AR137 - Finance Charge Late Payment
**Form Purpose
Run Finance Charge Late Payment (AR137) to assess finance and/or late payment
charges for customers with finance charge options defined in AR10.1
Updated Files
ARAPPLIED - Changes result flag to "W" when result flag is "L" or "D".
ARCODE - Accessed for AR code GL account and finance GL account.
ARCOMP - Updates finance charge number.
ARCUSTOMER - Updates current balance, period bill, and period RTMs.
ARCUSTPER - Customer period totals updated in an API called by the program.
ARDISTRIB - Creates distribution records.
AROIHDR - Creates debit memo header records.
AROITEMS - Updates last finance charge date. Creates an open item record
for finance charge amount.
ARPAYMENT - Accessed for payment information.
ARSUMMARY - Updates debit memo amount fields.
CBBANKINST - Validates payment code. Sets the used flag to Yes.
CKPOINT - The environment file used for recovery.
CUSTDESC - Updates customer group current balance.
JBOOKHDR - Used in journal book processing.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account current balance.
NOTICEWRK - Creates notice work records.
Referenced Files
ARCUSTGRP - Accessed for customer group information.
ARCYCLE - Accessed to select customers for finance charge processing.
ARDISPUTE - Accessed to determine if dispute amounts will be part of
finance charges.
ARFINANCE - Accessed for finance charge information.
ARFINRATE - Maintains the finance charge rates for individual finance
charge codes.
ARITEMAUD - Accessed for open item transfer logic.
ARPAYNOTTX - Accessed for late payment notice text to print on the late
payment notice.
ARPROCLEVL - Accessed for process level information.
ARPYMNTHDR - Accessed for payment header information.
CUCONV - Obtains a currency exchange rate.
CURELAT - Validates currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Defaults general ledger company address.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates general ledger company information.
JBKOPCODE - Used in journal book processing.
JBKSYSCODE - Used in journal book processing.
NATACCT - Accessed for national account information.
INVOKED Programs