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                            ICLOCATION FILE

                            Company Location

The Company Location file stores valid locations within a company. The
locations establish the identification of stock locations.


AR08.1    AR10.1    AR501     AR550     CXCP.1    DR25.1
DR40.1    DR42.1    IC01.1    IC01.3    IC03.1    IC04.1
IC10.1    IC10.2    IC110     IC120     IC125     IC130
IC134     IC135     IC138     IC140     IC145     IC15.1
IC15.2    IC15.3    IC150     IC151     IC152     IC153
IC175     IC182     IC183     IC19.1    IC192     IC199
IC20.1    IC20.2    IC202     IC203     IC204     IC21.1
IC21.2    IC211     IC215     IC219     IC22.1    IC22.2
IC220     IC221     IC222     IC223     IC224     IC225
IC226     IC227     IC228     IC229     IC23.1    IC23.2
IC23.3    IC23.4    IC23.5    IC230     IC232     IC233
IC234     IC237     IC238     IC239     IC24.1    IC24.2
IC241     IC242     IC244     IC25.1    IC260     IC27.1
IC270     IC280     IC281     IC282     IC284     IC285
IC286     IC287     IC29.1    IC29.2    IC29.3    IC295
IC31.1    IC320     IC33.1    IC331     IC34.1    IC36.1
IC37.1    IC38.1    IC41.1    IC42.1    IC42.2    IC42.3
IC42.4    IC43.1    IC44.1    IC45.1    IC46.1    IC46.2
IC47.1    IC48.1    IC49.1    IC50.1    IC50.2    IC500
IC51.1    IC519     IC52.1    IC520     IC521     IC522
IC523     IC524     IC525     IC526     IC527     IC53.1
IC530     IC55.1    IC550     IC574     IC589     IC59.1
IC590     IC598     IC60.1    IC60.2    IC60.3    IC61.1
IC65.1    IC67.1    IC70.1    IC73.1    IC74.1    IC812
IC82.1    IC820     IC84.1    IC84.2    IC841     IC850
IC851     IC90.1    ICLC.1    PC120     PC20.1    PC540
SEA1.1    MA278     MA53.1    MA54.1    PHI3.1    PO04.3
PO115     PO120     PO130     PO132     PO133     PO134
PO135     PO15.1    PO15.2    PO16.1    PO204     PO220
PO223     PO230     PO231     PO233     PO254     PO258
PO26.1    PO274     PO275     PO276     PO277     PO280
PO285     PO330     PO54.1    PO54.2    PO54.3    PO54.4
PO58.1    PO58.2    PO63.1    PO67.1    PO81.1    PO94.1
POA2.4    POA3.1    POAO.1    POCP.1    POI7.1    POID.1
POIE.1    POIF.1    POIG.1    POIH.1    POIM.1    POIT.1
RQ01.1    RQ111     RQ140     RQ201     RQ230     RQ235
RQ240     RQ300     RQ40.1    RQ41.1    RQ42.1    RQ44.1
RQ44.2    RQ50.1    RQ510     RQ513     RQ810     RQD0.1
RQD1.1    RQIA.1    RQIB.1    RQIC.1    RQID.1    RQIG.1
RQIH.1    RQII.1    RQIJ.1    SEA2.1    SEA3.1    SEA4.1
WH120     WH126     WH131     WH132     WH140     WH21.1
WH21.2    WH21.3    WH21.4    WH210     WH221     WH222
WH224     WH226     WH330     WH38.1    WH420     WH422
WH423     WH520     WH830     WOOR.1


