IC286 - Accuracy Progress
**Form Purpose
Run Accuracy Progress (IC286) to print a report of the accuracy progress.
This report lists accuracy progress for movement class 1, 2, and 3 and special
cycle count class and includes totals. Accuracy progress is tracked for each
period date beginning with the period and year specified. You can print this
report for a specific location or report group.
Accuracy percentages by period are calculated by comparing the total number
of item records counted (counts) with the number of records with count
variances (errors). Count variances occur when actual physical item counts
differ from item freeze quantities.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ICACCURACY - Contains the accuracy records.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the existence of the company number and print
the description.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate the location and print the description.
ICRPTGRP - Used to validate the report groups.