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                             MLCALMAP FILE

The Multi-Ledger Calendar Map file stores calendar mapping information for a
ledger and company.


AC121     AC123     AC130     AC20.1    AC20.2    AC20.3
AC20.4    AC20.5    AC32.1    AC37.1    AC490     ACVW.1
AM180     CA10.5    CA110     FB100     FB11.1    FB111
FB20.1    FB20.6    FB20.7    FB21.1    FB211     FB296
FB95.1    FB95.2    FB95.3    FB95.4    FB95.5    FB95.6
GL165     GL298     GL65.1    GL94.1    GL94.2    GL94.3
GL94.4    GL94.5    GL94.6    GL94.7    GL95.1    GL95.2
GL95.3    GL95.4    GL95.5    GL95.6    GL95.7    GL95.8
GL95.9    GL96.1    GL96.2    GL96.3    GL96.4    GL96.5
GL97.1    GL97.2    GL97.3    GL97.4    GL97.5    GL97.6
GL97.7    GL97.8    GL97.9    GL98.1    GL98.2    GL98.3
GL98.4    GL98.5    GL99.1    GL99.2    GL99.3    GL99.4
GL99.5    GL99.6    RW100     RW230     RW270     RW30.1
RW70.1    RW80.1    GLAV.1    GLCV.1    GLVW.1    SLVW.1


MCM-LEDGER             Alpha 15
Element: Ledger        The ledger related to the mapped

MCM-COMPANY            Numeric 4
Element: Company       This is the General Ledger company the
                       ledger is linked to

MCM-FISCAL-YEAR        Numeric 4
Element: Last Closed YeThis is the fiscal year assigned to
                       this Ledger and Company combination.
                       This field is updated by Ledger Period
                       Closing  (ML199).

MCM-CURRENT-YR-FL      Alpha 1
Element: Current Yr Fl This flag indicates which record is the
                       current year.  A Yes in this field will
                       indicate that the fiscal year in this
                       record is the current year for the
                       ledger.  This field is updated by Ledger
                       Period Closing  (ML199).

MCM-PER-END-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd) Occurs 13 Times
Element: Date          Required for the number of account
                       periods for the current year in the
                       ledger.  The period end date is used to
                       determine the period to which the
                       transactions are posted.  These dates
                       are changed by GL199 if the ML Close
                       flag on the ledger is set to "N" or it
                       is changed by Ledger Period Closing
                       (ML199).  if the same flag is set to
                       "Y", when closing period 12 of the
                       current year.

MCM-PER-END-CODE       Alpha 1 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Period End CodThis field is used to indicate the
                       closing status for each period.
                       Occurrence 1-13 = Current year period
                       ending code.
                       Occurrence 14-26 = Last year period
                       ending code.
                       These fields are changed by GL199 (if
                       the ML Close flag on the ledger is set
                       to "N" ), ML199 (if the same flag is set
                       to "Y"), or Backpost Control.   If
                       closing the period, the period end code
                       is set to indicate a limited close or a
                       final close.  If closing for a year, the
                       period end code will be set to indicate
                       a limited or final close and also
                       current year is changed to last year.

MCM-GL-MAPPED-PER      Numeric 2 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Gl Mapped Per This is the corresponding GL period the
                       ML period is mapped to.

MCM-GL-MAPPED-FY       Numeric 4 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Gl Mapped Fy  This is the GL fiscal year  in which
                       the mapped period is assigned.

MCM-BACKPOST           Alpha 1 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Backpost      This field is used to indicate if
                       backposting has occurred for a period.
                       Occurrence 1-13 = Current year periods.
                       Occurrence 14-26 = Last year periods.

