Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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RQ11.1 - Kit Accessories

**Form Purpose
Use Kit Accessories (RQ11.1) to select options for make-to-order kit

Mark the option needed and the system replaces the component displayed on the

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used in the event of a program or system failure to enable a
                 batch update program to continue from where it left off.

    COCOMP     - The Demand Line Kit Components file contains the kit
                 components that make up a line on a document.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the company number.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the inventory location.

    ITEMGROUP  - Enables companies to share Item Master records or to keep them
                 separate by company.

    ITEMLOC    - The Item Location file contains the dynamic information for an
                 inventoried item at a stock location.

    MMDIST     - This record holds an account number and possibly an activity
                 code intended for a general ledger distribution of an inventory

    MMUAVAL    -

    POCODE     -

    POINTAOC   -


    REQHEADER  - Contains the header information for each requisition.

    REQLINE    - Contains the line item information for the requisition.

    ROUTEDOC   - The Route Document file contains documents that are to be
                 delivered along a route.

    ROUTEHDR   - For all routes created, the system added a header record to
                 the Route Header file.

    ROUTESTOP  - The Route Stop file contains records set up to identify the
                 stops along a route.

    RQAPPROVE  - Contains open approval records that need approval because the
                 approval amount level is less than the requisition total value.

    TXCODEMAST - The Tax Code Master file contains tax codes, descriptions, and
                 the tax types that define how the tax code is used.

    TXCOMPANY  - The Tax Company file contains company information, as well as
                 which tax system the company uses.

    TXTAXCODE  - The Tax Code file contains all tax code information used to
                 calculate tax transactions.

    TXTAXTABLE - Contains a tax table that defines a series of up to eight tax
                 codes to be applied to a single transaction and determines how
                 each tax code will affect the taxable amount of a transaction.

    WHDEMAND   - The Demand file contains all the records that the Warehouse
                 system needs for processing demands.

    WHDEMNDHDR - Used to create or update a Warehouse system demand header
                 record. The Demand Header file contains document header

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to validate the asset numbers maintained in the Asset
                 Management system.

    AMTEMPLATE - Used to validate the asset template numbers maintained in the
                 Asset Management system.

    APACCRCODE - An invoice accrual code is used to link a general ledger
                 invoice accrual account to an invoice.

    APCOMPANY  - Used to get the vendor group for vendor number validation.

    APVENGROUP - A vendor group represents a group of vendors that can be
                 shared by one or more accounts payable companies.

    BUYCLASS   -


    BUYER      - Used to validate the buyer codes.

    BUYVENPF   -

    COMPONENT  - Contains the component items that make up a kit item.

    CUCONV     - Maintains rate tables for each defined currency relationship.

    CURELAT    -


    GLADDRESS  - Contains the name, address, and communication numbers for the
                 company and needed accounting units.

    GLCHART    - Contains chart and system account information in the General
                 Ledger system including retained earnings, undistributed
                 retained earnings, error suspense, and gain/loss account

    GLCODES    - Holds information relating to systems, source codes, folders
                 and process groups.

    GLINTCO    - Contains interzone and intercompany relationships.

    GLSYSTEM   - Contains company information used primarily by the General
                 Ledger, but the file is also referenced by LAWSON INSIGHT

    ICBIN      - The Bin Numbers file is a master list of valid bin numbers in
                 a location used for tracking items by bin.

    ICCATEGORY - The GL Account Category file is a master file which defines
                 the inventory and offset general ledger accounts used to post
                 inventory transactions.

    ICRECEIPTS - The cost history file is used for LIFO and FIFO costing.

    ICVALUOM   -


    ITEMMAST   - The Item Master file stores static information about each item
                 such as description, classes, units of measure, and weight.

    ITEMSRC    -

    ITEMSUB    - The Item Substitute file stores valid substitutes for an item.

    KITITEM    - Contains the valid kit or parent items for a kit or assembly.


    MAJORCL    -



    MINORCL    -


    OEFRTCODE  - Contains freight codes that can be used in the Order Entry

    OEROUTE    - Contains all user-defined routes that are set up in the Order
                 Entry system.

    ORDERTYPE  - The Order Type file stores order type parameters.

    POCOMPANY  - Contains valid Purchase Order companies and corresponding

    POITEMVEN  - Contains the vendor's item identifier.



    POVENDOR   - Used in a Purchase Order common routine.



    PURCHORDER - Contains header information for each purchase order.

    REQUESTER  - This is the file of valid requesters.

    RQACCTU    - This is the list of valid accounting units that this requester
                 can enter on a requisition.

    RQAPPCODE  - Defines the codes that are assigned to requesters to identify
                 the approval hierarchy for all requisitions entered by that

    RQLOC      - Used to edit the requesting location and extract the default
                 accounts. Contains the valid requesting locations for the

    RQPURCHCLS - Contains the list of valid purchasing major classes that a
                 requester can enter items for on a requisition.

    STCOMMCODE - This is a file of valid standard comment codes used to add
                 comments to purchase orders.

    TXTAXRATE  - The Tax Rate file stores tax rates in effect for a specific
                 tax code.

    WFSETUP    -

    WHPROCTYPE - The Shipment Process Type file contains process type records
                 used for determining the steps an order is to take in the
                 Warehouse system.

INVOKED Programs
