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                            CXPTMPITEM FILE

                             Template Items

The Template Items file contains the items that are included in a preference
template. The information in this record is used to provide default item
information in Preference Items file records when adding preference templates
to a case.

Use CX05.1 (Preference Template) to add or delete items from a preference


CXCP.1    WH130     WH132     WH190     WH222     WH30.1
WH30.2    WH30.3    WH30.4    WH31.1    WH31.2    WH31.3
WH31.4    WH32.1    WH32.2    WH32.3    WH32.4    WH33.5
WH33.1    WH33.2    WH33.3    WH33.4    WH33.6    WH33.8
WH33.9    WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4    WH40.1
WH40.2    WH520     WH830     AP125     AP126     AP131
AP25.1    AP25.2    AP26.1    AP27.1    IC28.1    MA180
MA43.9    MA530     MA531     MA60.2    MA60.3    MA60.5
MA61.1    MA66.3    MA67.1    MA67.2    MA70.1    MAI1.1
PO100     PO101     PO122     PO131     PO20.1    PO21.2
PO21.3    PO21.4    PO21.5    PO22.1    PO23.1    PO29.1
PO30.1    PO30.2    PO30.3    PO300     PO31.1    PO31.2
PO32.2    PO33.1    PO34.1    PO35.1    PO38.1    PO39.1
PO39.2    PO44.1    PO50.1    PO52.1    PO520     POI3.1
POIE.1    POII.1    POIJ.1    RQ10.1    RQ10.2    RQ35.1
WH20.2    WH20.7


CTI-COMPANY          Numeric 4
Company              This field contains the company number.

To Location          This field contains the location
                     requisitioning items and to be charged
                     for the items. This location can be an
                     inventory or noninventory location.

                     This value appears as the to location
                     on pick lists printed when you run CX100
                     (Pick List Print) and WH130 (Pick List

                     Valid values are

                     A requesting location defined in RQ01.1
                     (Requesting Location) for the specified
                     healthcare company.

CTI-PREF-CODE        Alpha 8
Preference Code      This field contains the Preference List

CTI-PROC-TYPE        Alpha 8
Proc Type            The procedure type is the first of two
                     fields that uniquely identify a
                     procedure. The procedure type can
                     identify the code set to which the
                     procedure code belongs.

                     For example, you can use one of the
                     following codes:
                     - CPT-4  for a code in the Current
                     Procedural Terminology listing compiled
                     by the American Medical Association
                     -HCPCS for a code in HCFA's (Health
                     Care Financing Administration's) Common
                     Procedure Coding System, or
                     - A code defined for your
                     organization's own procedures listing.

CTI-PROC-CODE        Alpha 8
Procedure Code       The procedure code is the second of two
                     fields that uniquely identify a
                     procedure.  The procedure code is an
                     identifier for a specific procedure
                     within a procedure type.

CTI-PRACTNR-ID       Alpha 15
Practitioner ID      This field contains the practitioner ID.

                     Form CX04.1 (Practitioner) is used to
                     define practitioner IDs.

CTI-LINE-NBR         Numeric 6
Line Number          This field contains the line number.

CTI-ITEM             Alpha 32                                    AP125   AP126
Item Number          This field contains the item                AP131   AP25.1
                     identifier.                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  CXCP.1
                                                                 IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AP125   AP126
Description          This field contains the item                AP131   AP25.1
                     description. This value defaults from       AP25.2  AP26.1
                     the item master for inventoried (I) or      AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     non-inventory-tracked (N) type items and    IC28.1  MA180
                     must be added manually for all other        MA43.9  MA530
                     types.                                      MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-ITEM-TYPE        Alpha 1                                     AP125   AP126
Item Type            This field identifies the line item         AP131   AP25.1
                     type.                                       AP25.2  AP26.1
                     I = Inventoried Item                        AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     N = Non-Stock Item                          IC28.1  MA180
                     S = Service Item                            MA43.9  MA530
                     X = Special Item                            MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

