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AM01.1 - Current Calendar

**Form Purpose
Use Current Calendar (AM01.1) to define an asset processing calendar for a
book. Calendars are processing schedules and posting dates that asset books
use to calculate depreciation, replacement costs, insurance values, and
reporting date ranges. You must define a calendar for each book and for each
company that will use that book.

**Process at a Glance

1. Define at least one depreciation book.

2. (This step) Define a depreciation calendar for the current year (AM01.1).

3. Define an asset type (AM06.1)

4. Define an account group (AM05.1)

5. Define an accounting unit group (AM09.1)

**Processing Effect
If you specify more than one period per processing period, be aware that the
number you enter in the Total Periods field must be equal to the total number
of periods entered in the Per field for the entire calendar. For example, in a
52 (4-4-5) week calendar, the total number of periods is 52, even though the
total number of processing periods is 12.

If you are converting from non-Lawson to Lawson Asset Management in mid-year,
type the number of periods already closed in the Period Closed field. This is
important to ensure the accuracy of depreciation calculations for the rest of
the year.

If your company uses system control, the period end dates must be within the
GL company period end dates defined on Company (GL10.1) so you can close the
Asset Management periods before you close the General Ledger periods.

Updated Files

    ADDRDATA   -

    AMCALENDAR - Used to store calendar records that asset books use for
                 calculating depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance
                 values, and for reporting date ranges.


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Edits for a change or delete in Posting Book. Not allowed if
                 assets exist.


    AMBOOK     - Retrieves the book description.


    GLADDRESS  - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.

    GLCHART    - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.

    GLSYSTEM   - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.


AM01.2 - Historical Calendar

**Form Purpose
Use Historical Calendar (AM01.2) to define a previous year processing
calendar for a book. Define a historical calendar if the previous year's
calendar structure is different from the current year's calendar structure. If
you do not set up a historical calendar, Asset Management uses the same
structure as the current calendar to calculate previous year depreciation.

**Process at a Glance

1. Define at least one depreciation book.

2. Define a depreciation calendar for the current year (AM01.1).

(Optional - this step) Define an historical calendar (AM01.2)

(Optional) Define a future calendar (AM01.3)

3. Define an asset type (AM06.1)

4. Define an account group (AM05.1)

5. Define an accounting unit group (AM09.1)

**Processing Effect
If you specify more than one period per processing period, be aware that the
number you enter in the Total Periods field must be equal to the total number
of periods entered in the Per field for the entire calendar. For example, in a
52 (4-4-5) week calendar, the total number of periods is 52, even though the
total number of processing periods is 12.

If your company uses system control, the period end dates must be within the
GL company period end dates defined on Company (GL10.1) so you can close the
Asset Management periods before you close the General Ledger periods.

Updated Files

    ADDRDATA   -

    AMCALENDAR - Used to store calendar records that asset books use for
                 calculating depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance
                 values, and for reporting date ranges.


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Edits for a change or delete in Posting Book. Not allowed if
                 assets exist.


    AMBOOK     - Retrieves the book description.


    GLADDRESS  - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.

    GLCHART    - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.

    GLSYSTEM   - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.


AM01.3 - Future Calendar

**Form Purpose
Use Future Calendar (AM01.3) to define a future asset processing calendar for
a book. Define a future calendar if you expect next year's calendar structure
to be different from the current year's calendar structure. If you do not set
up a future calendar, Asset Management uses the same structure as the current
calendar to calculate depreciation projections for real or simulated assets.

**Process at a Glance

1. 1. Define at least one depreciation book.

2. 2. Define a depreciation calendar for the current year (AM01.1).

(Optional) Define an historical calendar (AM01.2)

(Optional - this step) Define a future calendar (AM01.3)

3. Define an asset type (AM06.1)

4. Define an account group (AM05.1)

5. Define an accounting unit group (AM09.1)

**Processing Effect
If you specify more than one period per processing period, be aware that the
number you enter in the Total Periods field must be equal to the total number
of periods entered in the Per field for the entire calendar. For example, in a
52 (4-4-5) week calendar, the total number of periods is 52, even though the
total number of processing periods is 12.

If your company uses system control, the period end dates must be within the
GL company period end dates defined on Company (GL10.1) so you can close the
Asset Management periods before you close the General Ledger periods.

Updated Files

    ADDRDATA   -

    AMCALENDAR - Used to store calendar records that asset books use for
                 calculating depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance
                 values, and for reporting date ranges.


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Edits for a change or delete in Posting Book. Not allowed if
                 assets exist.


    AMBOOK     - Retrieves the book description.


    GLADDRESS  - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.

    GLCHART    - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.

    GLSYSTEM   - Accessed by common routine; not used by this program.


INVOKED Programs
