Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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IC55.1 - Transaction History Inquiry

**Form Purpose
Use Transaction History Inquiry (IC55.1) to audit transaction history records
by update date, transaction date, transaction type, accounting unit, account,
ascending or descending transaction value, and ascending or descending unit
price.  Transaction history records are created as a result of all transaction
types updated to the Inventory Control application.

**More Information
Transaction history records are created as a result of all transaction types
updated to the Inventory Control application.  These types include adjustments
(AJ), bin transfers (BT), cost adjustments (CA), customer returns (CR), issues
(IS), issue transfers (IT), physical inventory (PI), purchase order receipts
(PO), purchasing receipt adjustments (RA), inventory receipts (RC), rejected
PO inspections (RJ), requisition returns (RR), receipt transfers (RT), and
shipments (SH).

You can print transaction history information based on specific selection
criteria.  You must identify at least a company, location, or report group and
date range selection criteria to inquire on a transaction history record.  You
can select the print option to send the report to a specific printer.

Note:  Existing Transaction History Report (IC220) jobs need to be deleted
and added due to the changes to an existing program.

Updated Files


Referenced Files



    ICRPTGRP   -

    ICTRANS    -

    ITEMLOC    -

    ITEMMAST   -

    MAJORCL    -

    MINORCL    -

    MMDIST     -

IC55.2 - Transaction History Inquiry

Updated Files


Referenced Files


    ICRPTGRP   -

    ICTRANS    -

    ITEMLOC    -

    ITEMMAST   -

    MMDIST     -