AR502 - Transaction Conversion
**Form Purpose
Run Transaction Conversion (AR502) to import invoices, debit memos, credit
memos to the Lawson Accounts Receivable system from files created by an
external source.
**Processing Effect
The Update Option is used to edit only or edit and update the transaction
records. The program edits the external data to protect the integrity of the
Accounts Receivable data. The program creates a report in transaction number
order that includes each field that failed an edit, the field data, a
description of the error, and totals for the number of records processed,
invoices added, debit memos added, credit memos added, dispute records added,
transaction comments added, and total errors.
Note Multiple payment obligations (indicated if the conversion file's payment
sequence is greater than 1) will create one payment header record with
reference information (sales representative, terms code, user fields, and so
on) obtained from the first payment obligation record.
Updated Files
ARAPPLIED - Creates application records for historical open items.
ARCODE - Updated with used flag set.
ARCOMP - Used to validate company.
ARCUSTOMER - Last invoicing information updated.
ARCUSTPER - Customer period transaction amounts updated.
ARDRAFTS - BOE records created for individual open items.
ARITRANS - Conversion record deleted after like record created.
AROIHDR - Invoice, debit memo, and credit memo header records created.
AROITEMS - Invoice, debit memo, and credit memo open item records created.
ARPROCLEVL - Process level used flag updated.
ARSUMMARY - Summary file records created with open item transaction
CBBANKENT - Bank entity validation and used flag updated.
CBBANKINST - Payment code validation and used flag updated.
CBCASHCODE - Cash code validation and used flag updated.
CKPOINT - Used for restart purposes.
CUSTDESC - Customer description file validated.
NATBALANCE - National account balance file validated.
TERMS - Used to compute open item terms logic.
Referenced Files
ARCUSTGRP - Use as part of company validation.
ARCUSTTOTS - Used to validate process level inclusions.
BILLTO - Validates customer bill to address record.
CBUSER - Used as part of cash ledger validation.
CBUSRCLASS - Used as part of cash ledger validation.
CUCONV - Used as part of currency validation.
DTCUSTBANK - Validates Bills of Exchange bank accounts.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company information.
GLCHART - Used as part of general ledger account validation.
GLINTCO - Used to validate inter company general ledger relationships.
GLSYSTEM - Used as part of general ledger account validation.
NATACCT - Used to validate national account customer relationship.
SALESREP - Used to validate sales representative code.
INVOKED Programs