MCM-CLOSE-SEQ          Numeric 2 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Message Seq   The number of close occureces for the

MCM-PER-END-DATE1      Derived
Element: Per End Date1

MCM-PER-END-DATE2      Derived
Element: Per End Date2

MCM-PER-END-DATE3      Derived
Element: Per End Date3

MCM-PER-END-DATE4      Derived
Element: Per End Date4

MCM-PER-END-DATE5      Derived
Element: Per End Date5

MCM-PER-END-DATE6      Derived
Element: Per End Date6

MCM-PER-END-DATE7      Derived
Element: Per End Date7

MCM-PER-END-DATE8      Derived
Element: Per End Date8

MCM-PER-END-DATE9      Derived
Element: Per End Date9

MCM-PER-END-DATE10     Derived
Element: Per End Date10

MCM-PER-END-DATE11     Derived
Element: Per End Date11

MCM-PER-END-DATE12     Derived
Element: Per End Date12

MCM-PER-END-DATE13     Derived
Element: Per End Date13

MCM-PER-END-CODE1      Derived
Element: Per End Code1

MCM-PER-END-CODE2      Derived
Element: Per End Code2

MCM-PER-END-CODE3      Derived
Element: Per End Code3

MCM-PER-END-CODE4      Derived
Element: Per End Code4

MCM-PER-END-CODE5      Derived
Element: Per End Code5

MCM-PER-END-CODE6      Derived
Element: Per End Code6

MCM-PER-END-CODE7      Derived
Element: Per End Code7

MCM-PER-END-CODE8      Derived
Element: Per End Code8

MCM-PER-END-CODE9      Derived
Element: Per End Code9

MCM-PER-END-CODE10     Derived
Element: Per End Code10

MCM-PER-END-CODE11     Derived
Element: Per End Code11

MCM-PER-END-CODE12     Derived
Element: Per End Code12

MCM-PER-END-CODE13     Derived
Element: Per End Code13

MCM-GL-MAP-PER1        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per1

MCM-GL-MAP-PER2        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per2

MCM-GL-MAP-PER3        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per3

MCM-GL-MAP-PER4        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per4

MCM-GL-MAP-PER5        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per5

MCM-GL-MAP-PER6        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per6

MCM-GL-MAP-PER7        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per7

MCM-GL-MAP-PER8        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per8

MCM-GL-MAP-PER9        Derived
Element: Gl Map Per9

MCM-GL-MAP-PER10       Derived
Element: Gl Map Per10

MCM-GL-MAP-PER11       Derived
Element: Gl Map Per11

MCM-GL-MAP-PER12       Derived
Element: Gl Map Per12

MCM-GL-MAP-PER13       Derived
Element: Gl Map Per13

MCM-GL-MAP-FY1         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy1

MCM-GL-MAP-FY2         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy2

MCM-GL-MAP-FY3         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy3

MCM-GL-MAP-FY4         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy4

MCM-GL-MAP-FY5         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy5

MCM-GL-MAP-FY6         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy6

MCM-GL-MAP-FY7         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy7

MCM-GL-MAP-FY8         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy8

MCM-GL-MAP-FY9         Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy9

MCM-GL-MAP-FY10        Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy10

MCM-GL-MAP-FY11        Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy11

MCM-GL-MAP-FY12        Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy12

MCM-GL-MAP-FY13        Derived
Element: Gl Map Fy13

MCM-BLANK              Derived
Element: Blank         This derived field is always blank. It
                       is used in the Drill Around feature for
                       column headings.

                         MLCALMAP FILE INDEX


MCMSET1   LEDGER                                                 AC121   AC123
          COMPANY                                                AC130   AC20.1
          FISCAL-YEAR                                            AC20.2  AC20.3
                                                                 AC20.4  AC20.5
                                                                 AC32.1  AC37.1
                                                                 AC490   ACVW.1
                                                                 AM180   CA10.5
                                                                 CA110   FB100
                                                                 FB11.1  FB111
                                                                 FB20.1  FB20.6
                                                                 FB20.7  FB21.1
                                                                 FB211   FB296
                                                                 FB95.1  FB95.2
                                                                 FB95.3  FB95.4
                                                                 FB95.5  FB95.6

MCMSET2   CURRENT-YR-FL KeyChange, Subset                        GL165   GL65.1
          LEDGER        Where CURRENT-YR-FL = "Y"

MCMSET3   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset
          LEDGER        Where CURRENT-YR-FL = "Y"

                         MLCALMAP FILE RELATIONS



Company        GLSYSTEM     Not Required

                            MCM-COMPANY    -> GLS-COMPANY  (GLSSET1)

Mlcoledger     MLCOLEDGER   Not Required

                            MCM-COMPANY    -> MLE-COMPANY
                            MCM-LEDGER     -> MLE-LEDGER