IC12.1 - Item Location
**Form Purpose
Use Item Location (IC12.1) to set up item records. This form consists of
location-specific item information. After you set up an item for one location,
you can copy it to other locations in IC16.1 (Mass Copy or Mass Change) and in
IC216 (Mass Update Parameters Listing). For inventoried items, set up at least
one location in the Inventory Control application with at least one item
location record in IC12.1.
**More Information
You can set up item location records directly in IC12.1 or you can customize
the item setup process to meet your specific needs in IC10.1 (Formats). If you
customize your own item setup format, you can streamline the process of adding
an item to the Item Master file in IC11.1 and/or to the Item Location file in
IC12.1. Instead of using IC11.1 and IC12.1, you use IC10.2 (Item Master and
Note To default cost and vendor information for a nonstock item, set the
Inventory Tracking flag to No in the IC12.1 (Item Location) Main form. You can
use this feature when you order nonstock items in the Purchase Order and
Requisitions applications.
In the Item field, you can use two methods for mimicking existing item
locations (adding selectively or copying exactly).
Select the Add form action to create a new item location with selected
information. IC12.1 creates a new record with the following information:
- Information displayed on the visible form.
- Information from any other IC12.1 forms displayed for the existing item.
Select the Copy form action to quickly add like item locations to the Item
Location file. IC12.1 creates a new record exactly like the displayed record.
- Inquire on the existing item.
- Change the item number and other requested fields.
- Select the Copy (Y) form action.
- If needed, select the Change form action to change field values.
Updated Files
ICAUDIT - Maintained by this program.
ICCATEGORY - Maintained by this program.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the company number and display the company
ITEMLOC - Primary file maintained by program.
ITSERIAL - Used in changing the bin tracking for an item.
SOHDETAIL - Used when changing bin tracking on an item that has stock on
TXCODEMAST - The Tax Code Master file contains tax codes, descriptions, and
the tax types that define how the tax code is to be used.
TXCOMPANY - The Tax Company file contains company information, as well as
which tax system the company uses.
TXTAXCODE - Used to validate the purchase tax code field.
TXTAXTABLE - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
Referenced Files
APACCRCODE - An invoice accrual code is used to link a general ledger
invoice accrual account to an invoice.
APCOMPANY - Used to validate the Accounts Payable company and obtain the
vendor group.
APVENGROUP - Used to validate the vendor group in an Accounts Payable
common routine.
BINSTORAGE - Used to validate the storage code.
COMPONENT - This file contains the component items that make up a kit item.
CUCONV - Used in a Currency conversion common routine.
GLCODES - Used in a General Ledger common routine.
GLSYSTEM - Used in a General Ledger common routine.
ICBIN - Used to validate the preferred bin.
ICDICT - Used if the audit option is turned on for the Item Location
ICFGBYPROD - This file is used to identify byproducts that result from the
production of finished goods.
ICHISTORY - Used to edit the deletion of an item.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate the location.
ICMANFCODE - This is a user defined list of codes used to identify
manufacturers of items.
ICRECEIPTS - Used to edit the deletion of an item.
ICTRANS - Used to edit the deletion of an item.
ITEMMAST - Used to validate the item.
KITITEM - Used to edit the deletion of an item.
POLINE - Used to edit the deletion of an item.
PORECLINE - Used to obtain purchase order receiving records.
TXTAXRATE - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.
IC12.2 - Replenishment Setup
**Form Purpose
Use Replenishment Setup (IC12.2) to maintain purchasing and reorder
information for an item at a particular location. Purchasing information
includes the item's primary vendor, purchase-from location, automatic
purchasing flag and the reorder document code. Vendors and purchase-from
locations are set up in the Accounts Payable (AP) Vendor screen. The reorder
document code indicates the type of document to create to reorder the item
(purchase order, transfer, issue, requisition, intransit).
**More Information
Reorder information defines the reorder method (Reorder Policy Code), when to
reorder (Reorder Point), order calculation (Reorder Quantity Code) and the
order quantity (Reorder Quantity). The Lawson Inventory Control application
suggests order quantities based on reordering information via inventory report
programs: Inventory Reorder Advice (IC225), EOQ and Reorder Calculation
(IC120), Vendor Reorder Advice (IC140), Replenishment Report (IC141), and
Replenishment by Requisition PO (IC142). Refer to these programs for more
information on what reorder information is necessary to suggest order
Updated Files
ICAUDIT - Maintained by this program.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate company number and display company name.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate location.
ITEMLOC - Primary file maintained by this program.
Referenced Files
APCOMPANY - Used to validate the Accounts Payable company and to obtain
the vendor group,
which is needed to validate the primary vendor.
APVENGROUP - Used to validate the vendor group.
ICBIN - Used in editing the preferred bin.
ITEMMAST - Used to validate the existence of an item master record.
INVOKED Programs