Service Code

CTI-QUANTITY         Signed 13.4                                 AP125   AP126
Quantity             This field contains the requested           AP131   AP25.1
                     quantity to be picked.                      AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     This field defaults to one (1) if no        IC28.1  MA180
                     value is entered.                           MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-UOM              Alpha 4                                     AP125   AP126
Unit of Measure      This field contains the valid stock         AP131   AP25.1
                     unit of measure for this item.              AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  CXCP.1
                                                                 IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-ISSUE-COST       Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Issue Cost           This field contains either a                AP131   AP25.1
                     system-generated or a user-defined cost.    AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     Defaults:                                   IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                     For inventoried (I) type items, the         MA531   MA60.2
                     Case Carts system defaults the issue        MA60.3  MA60.5
                     cost from the Inventory Control system      MA61.1  MA66.3
                     costing routine.                            MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                     For non-inventory tracked (N, X, or S)      PO100   PO101
                     type items, the Case Carts system           PO122   PO131
                     defaults the cost from the Purchase         PO20.1  PO21.2
                     Order system unit cost default routine.     PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                     You can override the defaulted costs by     PO23.1  PO29.1
                     making a line change.                       PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-FROM-COMPANY     Numeric 4                                   AP125   AP126
From Company         This is the company that is the source      AP131   AP25.1
                     of the items.                               AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  CXCP.1
                                                                 IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-FROM-LOCATION    Alpha 5                                     AP125   AP126
From Location        This is the inventory location that         AP131   AP25.1
                     supplies the items or it is the purchase    AP25.2  AP26.1
                     order ship to location that receives the    AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     items.                                      IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-ACCT-UNIT        Alpha 15                                    AP125   AP126
Accounting Unit      The accounting unit is a shorthand          AP131   AP25.1
                     notation representing the variable level    AP25.2  AP26.1
                     number. When used in the General Ledger     AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     Account Master file, the accounting unit    IC28.1  MA180
                     must be defined in the General Ledger       MA43.9  MA530
                     Names file as a posting accounting unit.    MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-ACCOUNT          Numeric 6                                   AP125   AP126
Account              This field along with the accounting        AP131   AP25.1
                     unit and subaccount make up the location    AP25.2  AP26.1
                     (account) where amounts and other           AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     account information is stored.              IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-SUB-ACCOUNT      Numeric 4                                   AP125   AP126
Subaccount           This field along with the accounting        AP131   AP25.1
                     unit and subaccount make up the location    AP25.2  AP26.1
                     (account) where amounts and other           AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     account information is stored.              IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-CHARGE-NBR       Alpha 10                                    AP125   AP126
Charge Nbr           The number used by the patient billing      AP131   AP25.1
                     system to charge patients for items         AP25.2  AP26.1
                     used.                                       AP27.1  CXCP.1
                                                                 IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-CHARGEABLE-FL    Alpha 1                                     AP125   AP126
Chargeable Fl        This field indicates whether the item       AP131   AP25.1
                     is a patient chargeable item.               AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  CXCP.1
                     Select Yes if the item is a patient         IC28.1  MA180
                     chargeable item.                            MA43.9  MA530
                     Y = Yes                                     MA531   MA60.2
                     N = No                                      MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-PRICE            Signed 15.2
Price                This field contains the amount that the
                     patient will be charged for the item.

CTI-REV-CENTER       Alpha 5                                     AP125   AP126
Rev Center           The revenue center is the department or     AP131   AP25.1
                     accounting unit to be credited by the       AP25.2  AP26.1
                     reimbursement.                              AP27.1  CXCP.1
                                                                 IC28.1  MA180
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA60.2
                                                                 MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4
                                                                 PO21.5  PO22.1
                                                                 PO23.1  PO29.1
                                                                 PO30.1  PO30.2
                                                                 PO30.3  PO300
                                                                 PO31.1  PO31.2
                                                                 PO32.2  PO33.1
                                                                 PO34.1  PO35.1
                                                                 PO38.1  PO39.1
                                                                 PO39.2  PO44.1
                                                                 PO50.1  PO52.1
                                                                 PO520   POI3.1
                                                                 POIE.1  POII.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.2  RQ35.1
                                                                 WH130   WH132

CTI-POST-ITEM-FL     Alpha 1
Post Item Fl         This field indicates whether or not the
                     item is used in the procedure (an
                     intraoperative item) or is a
                     postoperative or preoperative item.
                     1 = Intra-Op
                     2 = Post-Op
                     3 = Pre-Op

CTI-POST-DAY         Numeric 2
Posting Day          This field defines the day of the
                     patient visit when the item is to be
                     used. A value of zero indicates the day
                     of the procedure. When used with the
                     Care Days field, this value indicates
                     the day to start picking care items.

Patient Class        This provides for a category of patient.
                     I = Inpatient
                     O = Outpatient

CTI-REPEAT-FL        Alpha 1
Repeat Fl            This field is reserved for a future
                     release of the Case Carts system.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

CTI-NBR-DAYS         Numeric 2
Number of Days       Care days are the total number of days
                     a preoperative or postoperative item
                     will be used on the case, starting with
                     the usage day. The day of the procedure
                     is considered usage day 0.
                     See note below.
                     The Care Days * Units Per Day must
                     equal the Quantity if the Item Usage
                     flag is set.

