Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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BN51.1 - Employee Benefit Summary

**Form Purpose
Use Employee Benefit Summary (BN51.1) to view the plans in which an employee
is enrolled on a particular date.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
                 for all benefit types.

                 The Employee Benefit file is used to access all employee

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company

    BNCOVOPT   - The Benefits Coverage Options file is accessed to retrieve
                 covered dependents and to verify if options are active.

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is used to verify employees.

    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file is used to verify plan codes.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
                 company information.

BN51.2 - Employee Benefit Detail

**Form Purpose
Use Employee Benefit Detail (BN51.2) to view an employee's annual
contributions, deductions, and standard time records for a benefit plan.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
                 for all benefit types.

                 The Employee Benefit file is used to access benefit

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company

    BNCOVOPT   - The Benefits Coverage Options file is accessed to retrieve
                 covered dependents and to verify if options are active.

    EMDEDMASTR - The Employee Deduction file is used to access deduction

    EMPFLEXREM - The Employee Flex Period Dollars file is accessed by this

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is used to verify employees.

    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file is used to verify plan codes.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
                 company information.

    STANDTIME  - The Payroll Standard Time Record file is accessed by this