AP125     AP126     AP131     AP170     AP193     AP20.1
AP20.2    AP20.3    AP20.4    AP20.5    AP20.7    AP23.1
AP25.1    AP25.2    AP26.1    AP27.1    AP30.2    AP30.4
AP32.2    API1.1    API2.1    EE135     EE35.1    EE35.2
EE520     DR100     IC02.1    IC12.2    IC141     IC142
IC143     IC243     IC26.1    IC26.2    IC262     IC263
IC28.1    IC283     IC330     IC531     IC62.1    IC62.2
IC63.1    IC68.1    IC68.2    IC68.3    IC81.1    IC83.1
IC840     MA180     MA41.2    MA41.7    MA43.1    MA43.2
MA43.3    MA43.9    MA530     MA531     MA540     MA60.2
MA60.3    MA60.5    MA61.1    MA65.1    MA66.2    MA66.3
MA67.1    MA67.2    MA70.1    MA75.1    MA80.1    MAI1.1
PO100     PO101     PO122     PO131     PO20.1    PO21.1
PO21.2    PO21.3    PO21.4    PO21.5    PO22.1    PO228
PO23.1    PO25.1    PO25.5    PO25.6    PO25.7    PO27.2
PO29.1    PO30.1    PO30.2    PO30.3    PO300     PO31.1
PO31.2    PO32.2    PO33.1    PO34.1    PO35.1    PO36.1
PO36.2    PO38.1    PO39.1    PO39.2    PO44.1    PO50.1
PO52.1    PO520     PO536     PO64.1    POI3.1    POII.1
POIJ.1    RQ10.1    RQ10.2    RQ10.3    RQ11.1    RQ12.1
RQ13.1    RQ35.1    RQ500     RQIE.1    RQIF.1    TX140
TX40.1    WH02.1    WH110     WH130     WH190     WH20.1
WH20.2    WH20.3    WH20.4    WH20.5    WH20.6    WH20.7
WH220     WH25.1    WH30.1    WH30.2    WH30.3    WH30.4
WH31.1    WH31.2    WH31.3    WH31.4    WH32.1    WH32.2
WH32.3    WH32.4    WH33.2    WH33.3    WH33.4    WH34.1
WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4    WH34.5    WH40.1    WH40.2
WH440     WH52.1    WH52.2    WH52.3    WH52.4    WH80.1
WH80.3    WH80.4    WH81.1    WO10.1    WO120     WO130
WO131     WO132     WO133     WO140     WO20.1    WO20.2
WO215     WO220     WO232     WO235     WO250     WO251
WO252     WO255     WO256     WO280     WO293     WO30.1
WO30.2    WO300     WO32.1    WO32.2    WO32.3    WO32.4
WO32.5    WO35.1    WO40.1    WO40.2    WO40.3    WO40.4
WO40.5    WO40.6    WO41.1    WO41.2    WO41.3    WO41.4
WO42.1    WO42.2    WO42.3    WO42.4    WO42.5    WO45.1
WO510     WO80.1    WO82.1    WOEX.1    WOSP.1


ICL-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 IC02.1  IC81.1
Element: Company       The company number represents an          IC840
                       established company and is entered on
                       all function codes.

ICL-LOCATION-TYPE      Alpha 1                                   IC81.1  IC840
Element: Location Type This field specifies whether this
                       location is a normal inventory location
                       or an exchange cart or a par location.
                       This is used in the par location
                       replenishment process.
                       E = Exchange Cart
                       P = Par Location
                       " " = Inventory Location

ICL-LOCATION           Alpha 5                                   IC02.1  IC138
Element: Location Code This field contains a valid stocking      IC81.1  IC840
                       location within the company inventory.

ICL-NAME               Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  IC81.1
Element: Name          This field contains the location's name   RQ01.1  RQ810
                       defined in IC02.1 (Location).             WH126   WH131
                                                                 WH221   WH224

ICL-REPL-FROM-LOC      Alpha 5                                   IC81.1  IC840
Element: Location Code

ICL-ADDR1              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  WH126
Element: Address 1     This field contains the first line of     WH224
                       address information.

ICL-ADDR2              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  WH126
Element: Address 1                                               WH224

ICL-ADDR3              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  WH126
Element: Address 1     This field contains the third line of     WH224
                       address information.