                     For example, if the patient stay
                     consists of day one for both surgery and
                     the use of intraoperative and
                     postoperative items, the number of care
                     days is 0.
                     In another example, if the patient stay
                     consists of two days, day one for the
                     procedure (designated as usage day 0)
                     and day two for postoperative care, the
                     number of care days is 1.
                     In another example if an item is not
                     used on a day in the middle of a patient
                     stay, you must create two lines for the
                     item. That is, first define the care
                     days for the item, up to the day of
                     nonusage. Next, add a new line for the
                     same item. Assume the day of nonusage as
                     a new usage day 0 and define the care
                     days for the new line as the total
                     number of remaining care days for the

                     Use the following fields together: Item
                     Usage, Usage Day, Care Days, and Units
                     Per Day.

CTI-UNITS-PER-DAY    Numeric 3
Units Per Day        This value defines the number of item
                     units to be used per care day.

                     Use this field with the Item Usage
                     flag. Be aware that you do not use this
                     field with Care Days and Units Per Day

CTI-PICK-FL          Alpha 1
Picking Option Flag  This field indicates in which system to
                     run the pick list program.

                     Important: Your selection affects more
                     than just printing the pick list. Your
                     decision also affects whether shipment
                     records will be created so that items
                     are picked for the correct case by
                     shipment number. The shipment records
                     also exist for further processing. See
                     note below.

                     For inventoried (I) type items, you
                     must select 1.

                     For non-inventory-tracked (N, X, or S)
                     type items, you can select 1, 2, or 3.

                     For printing no pick lists, select 3.

                     Note:  You must run the pick list
                     program (WH130 (Pick List Print)) in the
                     Warehouse system to have the system
                     create shipment records. (Later, when
                     you run CX100 (Pick List Print), the
                     shipment number created will appear on
                     the CX100 pick list. The shipment number
                     helps you match picked items with a case
                     procedure.) Additionally, once the
                     shipment records are created, shipping
                     feedback (in WH32.1 (Shipping Feedback
                     by Shipment)), and reduction of stock on
                     hand and deletion of demand records by
                     shipment release (in WH190 (Shipment
                     Release)) can proceed.
                     1 = Pick through Warehouse system
                     2 = Pick through Case Cart system
                     3 = Do not pick

Account Category     This field contains a valid account
                     category as defined in the Activity
                     Management system.
                     Note:  Use of the Activity Management
                     system to track and report costs
                     recorded in the Case Carts system is
                     reserved for a future release.

CTI-ACTIVITY         Alpha 15
Activity             This field contains a valid activity
                     code as defined in the Activity
                     Management system.
                     Note:  Use of the Activity Management
                     system to track and report costs
                     recorded in the Case Carts system is
                     reserved for a future release.

CTI-ATN-OBJ-ID       Numeric 12
Atn Object ID        This field contains a system-assigned
                     identifier that provides access to data
                     in related files.

CTI-STORAGE-LOC      Alpha 7
Storage Loc          This field contains the storage
                     location identifier.

Stockless Fl         This flag indicates whether or not the
                     item is a stockless item.

                     Note:  Use of this field is reserved
                     for a future release.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

Agreement Ref

CTI-COST-CD          Alpha 1
Unit Cost Origin     This field contains the unit cost
Code                 origin code.
                     E = Entered
                     L = Last Cost
                     C = Contract
                     T = Catalog/Quote
                     B = Blanket
                     P = Last PO Created

CTI-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)
Vendor ID            The vendor's identification code.

CTI-CREATE-PO-CD     Alpha 1
Create Purchase      This code indicates whether this
Order Code           inventory item is to be purchased by a
                     purchase order instead of picked from

                     N = No, pick from inventory.
                     Y = Yes, create purchase order.

CTI-PO-CODE          Alpha 4
Po Code              This is the purchase order code.

Taxable or           This field defines whether or not the
Non-Taxable Flag     item is taxable.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

CTI-TAX-CODE         Alpha 10
Tax Code             This field contains a code representing
                     specific tax information.  This must be
                     valid Tax Code.

CTI-CERT-REQ-FL      Alpha 1
Certification        This flag indicates whether a
Required Flag        certification is required for this line
                     when it is purchased. This field value
                     is passed to the purchase order when the
                     purchase order line is created.

                     Select No if Certification not required.

