IC574 - Physical Inventory Interface
**Form Purpose
Run Physical Inventory Interface (IC574) to process physical inventory counts
from an interface file. IC574 can take input from a table as well as a flat
IC574 uses the same logic used in IC74 (Random Counts) to process item count
entry interface data. IC574 updates the freeze file created for physical
inventory counts in IC170 (Freeze Selected Items).
You can run IC574 in Report Only mode to the review the input file prior to
update. Or you can run the form in Update mode.
IC574 prints a report that lists items with errors that did not update to the
freeze file. It also lists catch weight items with secondary and stock
quantities outside of the catch weight variance. However, it updates those
catch weight items to the freeze file.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left
ICFREEZE - ICFREEZE is the control record for the physical inventory
counting process.
ICSELECT - Used to determine the items to be frozen for counting for the
physical inventory process.
Referenced Files
GLCODES - This file holds information relating to systems, source codes,
folders and process groups.
ICBIN - Use to validate bin numbers.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the company number.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate the inventory location.
ITEMLOC - The Item Location file contains the dynamic information for an
inventoried item at a stock location.
ITEMMAST - The Item Master file stores static information about each item
such as description, classes, units of measure, and weight.
ITSERIAL - This file stores the valid serial numbers currently in stock
and issued.
REASON - This file contains the approved reasons which explain why
inventory transactions were made.
SOHDETAIL - The Stock On Hand Detail File contains the detail quantities
for an item at a location, if the item is controlled by bin or
lot/sublot or multiple units of measure.
INVOKED Programs