ICL-ADDR4              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  WH126
Element: Address 1     This field contains the fourth line of    WH224
                       address information.

ICL-CITY-ADDR5         Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  WH126
Element: City          This field contains the fifth line        WH224
                       and/or the city of the address.

ICL-STATE-PROV         Alpha 2                                   IC02.1  WH126
Element: State or ProviThis field contains the state or          WH224
                       province of the address.

ICL-POSTAL-CODE        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  WH126
Element: Postal Code   This field contains the postal code of    WH224
                       the address.

ICL-COUNTRY            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  WH126
Element: Country or OthThis field contains the country of the    WH224
                       address, or it can contain additional
                       information such as an attention name.

ICL-COUNTY             Alpha 25  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  TX140
Element: County        The county for the company address.

ICL-ADDR-CONTACT       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1
Element: Contact       This field contains the name of the
                       main contact.

ICL-PO-NAME            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  IC81.1
Element: Name          This field contains the name of the       PO30.1  PO63.1
                       ship to address. This information prints
                       on purchase orders.

ICL-PO-ADDR1           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1
Element: Address 1     This field contains the first line of
                       ship-to address. This information prints
                       on purchase orders.

ICL-PO-ADDR2           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1
Element: Address 1     This field contains the second line of
                       the ship-to address. This information
                       prints on purchase orders.

ICL-PO-ADDR3           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1
Element: Address 1     This field contains the third line of
                       the ship-to address. This information
                       prints on purchase orders.

ICL-PO-ADDR4           Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1
Element: Address 1     This field contains the fourth line of
                       the ship-to address. This information
                       prints on purchase orders.

ICL-PO-CITY-ADDR5      Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1
Element: City          This field contains the fifth line or
                       city of the ship-to address. This
                       information is printed on purchase

ICL-PO-STATE-PROV      Alpha 2                                   IC02.1
Element: State or ProviThis field contains the state or
                       province of the ship-to address. This
                       information prints on purchase orders.

ICL-PO-POSTAL-CD       Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1
Element: Postal Code   This field contains the postal code of
                       the ship-to address. This information
                       prints on purchase orders.

ICL-PO-COUNTRY         Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1
Element: Country or OthThis field contains the country of the
                       ship-to address. This information prints
                       on purchase orders.

ICL-PO-COUNTY          Alpha 25  (Lower Case)                    IC02.1  TX140
Element: County

ICL-HIN-NBR            Alpha 9                                   IC02.1
Element: Hin Nbr       The Health Industry Number is a unique
                       number assigned to any company or
                       facility doing business in the health
                       industry. This number is assigned by the
                       Health Industry Business Communications
                       Council (HIBCC).

ICL-OE-RUN-STS         Numeric 1                                 DR100   IC141
Order Entry Run        This field indicates which processing     IC142   IC143
Status                 form is currently running or has been     WH110   WH130
                       0 = No Processing In Progress
                       1 = Allocation Feedback Running
                       2 = Pick List Print Running
                       3 = Picking Feedback Running
                       4 = Packing Feedback Running
                       5 = Shipping Feedback Running
                       6 = IC Reorder Running

ICL-PROCESS-TYPE       Alpha 2                                   IC02.1
Element: Order Type CodThis field is the process type to be
                       used for orders and requisitions.  The
                       process type determines which steps
                       (pick, pack, and ship) are to be used in
                       the Warehouse system.

ICL-ALLOC-PURP         Alpha 1                                   IC02.1
Element: Allocation PurThis field determines the allocation
                       method to be used when allocating bin
                       tracked items.  Consolidated allocating
                       allocates the bin with the smallest
                       quantity first.  Speed picking allocates
                       the bin with the largest quantity first.
                       C = Consolidated Bins
                       S = Speed Picking

