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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


IC83.1 - Par Location Counts

**Form Purpose
Use Par Location Counts (IC83.1) to manually enter requisitions for a
cart/par location.

**More Information
You can add any item type including inventory (I), nonstock (N), special
order (X), or service (S). You can override expense account defaults for each
line if they were previously defined for the requesting location in RQ01.1
(Requesting Locations). You can assign an activity to the requested line. The
activity is passed to the Purchase Order application if the line gets
converted into a purchase order.

Do not enter a unit cost for the requested item on this form. If the item is
an inventory item, the cost may have defaulted. If the item has an average
cost assigned to it at the from location, that cost defaults. Use IC12.1 (Item
Location) to determine whether the item has an average cost. If the item is a
noninventory (N), special order (X), or service (S) item, you can add the
requested item but may have to use RQ10.1 (Requisition) to enter a unit cost.
You can release the requisition if each line has a unit cost.

If the company costing method is standard cost, the standard cost defaults
for the inventory item. For LIFO, FIFO, or average cost companies, the average
cost defaults. The Inventory Control application uses the cost to estimate the
total value of the requisition and determine whether the requisition requires

If the item is a nonstock or an inventory item, the description defaults from
IC11.1 (Item Master).

To add more detail for any requested lines, choose the RQ10.1. (Requisition)
Lines form Line Detail detail tab. If the requested item is a special order
(X) or service (S) item, enter the description.

If you are using the "@k" process type, this program does an availability
edit and creates a requisition line for what you have available.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
                 to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left

    COCOMP     - The Demand Line Kit Components file contains the kit
                 components that make up a line on a document.

    ICCOMPANY  - Primary file maintained by program.

    ICLOCATION - Primary file maintained by program.

    ITEMGROUP  - Primary file maintained by the program.

    ITEMLOC    - Primary file maintained by program.

    MMDIST     - This record holds an account number and possibly an activity
                 code intended for a general ledger distribution of an inventory

    MMUAVAL    -

    POCODE     -

    POINTAOC   -


    REQHEADER  - Created for items with reorder document code R.

    REQLINE    - Created for items with reorder document code R.

    ROUTEDOC   - Created for items with reorder document code R.

    ROUTEHDR   - For all routes created, a header record is added to the Route
                 Header file.

    ROUTESTOP  - The Route Stop file contains records set up to identify the
                 stops along a route.

    RQAPPROVE  - This is the file of open approval records needing to be
                 approved, created for each approval amount level that is less
                 than the requisition total value.

    TXCODEMAST - The Tax Code Master file contains tax codes, descriptions, and
                 the tax types that define how the tax code is to be used.

    TXCOMPANY  - The Tax Company file contains company information, as well as
                 which tax system the company uses.

    TXTAXCODE  - Used to validate purchase and sell tax codes.

    TXTAXTABLE - Used in the Accounts Payable common routine.

    WHDEMAND   - The Demand file contains all the records that the Warehouse
                 system needs for processing demands.

    WHDEMNDHDR - The Demand Header file contains document header records.

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - This file is used to validate the asset numbers maintained in
                 the Asset Management system.

    AMTEMPLATE - Used to validate the asset template numbers maintained in the
                 Asset Management system.

    APACCRCODE - An invoice accrual code is used to link a general ledger
                 invoice accrual account to an invoice.

    APCOMPANY  - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.

    APVENGROUP - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.

    BINGRPDTL  - Prints bins in a bin group on a report.

    BUYCLASS   -


    BUYER      - Used for validating the buyer code entered as a run time

    BUYVENPF   -

    COMPONENT  - Contains those items from which kits are constructed.

    CUCONV     - Used in a Currency conversion common routine.

    CURELAT    - Used to validate a currency relationship.


    GLADDRESS  - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    GLCHART    - Used to validate system accounts.

    GLCODES    - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    GLINTCO    - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to obtain the activity flag.

    ICBIN      - Used to validate bin numbers entered.

    ICCATEGORY - Used to retrieve account numbers.

    ICRECEIPTS - Created on a release form action to track costing.

    ICVALUOM   -


    ITEMMAST   - Used to display the item description and to retrieve defaults.

    ITEMSRC    -

    ITEMSUB    - Contains the item substitute information.

    KITITEM    - Used to validate the kit item.


    MAJORCL    -



    MINORCL    -


    OEFRTCODE  - This file contains freight codes that can be used in the
                 Warehouse system.

    OEROUTE    - This file contains all user-defined routes that are set up in
                 the Warehouse system.

    ORDERTYPE  - The Order Type file stores order type parameters.

    POCOMPANY  - Used to retrieve Purchase Order historical transactions.

    POITEMVEN  - Used to validate the vendor item number.



    POVENDOR   - This file is used in a Purchase Order common routine.



    PURCHORDER - Used to validate purchase order.

    REQUESTER  - Used to validate a requester name.

    RQACCTU    - This is the list of valid accounting units that this requester
                 can enter on a requisition.

    RQAPPCODE  - Used to obtain valid approval code.

    RQLOC      - Used to retrieve requesting location name.

    RQPURCHCLS - This file contains the list of valid purchasing major classes
                 that a requester can enter items for on a requisition.

    STCOMMCODE - This is a file of valid standard comment codes used to add
                 comments to a purchase order.

    TXTAXRATE  - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine.

    WFSETUP    -

    WHPROCTYPE - The Shipment Process Type file contains process type records
                 used for determining the steps a document is to take in the
                 Warehouse system.

INVOKED Programs