                     Select Yes if Certification required.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

CTI-INSP-REQ-FL      Alpha 1
Inspection Required  This flag indicates whether this item
Flag                 has to be inspected when received via
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

CTI-COST-OPTION      Alpha 1
Cost Option          1 = Cost Required
                     2 = No Charge
                     3 = Vendor Determined

CTI-MANUF-CODE       Alpha 4
Manufacturer's Code  This field contains a user-defined code
                     that indicates the manufacturer of an

Manufacturer's       This field contains a user-defined code
Division             that indicates which division of a
                     manufacturer is tied to an item.

CTI-MANUF-NBR        Alpha 15
Manufacturer's Item  This is the identifier that the
Number               manufacturer has assigned to an item.

Leadtime Number of   This value (in days) indicates whether
Days                 the allocation for the item should be
                     done immediately or at some future date.
                     (For example, if a purchase order must
                     be created for the item, the leadtime
                     must allow time to create the order,
                     send it, and receive the item.)

                     The future date for allocation is
                     calculated using this value.

                     If blank, the value defaults from the
                     lead-time days defined on the Main tab
                     of the template.

CTI-PUT-OUT-FL       Numeric 3
Put Out Fl           This field will show up on the printed
                     pick list and preference list to show
                     how many of an item needs to opened for
                     the procedure.  This will help in
                     reducing waste and returns.

                     For example, if the item quantity is 4
                     but the practitioner wants only 2
                     opened, this value would be 2.

Use Identifier

Consignment Fl

                         CXPTMPITEM FILE INDEX


CTISET1   COMPANY                                                CXCP.1  WH130
          REQ-LOCATION                                           WH132   WH190
          PREF-CODE                                              WH222   WH30.1
          PROC-TYPE                                              WH30.2  WH30.3
          PROC-CODE                                              WH30.4  WH31.1
          PRACTNR-ID                                             WH31.2  WH31.3
          LINE-NBR                                               WH31.4  WH32.1
                                                                 WH32.2  WH32.3
                                                                 WH32.4  WH33.5
                                                                 WH34.1  WH34.2
                                                                 WH34.3  WH34.4
                                                                 WH40.1  WH40.2
                                                                 WH520   WH830

CTISET2   COMPANY                                                AP125   AP126
          REQ-LOCATION                                           AP131   AP25.1
          ITEM                                                   AP25.2  AP26.1
          PREF-CODE                                              AP27.1  CXCP.1
          PROC-TYPE                                              IC28.1  MA180
          PROC-CODE                                              MA43.9  MA530
          PRACTNR-ID                                             MA531   MA60.2
          LINE-NBR                                               MA60.3  MA60.5
                                                                 MA61.1  MA66.3
                                                                 MA67.1  MA67.2
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1
                                                                 PO100   PO101
                                                                 PO122   PO131
                                                                 PO20.1  PO21.2
                                                                 PO21.3  PO21.4

CTISET3   ATN-OBJ-ID    KeyChange, Duplicates, Subset
                        Where ATN-OBJ-ID != Zeroes

                         CXPTMPITEM FILE RELATIONS



Cxpreftemp     CXPREFTEMP   Required

                            CTI-COMPANY          -> CPT-COMPANY  (CPTSET1)
                            CTI-REQ-LOCATION     -> CPT-REQ-LOCATION
                            CTI-PREF-CODE        -> CPT-PREF-CODE
                            CTI-PROC-TYPE        -> CPT-PROC-TYPE
                            CTI-PROC-CODE        -> CPT-PROC-CODE
                            CTI-PRACTNR-ID       -> CPT-PRACTNR-ID

From Location  ICLOCATION   Required
                            When CTI-FROM-LOCATION != Spaces

                            CTI-COMPANY          -> ICL-COMPANY
                            CTI-FROM-LOCATION    -> ICL-LOCATION

Ic Company     ICCOMPANY    Required

                            CTI-COMPANY          -> ICC-COMPANY

Item           ITEMMAST     Not Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> ITE-ITEM-GROUP
                            CTI-ITEM             -> ITE-ITEM

Item Location  ITEMLOC      Not Required
                            Valid When CTI-FROM-LOCATION != Spaces

                            CTI-COMPANY          -> ITL-COMPANY
                            CTI-FROM-LOCATION    -> ITL-LOCATION
                            CTI-ITEM             -> ITL-ITEM

Vendor         APVENMAST    Required
                            When CTI-VENDOR != Spaces

                            CPY-VENDOR-GROUP     -> -VENDOR-GROUP
                            CTI-VENDOR           -> -VENDOR

Vendor Group   APCOMPANY    Required

                            CTI-COMPANY          -> CPY-COMPANY

                         CXPTMPITEM FILE RELATIONS



Itemsub        ITEMSUB

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> ITS-ITEM-GROUP
                            CTI-ITEM             -> ITS-ITEM
                            "S"                  -> ITS-SUBTYPE