CA110 - Allocation Calculation
**Form Purpose
Run Allocation Calculation (CA110) to calculate released allocations. You can
run this program for one allocation or a group of allocations for a single
company or a company group. Use CA15.1 (Allocation Control), CA10.1
(Allocation), or CA10.8 (Allocation Detail) to release allocations.
If the results are not what you expect, you can unrelease and maintain the
allocation in CA10.1 (Allocation) or CA10.8 (Allocation Detail). Once you make
corrections, release the allocations and rerun this program.
**More Information
When the desired results are achieved, run CA190 (Allocation Interface) for
Actual type allocations or CA195 (Budget Allocation Interface) for Current or
Next Year budgets to update the General Ledger system.
If you calculate released allocations by company, company group, or
allocation group, you must run CA190 by the same company, company group, or
allocation group.
Updated Files
CATRANS - This file is updated with allocation transactions generated by
this program.
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
CUAMOUNT - Used to process account balances.
FBDETAIL - Used to access posting account budget balances.
GLAMOUNTS - Used to access posting account balances.
GLMONITOR - Used to control which jobs can run concurrently.
GLUNITS - Used to access an account's unit balances.
RATOTALS - Used to store computed total values.
ULTOTALS - Used to store totals for an accounting unit list and an
account range.
Not used in the Allocations system.
Referenced Files
ACDETAIL - Used to calculate allocation spread.
ACHEADER - Used to validate the existence of allocation codes.
CAALLOCGRP - Used to validate the existence of an allocation group.
CADETAIL - Used to calculate allocation transactions.
CAHEADER - Used to validate the existence of an allocation.
CMPUTE - Used to validate the existence of a compute statement.
CUCONV - Used to access currency exchange rates.
CURELAT - Used to validate the existence of currency relationships.
FBHEADER - Used to validate the existence of a posting account budget.
GLADDRESS - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
GLCGCPY - Used to validate the existence of a company group.
GLCHART - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate the existence of a detail account.
GLCHARTSUM - Used by a common routine accessed by this program. This file
is not used by this program.
GLCPYGRP - Used to access the companies associated with a company group.
GLMASTER - Used to validate the existence of posting accounts. This
file is updated if dynamic account generation is used.
GLNAMES - Used to validate the existence of an accounting unit.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the existence of a company.
MXLISTHDR - Used to validate the existence of an object list.
MXLISTMBR - Used to access accounting units associated with an accounting
unit list.
RWGRPDET - Used to access level, account, and subaccount groups.
RWROWDET - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
ULPOST - Not used in the Allocations system.
INVOKED Programs