ICL-LAST-BATCH-NBR     Numeric 8                                 AP125   AP126
Element: Last Batch NumThis field is used to assign batch        AP131   AP170
                       numbers to the pick list in the           AP193   AP20.1
                       Warehouse system.  This field is          AP20.2  AP20.3
                       incremented by one every time the pick    AP20.4  AP20.5
                       list program (WH130) is run for this      AP20.7  AP23.1
                       location.                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP30.2  AP30.4
                                                                 AP32.2  API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  DR100
                                                                 EE135   EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520
                                                                 IC12.2  IC141
                                                                 IC142   IC243
                                                                 IC262   IC263
                                                                 IC28.1  IC330
                                                                 IC531   IC62.1
                                                                 IC62.2  IC63.1
                                                                 IC68.1  IC68.2
                                                                 IC68.3  IC83.1
                                                                 MA180   MA41.2
                                                                 MA41.7  MA43.1
                                                                 MA43.2  MA43.3
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA540
                                                                 MA60.2  MA60.3
                                                                 MA60.5  MA61.1
                                                                 MA65.1  MA66.2
                                                                 MA66.3  MA67.1

ICL-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  IC02.1  TX140
Element: Tax Code      This field contains a code representing
                       specific tax information.  This must be
                       valid Tax Code.

ICL-PO-TAX-CODE        Alpha 10                                  IC02.1  TX140
Element: Po Tax Code

ICL-PO-CODE            Alpha 4                                   IC02.1
Element: Po Code       This is the purchase order code that
                       will default to a purchase order from
                       the inventory location.

ICL-LAST-BT-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AP125   AP126
Element: Date          This field contains the last date of a    AP131   AP170
                       bin transfer. This date is used for       AP193   AP20.1
                       automatically assigning document numbers  AP20.2  AP20.3
                       in IC26.1 (Detail Transfers) and IC138    AP20.4  AP20.5
                       (Bin Replenishment Report).               AP20.7  AP23.1
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP30.2  AP30.4
                                                                 AP32.2  API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  DR100
                                                                 EE135   EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520
                                                                 IC12.2  IC141
                                                                 IC142   IC243
                                                                 IC26.1  IC26.2
                                                                 IC262   IC263
                                                                 IC28.1  IC330
                                                                 IC531   IC62.1
                                                                 IC62.2  IC63.1
                                                                 IC68.1  IC68.2
                                                                 IC68.3  IC83.1
                                                                 MA180   MA41.2
                                                                 MA41.7  MA43.1
                                                                 MA43.2  MA43.3
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA540
                                                                 MA60.2  MA60.3
                                                                 MA60.5  MA61.1
                                                                 MA65.1  MA66.2

ICL-LAST-BT-LINE       Numeric 6                                 AP125   AP126
Element: Line Number   This field contains the last line         AP131   AP170
                       number used on a bin transfer. This       AP193   AP20.1
                       number is used when IC26.1 (Detail        AP20.2  AP20.3
                       Transfers) and IC138 (Bin Replenishment   AP20.4  AP20.5
                       Report) automatically create lines for a  AP20.7  AP23.1
                       document.                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP30.2  AP30.4
                                                                 AP32.2  API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  DR100
                                                                 EE135   EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520
                                                                 IC12.2  IC141
                                                                 IC142   IC243
                                                                 IC26.1  IC26.2
                                                                 IC262   IC263
                                                                 IC28.1  IC330
                                                                 IC531   IC62.1
                                                                 IC62.2  IC63.1
                                                                 IC68.1  IC68.2
                                                                 IC68.3  IC83.1
                                                                 MA180   MA41.2
                                                                 MA41.7  MA43.1
                                                                 MA43.2  MA43.3
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA540
                                                                 MA60.2  MA60.3
                                                                 MA60.5  MA61.1
                                                                 MA65.1  MA66.2

