DT92.1 - Dishonor Resolution
**Form Purpose
Use Dishonor Resolution (DT92.1) to resolve bills of exchange marked as
dishonored in DT90.1 (Dishonor Bill of Exchange). You can resolve dishonored
bill of exchange when you receive a cash payment, write off the bill of
exchange, or renegotiate a new open item debit memo.
**More Information
Choose the Reneg button to access the Renegotiate Dishonor subform to enter
cash payment information or new open item debit memo information. Choose the
WOff button to access the Write Off Dishonor subform to write off the
dishonored bill of exchange.
Updated Files
ARAPPLIED - Creates an applied record if a bill of exchange is created
from a debit memo on bill of exchange renegotiation.
ARCOMP - Automatic generation of debit memo and bill of exchange number
at company level.
ARCUSTOMER - Updates current balance and bill of exchange balance.
ARCUSTPER - Updates paid period totals by the amount received on
ARDISTRIB - Distributions created on renegotiation for accounts
receivable/bill of exchange posting.
ARDRAFTS - Updates status of bill of exchange and/or creates new bill of
AROIHDR - Creates a debit memo header on renegotiation of bill of
AROITEMS - Creates obligations (debit memo) on renegotiation.
ARSUMMARY - Updates record is by the amount received on renegotiation.
CBBANKENT - Updates the used flag of bank.
CBBANKINST - Updates used flag of payment code.
CBCASHCODE - Updates used flag of cash code.
CBCPYCASH - Updates used flag of company cash code.
CBDISTRIB - Distribution created on receipt of cash for posting to cash
CBTRANS - Creates a record for the amount of cash received.
CUSTDESC - Updates file in API called by program. Current balance and
bill of exchange balance is updated.
JBOOKHDR - Used in journal book processing.
NATBALANCE - Updates current balance and bill of exchange balance at
national account level.
TERMS - Validates terms code.
Referenced Files
ARCODE - Validates accounts receivable code.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group relationship.
ARCUSTTOTS - Validates process level exclusion.
ARPROCLEVL - Validates process level.
CBADJUST - Validation to check if cash ledger adjustments exist.
CBBALANCE - Validates transaction date with bank period ending date.
CBUSER - Validation to determine access to cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validation to determine access to cash code.
CUCONV - Used to determine if exchange rate exists between bill of
exchange currency and company base currency.
CURELAT - Used to check if currency relationship exists between bill of
exchange currency and company base currency.
DTCUSTBANK - Validates customer bank and bank account.
GLADDRESS - Validate general ledger company address.
GLCHART - Validate chart name of company.
GLCODES - Validate general ledger code.
GLSYSTEM - Used to determine if general ledger company is set up.
JBKOPCODE - Used in journal book processing.
JBKSYSCODE - Used in journal book processing.
NATACCT - Validates national account relationship.
INVOKED Programs