage code entered.
CUCONV - Used in a Currency conversion common routine.
GLSYSTEM - Used to obtain the activity flag.
HAZARD - Used to validate default hazard code entered.
ICBIN - Used to validate default preferred bin entered and default
replenish from bin (if bin control option in the Item Location
file is Y).
ICCATEGORY - Used to validate default general ledger category entered.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate company number entered.
ICDICT - Display fields selected for format.
ICGENERIC - Used to validate default generic value entered.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate default location entered.
ICVALUOM - Used to validate valid units of measures.
ITEMGROUP - Used to display item group and item group description, and to
validate default unit-of-measure entered.
ITEMLOC - Used to prevent a change to the lot tracking flag if an Item
Location record exists.
ITEMMAST - Used to validate default replacement item entered.
MAJORCL - Used to validate default major classes entered.
MINORCL - Used to validate default minor classes entered.
TXTAXRATE - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
IC10.2 - Item Master and Location
**Form Purpose
Use Item Master and Location (IC10.2) to view a format defined in IC10.1
(Formats). Formats are used to create an item setup form that meets your
**More Information
Formats must be defined in IC10.1 (Formats) before they can be used in this
form. Before you can use a format, you must enter the company and format name.
Then, select the Inquire form action to view the format. After the format
displays, select the Add form action to add a new item record, select the
Inquire form action to view an existing item record, or other actions as
Formats streamline the process of adding item records to the Item Master file
in IC11.1 and/or to the Item Location file in IC12.1. After you type a valid
format name, required file default values display in the top section of the
form. Fields selected to display for the format are listed in the order
specified in IC10.1 (Formats) in the lower section of the form. Optional
default values can be included or field entries can be required, depending on
how the format is set up in IC10.1 (Formats).
Updated Files
BINSTORAGE - Maintained by program.
HAZARD - Maintained by program.
ICAUDIT - Created and maintained by program.
ICCATEGORY - Maintained by program.
ITEMLOC - Primary file maintained by program.
ITEMMAST - Primary file maintained by program.
ITSERIAL - For serial number tracked items, when the Bin Tracking Flag is
changed from N to Y, the Item Location Preferred Bin is used to
update this file.
SOHDETAIL - When the Bin Tracking Flag is changed from N to Y, all stock
on hand is added to the preferred bin in this file.
TXCODEMAST - The Tax Code Master file contains tax codes, descriptions, and
the tax types that define how the tax code is to be used.
TXCOMPANY - The Tax Company file contains company information, as well as
which tax system the company uses.
TXTAXCODE - Used to validate purchase and sell tax codes.
TXTAXTABLE - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
Referenced Files
APACCRCODE - An invoice accrual code is used to link a general ledger
invoice accrual account to an invoice.
APCOMPANY - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
APVENGROUP - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
CUCONV - Used in a Currency conversion common routine.
GLCODES - Used in a General Ledger common routine.
GLSYSTEM - Used to obtain the activity flag.
ICBIN - Used to validate preferred bin entered, and replenish from
location and bin (if bin control option in the Inventory
Company Information file is Y).
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate company number entered.
ICDICT - Used to set up the optional portion on the screen based on the
format name entered.
ICGENERIC - Used to validate generic entered.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate location entered.
ICMANFCODE - This is a user defined list of codes used to identify
manufacturers of items.
ICVALUOM - Used to validate units of measure.
ITEMFORMAT - Used to select which fields to display and the display order.
ITEMGROUP - Used to display item group and item group description, and to
validate unit-of-measure entered.
ITFLINE - Used to select which fields are to be displayed and the
display order.
MAJORCL - Used to validate major classes entered.
MINORCL - Used to validate minor classes entered.
TXTAXRATE - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
INVOKED Programs