ICL-LAST-SHIP-NBR      Numeric 10                                AP125   AP126
Element: Shipment NumbeThis field is used to determine the       AP131   AP170
                       shipment number on the pick list in the   AP193   AP20.1
                       Warehouse system.                         AP20.2  AP20.3
                                                                 AP20.4  AP20.5
                                                                 AP20.7  AP23.1
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP30.2  AP30.4
                                                                 AP32.2  API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  DR100
                                                                 EE135   EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520
                                                                 IC12.2  IC141
                                                                 IC142   IC243
                                                                 IC262   IC263
                                                                 IC28.1  IC330
                                                                 IC531   IC62.1
                                                                 IC62.2  IC63.1
                                                                 IC68.1  IC68.2
                                                                 IC68.3  IC83.1
                                                                 MA180   MA41.2
                                                                 MA41.7  MA43.1
                                                                 MA43.2  MA43.3
                                                                 MA43.9  MA530
                                                                 MA531   MA540
                                                                 MA60.2  MA60.3
                                                                 MA60.5  MA61.1
                                                                 MA65.1  MA66.2
                                                                 MA66.3  MA67.1

ICL-SUSP-ACCT-UNIT     Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Accounting Unit

ICL-SUSP-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                 IC02.1
Element: Account

ICL-SUSP-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Subaccount

ICL-FRT-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Accounting Unit

ICL-FRT-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 IC02.1
Element: Account

ICL-FRT-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Subaccount

ICL-HDLG-ACCT-UNIT     Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Accounting Unit

ICL-HDLG-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                 IC02.1
Element: Account

ICL-HDLG-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Subaccount

ICL-SCRP-ACCT-UNIT     Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Accounting Unit

ICL-SCRP-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                 IC02.1
Element: Account

ICL-SCRP-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Subaccount

ICL-HOLD-ACCT-UNIT     Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Hold Acct Unit

ICL-HOLD-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                 IC02.1
Element: Hold Account

ICL-HOLD-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Hold Sub Acct

ICL-ERS-CAPABLE        Alpha 1                                   IC02.1
Element: All Flag      Y = Yes
                       N = No

ICL-PAR-VALUE          Signed 13.2                               IC283
Element: Par Value     The value of the inventory stored at
                       the par location.

ICL-WST-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Accounting UniThe waste account unit is used to
                       default to components added to finished
                       goods templates or added to work orders
                       when no account information is entered.

ICL-WST-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 IC02.1
Element: Account       The waste account is used to default to
                       components added to finished goods
                       templates or added to work orders when
                       no account information is entered.

ICL-WST-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Subaccount    The waste subaccount is used to default
                       to components added to finished goods
                       templates or added to work orders when
                       no account information is entered.

ICL-WO-LOC-TYPE        Alpha 1                                   IC02.1
Element: Wo Loc Type   N = Not a Work Order Location
                       O = Offsite Location
                       P = Production Location

ICL-CALENDAR           Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Calendar      This is the name of the calendar used
                       in the production scheduling process for
                       work orders.

ICL-DEMAND-SOURCE      Numeric 1                                 IC02.1
Element: Demand Source This is the source of demand that is
                       gathered for use in production
                       scheduling for work orders.
                       1 = Document Demand
                       2 = Forecast Demand
                       3 = Document and Forecast Demand

ICL-WIP-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Accounting UniThe work-in-process account unit is
                       used to post component costs of a work
                       order to a WIP account when the
                       components are pulled out of inventory
                       in a work order feedback process.

ICL-WIP-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 IC02.1
Element: Account       The work-in-process account is used to
                       post component costs of a work order to
                       a WIP account when the components are
                       pulled out of inventory in a work order
                       feedback process.

ICL-WIP-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Subaccount    The work-in-process subaccount is used
                       to post component costs of a work order
                       to a WIP account when the components are
                       pulled out of inventory in a work order
                       feedback process.

ICL-FGV-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  IC02.1
Element: Accounting UniThe finished good variance accounting
                       unit is used to post variances in
                       finished good cost when there is a
                       difference between the cost from an
                       original work order and the cost
                       returned from inventory for a reversed
                       work order.

ICL-FGV-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 IC02.1
Element: Account       The finished good variance account is
                       used to post variances in finished good
                       cost when there is a difference between
                       the cost from the original work order
                       and the cost returned from inventory for
                       a reversed work order.

