Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


RQ35.1 - Requisition Returns

**Form Purpose
Use Requisition Returns (RQ35.1) to add items back into inventory only if the

- have been returned from the requesting location,

- were issued to the requesting location, and

- were not transferred to the requesting location.

Before using RQ35.1 (Requisition Returns), requisition lines must have been
fully processed through the warehouse system.

**Processing Effect
If the option is selected, a replacement Requisition will be created to
procure the goods that have been returned.

RQ35.1 processes the returned quantity as follows.

- Puts the returned quantity back into inventory at the "from" location.

- Creates an RR inventory transaction which it uses to credit the requesting
location and reduce the usage history.

**More Information
You can add multiple UOM detail (if the actual returned UOM is different from
the Entered UOM in the Line Detail detail tab) or you can change the UOM.

To add multiple UOM detail or change the UOM,

- Select the Select line action.

- Select Window Local Form Transfer.

- Select Lot Feedback to display RQ39.2 (Lot Feedback).

- or -

- Select Bin, UOM Feedback to display RQ39.3 (Bin/UOM Feedback).

- Enter any valid UOM. However, the line is "in balance" only when the total
of the detail lines equals the line entered quantity based on the stock UOM.

- When you redisplay RQ35.1, an asterisk next to the UOM field indicates
multiple UOM detail changes.

- To redisplay RQ39.2 (Lot Feedback) or RQ39.3 (Bin/UOM Feedback) from this
form, select the X (Select) line action.

Updated Files

    COCOMP     - The Demand Line Kit Components file contains the kit
                 components that make up a line on a document.

    CXCOMPANY  - Used to validate company.


    CXITEMHIST - Used to update the Case Carts item history.

    CXPREFITEM - Used to update the Case Carts preference item.

    HCPATCHRG  - Used to update the Patient Charge file.

    HCPATVISIT - Used to update the Patient Visit file.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to edit the company number.

    ICHISTORY  - The Transaction History file contains the history of an item's
                 inventory transactions summarized by transaction type and
                 period or year.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the location name.

    ICLOT      - Updates quantities at the lot level, when an item is returned.

    ICRECEIPTS - Record created on release due to increased stock on-hand.

    ICTRANS    - Inventory historical record created on release.

    ICTRANSDTL - Inv. historical record created on release for lot, bin or
                 serial tracked item.

    ITEMGROUP  - Enables companies to share Item Master records or to keep them
                 separate by company.

    ITEMLOC    - Updated with quantities returned.

    ITSERIAL   - Serial number status updated on return.

    MMDIST     - This record holds an account number and possibly an activity
                 code intended for a general ledger distribution of an inventory

    MMUAVAL    -

    POCODE     -

    POINTAOC   -

    POINTERFAC - Updated with purchase order information.

    REQHEADER  - Primary file maintained by program.

    REQLINE    - Detail file maintained by program.

    ROUTEDOC   - The Route Document file contains documents that are to be
                 delivered along a route.

    ROUTEHDR   - For all routes created, the system added a header record to
                 the Route Header file.

    ROUTESTOP  - The Route Stop file contains records set up to identify the
                 stops along a route.

    RQAPPROVE  - Contains open approval records that need approval because the
                 approval amount level is less than the requisition total value.

    RQLINEDTL  - Detail file maintained by program.

    RQTRANS    - Requisition historical record created on release.

    SOHDETAIL  - Updated with quantities returned at bin and/or lot level.

    TXCODEMAST - The Tax Code Master file contains tax codes, descriptions, and
                 the tax types that define how the tax code is used.

    TXCOMPANY  - The Tax Company file contains company information, as well as
                 which tax system the company uses.

    TXTAXCODE  - The Tax Code file contains all tax code information used to
                 calculate tax transactions.

    TXTAXTABLE - Contains a tax table that defines a series of up to eight tax
                 codes to be applied to a single transaction and determines how
                 each tax code will affect the taxable amount of a transaction.

    WHDEMAND   - The Demand file contains all the records that the Warehouse
                 system needs for processing demands.

    WHDEMNDHDR - Used to create or update a Warehouse system demand header
                 record. The Demand Header file contains document header

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to validate the asset numbers maintained in the Asset
                 Management system.

    AMTEMPLATE - Used to validate the asset template numbers maintained in the
                 Asset Management system.

    APACCRCODE - An invoice accrual code is used to link a general ledger
                 invoice accrual account to an invoice.

    APCOMPANY  - Used in a Accounts Payable common routine.

    APVENGROUP - Used in a Accounts Payable common routine.

    BUYCLASS   -


    BUYER      - Used to validate the buyer codes.

    BUYVENPF   -

    COMPONENT  - Contains the component items that make up a kit item.

    CUCONV     - Used to maintain rate tables for each defined currency

    CURELAT    -


    CXBURDEN   - Used to validate or display case burden code data.

    CXCASEPREF - Used to validate case preference information.

    CXPTMPITEM - Used to validate case preference template item information.

    GLADDRESS  - Contains the name, address, and communication numbers for the
                 company and needed accounting units.

    GLCHART    - Contains chart and system account information in the General
                 Ledger system including retained earnings, undistributed
                 retained earnings, error suspense, and gain/loss account

    GLCODES    - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    GLINTCO    - Contains interzone and intercompany relationships.

    GLSYSTEM   - Contains company information used primarily by the General
                 Ledger, but the file is also referenced by LAWSON INSIGHT

    HCCHRGITEM - Used to validate Patient Charge item information.

    ICBIN      - Used to validate the bin number.

    ICCATEGORY - Used to get accounts for Inventory Transaction transactions.

    ICVALUOM   -


    ITEMMAST   - Used to obtain various item information.

    ITEMSRC    -

    ITEMSUB    - The Item Substitute file stores valid substitutes for an item.

    KITITEM    - Contains the valid kit or parent items for a kit or assembly.


    MAJORCL    -



    MINORCL    -


    OEFRTCODE  - Contains freight codes that can be used in the Order Entry

    OEROUTE    - Contains all user-defined routes that are set up in the Order
                 Entry system.

    ORDERTYPE  - The Order Type file stores order type parameters.

    POCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Purchase Order company.

    POITEMVEN  - Contains the vendor's item identifier.

    POLINE     - Contains purchase order line item information.





    POVENDOR   - Used in a Purchase Order common routine.



    PURCHORDER - Contains header information for each purchase order.

    REASON     - Used to validate or display valid reason codes.

    REQUESTER  - This is the file of valid requesters.

    RQACCTU    - This is the list of valid accounting units that this requester
                 can enter on a requisition.

    RQAPPCODE  - Defines the codes that are assigned to requesters to identify
                 the approval hierarchy for all requisitions entered by that

    RQLOC      - Used to determine the inventory transaction type.

    RQPURCHCLS - Contains the list of valid purchasing major classes that a
                 requester can enter items for on a requisition.

    STCOMMCODE - This is a file of valid standard comment codes used to add
                 comments to purchase orders.

    TXTAXRATE  - The Tax Rate file stores tax rates in effect for a specific
                 tax code.

    WFSETUP    -

    WHPROCTYPE - The Shipment Process Type file contains process type records
                 used for determining the steps an order is to take in the
                 Warehouse system.



RQ35.2 - Requisition Returns Replacement Requisition Data

**Form Purpose
Use Requisition Returns Replacement Requisition Data (RQ35.2) to

Updated Files


Referenced Files



INVOKED Programs
