DT150 - Selection, Generation of Bill
**Form Purpose
Run Selection, Generation of Bill (DT150) to select open items in the Lawson
Accounts Receivable system that are to be paid with a bill of exchange and to
generate bills of exchange for the open items selected. You can run the report
to select only, generate after selection only, or select and generate in one
You have the option to group the open items selected for bill of exchange
creation, apply credit memos to reduce the bill of exchange amount(s), and
include debit memos with the open invoices. If you group open items by due
date, the earliest invoice due date within a group of transactions to be paid
by a bill of exchange will be the bill of exchange due date.
**Processing Effect
Within the open item grouping options you select, the program will divide the
open items by payment code and by invoice currency with each payment code to
create separate bills of exchange.
**More Information
After you generate bills of exchange, run DT155 (Bill of Exchange Print -
Tape Create) to print bills of exchange or create a bills of exchange tape(s).
Updated Files
ARAPPLIED - Application created when invoices are grouped to create a bill
of exchange.
ARCOMP - Updates automatic bill of exchange numbering at company level.
ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer balance and bill of exchange balance when
bill of exchange is created.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period balance. Not used in DT150.
ARDFTSEL - Intermediate file used in selection of invoices and generation
of bills of exchange.
ARDISTRIB - Distributions created when bill of exchange is created from
ARDRAFTS - Primary file updated by this program.
AROIHDR - Updates distribution sequence when distribution is created.
AROITEMS - Updated when bill of exchange is created.
CBBANKENT - Used to validate bank and update used flag.
CBBANKINST - Used to validate payment code and update used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Used to validate cash code and update used flag.
CKPOINT - Updates file to determine program restarting point.
CUSTDESC - Updates the bill of exchange balance when bill of exchange is
NATBALANCE - National account balances are updated on bill of exchange
Referenced Files
ARCODE - Defaults the account for accounts receivable or bill of
exchange receivable.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group relationship.
ARCUSTTOTS - Used to check process level exclusion.
ARCYCLE - Used to validate customer statement cycle.
ARDISPUTE - Checks if open item is disputed. Program does not select open
items in dispute for bill of exchange.
AROBLIGGRP - Validation of open item if already grouped to create a bill of
ARPROCLEVL - Validation of screen and for process level defaults.
CBUSER - Used to determine user access to cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Used to determine user access to cash code.
CUCONV - Defaults currency exchange rate.
CURELAT - Validates currency relationship.
DTCUSTBANK - Defaults customer bank and bank account number.
GLADDRESS - Validates general ledger company address.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart.
GLSYSTEM - Validation to determine if general ledger company has been set
MAJCUSTCL - Validates screen parameter and selection of invoices.
MINCUSTCL - Validates screen parameter and selection of invoices.
NATACCT - Selection of invoices for national account grouping.
INVOKED Programs