ICL-FGV-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Subaccount    The finished good variance subaccount
                       is used to post variances in finished
                       good cost when there is a difference
                       between the cost from the original work
                       order and the cost returned from
                       inventory for a reversed work order.

ICL-CAPACITY           Numeric 8                                 IC02.1
Element: Capacity      This is the maximum quantity of a
                       finished good that can be scheduled to a
                       single work order.  The capacity in this
                       file is used to default to the capacity
                       field on the build process of the work
                       order production scheduling process.

ICL-SCHED-INCR         Numeric 2                                 IC02.1
Element: Sched Incr    Schedule increment is used with
                       schedule frequency to indicate the
                       length of a scheduling period for work
                       orders.  The increment is the number of
                       days, weeks or months in a period.

ICL-SCHED-FREQ         Alpha 1                                   IC02.1
Element: Sched Freq    Schedule frequency is used with
                       schedule increment to indicate the
                       length of a scheduling period for work
                       orders.  The frequency defines whether
                       the period is in days, weeks or months.
                       D = Days
                       W = Weeks
                       M = Months

ICL-WO-STATUS          Numeric 1                                 IC02.1
Element: Wo Status     This is the work order status to default
                       to the status for the build process of
                       the work order production scheduling
                       1 = Unreleased
                       2 = Released
                       3 = Exploded
                       4 = In Production

ICL-WO-ACCOUNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   IC02.1
Element: Wo Account Fl This indicates if you are using income
                       statement accounts in Work Order
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No
                       " " = No

ICL-WO-IN-PROD-FL      Alpha 1                                   IC02.1
Element: Wo In Prod Fl Y = In prod unrestricted by alloc
                       N = In prod restricted by alloc
                       O = No - but override allowed

ICL-PROCESS-LEVEL      Alpha 5                                   IC02.1
Element: Process Level This field contains the process level,
                       which is the reporting hierarchy below

ICL-PRINT-LABELS       Alpha 1                                   IC02.1
Element: Print Labels

ICL-VENDOR             Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                IC02.1
Element: Vendor ID     The vendor's identification code.

ICL-PURCH-FR-LOC       Alpha 4                                   IC02.1
Purchase From          The vendor's purchase from location.
Location Code

ICL-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                IC02.1
Element: Customer NumbeThis field contains the number that
                       represents a customer.

ICL-SHIP-TO            Numeric 4                                 IC02.1
Element: Ship-to Code  This field contains the number
                       representing the ship to customer.

ICL-PROC-DAYS          Numeric 3                                 IC02.1
Element: Proc Days

ICL-REC-ALLOCATE       Numeric 1                                 IC02.1
Element: Rec Allocate  This field is used to determine if
                       receiving allocation should be attempted
                       and which method to use.
                       Valid values are:
                         0 - No Receiving Allocation (default)
                         1 - PO Line Source Alloocation
                         2 - PO Line Source & Std Allocation
                       0 = No Receiving Allocation
                       1 = PO LIne Source Allocation
                       2 = PO Line Source & Std Allocatio

ICL-COUNTRY-CODE       Alpha 2                                   IC02.1
Element: Country Code  The country code.  Required for VAT and
                       intrastat reporting.  Must be defined in
                        IN01.1 (Country Maintenance).

ICL-REGION             Alpha 2                                   IC02.1
Element: Region Code   The region code, if applicable for the
                       country. Used by Intrastat. Must be
                       defined in IN02.1 (Region Maintenance)

ICL-PO-COUNTRY-CD      Alpha 2                                   IC02.1
Element: Po Country Cd The PO country code. Required for VAT
                       and Intrastat reporting.  Must be
                       defined in IN01.1 (Country Maintenance).

ICL-PO-REGION          Alpha 2                                   IC02.1
Element: Po Region     The PO region code, if applicable for
                       the country.  Used only by Intrastat.
                       Must be a valid region code for the
                       country, defined in IN02.1 (Region

ICL-ISS-AU-FL          Alpha 1                                   IC02.1
Element: Iss Au Fl     This flag is used in the issue acct dflt
                       routine to determine if this location
                       wants the Account Unit defaulted on
                       issues from the "From" location.

                         ICLOCATION FILE INDEX


ICLSET1   COMPANY                                                AP125   AP126
          LOCATION                                               AP131   AP170
                                                                 AP193   AP20.1
                                                                 AP20.2  AP20.3
                                                                 AP20.4  AP20.5
                                                                 AP20.7  AP23.1
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP27.1
                                                                 AP30.2  AP30.4
                                                                 AP32.2  API1.1
                                                                 API2.1  AR08.1
                                                                 AR10.1  AR501
                                                                 AR550   CXCP.1
                                                                 EE135   EE35.1
                                                                 EE35.2  EE520

ICLSET2   COMPANY       Subset                                   IC281   IC331
          LOCATION      Where LOCATION-TYPE = "E"                IC81.1  IC82.1
                        Or    LOCATION-TYPE = "P"                IC83.1  RQ10.1
                                                                 RQ10.3  RQ11.1

ICLSET3   COMPANY       Subset                                   IC01.1
          LOCATION      Where WO-LOC-TYPE != "N"

ICLSET4   VENDOR        KeyChange, Subset                        IC02.1
          PURCH-FR-LOC  Where VENDOR != Spaces

ICLSET5   CUSTOMER      KeyChange, Subset                        IC02.1  WH20.7
          SHIP-TO       Where CUSTOMER != Spaces

                         ICLOCATION FILE RELATIONS



Company        ICCOMPANY    Required

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> ICC-COMPANY

Fgv Account    GLMASTER     Not Required

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ICL-FGV-ACCT-UNIT     -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ICL-FGV-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ICL-FGV-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Frt Account    GLMASTER     Required
                            When ICL-FRT-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   ICL-FRT-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            Or   ICL-FRT-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ICL-FRT-ACCT-UNIT     -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ICL-FRT-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ICL-FRT-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Hdlg Account   GLMASTER     Required
                            When ICL-HDLG-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   ICL-HDLG-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            Or   ICL-HDLG-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ICL-HDLG-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ICL-HDLG-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ICL-HDLG-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Repl From Loc  ICLOCATION   Not Required
                            Valid When ICL-REPL-FROM-LOC != Spaces

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> ICL-COMPANY
                            ICL-REPL-FROM-LOC     -> ICL-LOCATION

Scrap Account  GLMASTER     Required
                            When ICL-SCRP-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   ICL-SCRP-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            Or   ICL-SCRP-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ICL-SCRP-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ICL-SCRP-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ICL-SCRP-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Suspense Acct  GLMASTER     Not Required
                            Valid When ICL-SUSP-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                                  Or   ICL-SUSP-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                                  Or   ICL-SUSP-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ICL-SCRP-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ICL-SUSP-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ICL-SUSP-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Waste Account  GLMASTER     Not Required

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ICL-WST-ACCT-UNIT     -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ICL-WST-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ICL-WST-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Wip Account    GLMASTER     Not Required

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ICL-WIP-ACCT-UNIT     -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ICL-WIP-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ICL-WIP-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

                         ICLOCATION FILE RELATIONS



Icbin          ICBIN        Delete Restricted

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> ICB-COMPANY
                            ICL-LOCATION          -> ICB-LOCATION

Iccategory     ICCATEGORY   Delete Restricted

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> ICA-COMPANY
                            ICL-LOCATION          -> ICA-LOCATION

Iclocgrp       ICLOCGRP

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> ILG-COMPANY
                            ICL-LOCATION          -> ILG-LOCATION

Itemloc        ITEMLOC      Delete Restricted

                            ICL-COMPANY           -> ITL-COMPANY
                            ICL-LOCATION          -> ITL-LOCATION