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                               PLAN FILE

                              Benefit Plan

The Benefit Plan file contains information about benefit plans such as
coverage and contribution types, deductions, vesting and compensation
parameters, and account numbers used for COBRA participants and retirees.


BN02.5    BN03.1    BN06.1    BN100     BN101     BN102
BN103     BN105     BN106     BN13.1    BN138     BN140
BN141     BN145     BN150     BN16.1    BN16.2    BN16.3
BN16.4    BN17.1    BN17.2    BN17.3    BN18.1    BN18.2
BN18.3    BN18.4    BN18.5    BN18.6    BN18.7    BN180
BN181     BN19.1    BN19.2    BN19.3    BN19.4    BN20.1
BN206     BN215     BN216     BN220     BN230     BN231
BN232     BN233     BN236     BN237     BN238     BN240
BN242     BN245     BN246     BN247     BN248     BN252
BN258     BN259     BN31.1    BN31.2    BN31.4    BN31.5
BN310     BN32.1    BN32.2    BN32.3    BN320     BN321
BN325     BN330     BN331     BN335     BN340     BN345
BN350     BN36.1    BN430     BN45.1    BN47.1    BN48.2
BN50.1    BN51.1    BN51.2    BN53.1    BN531     BN532
BN547     BN55.1    BN55.2    BN555     BN56.1    BN57.1
BN59.1    BN60.1    BN60.2    BN61.1    BN65.1    BN65.2
BN71.1    BN72.1    BN77.1    BN80.1    BN81.2    BS03.1
BS03.2    BS03.3    BS04.1    BS10.1    BS12.1    BS13.1
BS14.1    BS15.1    BS30.1    BS31.1    BS32.1    BS531
HPLN.1    HR11.1    HR11.2    HR13.2    HR13.3    HR13.4
HR170     HR511     HR55.1    HR55.2    HR55.3    HR70.1
PA02.1    PA100     PA102     PA115     PA13.1    PA13.2
PA502     PA513     PA52.1    PA52.3    PA52.4    PA52.5
PR110     PR113     PR120     PR128     PR13.1    PR13.2
PR13.5    PR13.6    PR13.8    PR130     PR131     PR132
PR134     PR136     PR14.1    PR15.1    PR15.2    PR197
PR20.1    PR20.4    PR205     PR240     PR241     PR242
PR26.1    PR26.2    PR27.1    PR29.1    PR32.2    PR33.2
PR33.3    PR35.1    PR35.2    PR35.3    PR35.4    PR35.5
PR35.6    PR35.8    PR35.9    PR36.1    PR39.1    PR39.2
PR39.5    PR45.1    PR47.1    PR47.2    PR529     PR530
PR560     PR82.1    PRBN.1    UK102     UK201     UK47.1
UK47.2    UK50.3    TA147     TP135     BN52.1    BN11.1


BN00.1    BN04.1    BN104     BN15.1    BN15.2    BN90.1


PLN-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Element: Company Hr    Contains the company number.

PLN-PLAN-TYPE          Alpha 2                                   BN15.1
Element: Plan          Contains the type of benefit plan.
                       HL = Health
                       DN = Dental
                       DI = Disability
                       EL = Life
                       DL = Dependent Life
                       DC = Defined Contribution
                       DB = Defined Benefit
                       VA = Vacation
                       RS = Spending Account
                       SB = Savings Bond
                       SP = Stock Purchase
                       FL = Flex

PLN-PLAN-CODE          Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Plan          Contains the user-defined code used to
                       represent a specific benefit plan. The
                       plan code is unique within a plan type.

PLN-START-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN15.1
Element: Start Date    Contains the first date an employee may
                       enroll in a benefit plan. For defined
                       contribution and defined benefit plan
                       types, the month and day define the
                       beginning date for each plan year.

PLN-PLAN-OPTION        Numeric 2                                 BN15.1
Element: Type          Contains the plan category within a
                       plan type. It further defines the type
                       of  plan.
                       01 = Profit Sharing
                       02 = Money Purchase
                       03 = ESOP
                       04 = 401(k)
                       05 = 403(b)
                       06 = 457
                       07 = Thrift or Savings
                       10 = Medical Reimbursement
                       11 = Dependent Care
                       12 = Legal Account
                       14 = Vacation Buy
                       15 = Vacation Sell
                       18 = Life
                       19 = AD&D
                       20 = STD
                       21 = LTD
                       25 = Medical
                       26 = Vision
                       27 = Long Term Care

PLN-STOP-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN15.1
Element: Stop Date     Contains the last day an employee can
                       be added into the plan.

PLN-EMP-COVERED        Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Emp Covered   Indicates whether employee benefits can
                       be added under a plan.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

PLN-GROUP-NAME         Alpha 10                                  BN15.1
Element: Employee GroupContains the employee group used to
                       determine which employees are eligible
                       for the plan. The employee must be in
                       this group to be eligible for the plan.

PLN-RET-COVERED        Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Ret Covered   Indicates whether retiree benefits can
                       be added under a plan. This field is
                       used only for health, dental, life, and
                       disability plans.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

PLN-RET-GROUP-NAME     Alpha 10                                  BN15.1
Element: Ret Group NameContains the an employee group used to
                       determine which retirees are eligible
                       for the plan. The retiree must be in
                       this group to be eligible.

PLN-POST-CODE-TBL      Alpha 30                                  BN15.1
Element: Post Code Tbl Contains the table of postal codes used
                       to determine employee eligibility for
                       the plan. The employee must have a
                       benefit postal code which is on this
                       table to be eligible for the plan.

PLN-FLEX-PLAN          Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Flex Plan     Contains the flexible benefit plan code
                       which is used to determine which flex
                       plan this benefit plan is associated

                       If this is not a spending account only
                       plan, the employee must have a flex
                       dollar record to enroll in the benefit

PLN-DESC               Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    BN15.1
Element: Description   Contains the description of the benefit

PLN-VEST-DATE          Alpha 2                                   BN15.1
Element: Start Date    Contains the type of year used in
                       determining the vesting computation
                       period. This field is used for defined
                       contribution and defined benefit plans
                       CA = Calendar Year
                       EM = Employment Year
                       PL = Plan Year

PLN-VEST-BEF-FLG       Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Count Prior YeIf the employee was hired prior to the
                       plan start date this field is used to
                       specify whether the years prior to the
                       plan start date should be used to
                       calculate the employees vested
                       percent.  Yes means the system will
                       include years prior to the plan start
                       date in vesting calculations.
                       No means the system will begin vesting
                       with the plan start date.

                       This field is for defined contribution
                       and defined benefit plans only.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

PLN-VESTED-AGE         Numeric 2                                 BN15.1
Element: Vested Age    Contains the age when the employee is
                       100 percent vested regardless of vesting
                       years of service. This field is for
                       defined contribution and defined benefit
                       plans only.

PLN-VEST-SCHED         Alpha 2                                   BN15.1
Element: Schedule      Contains the vesting schedule code for
                       this plan, if applicable.
                       This field is used only for defined
                       contribution and defined benefit plans.

PLN-VEST-FROM-DATE     Alpha 2                                   BN15.1
Element: Vest From DateContains the start date for employee
                       vesting calculations. This field is for
                       defined contribution and defined benefit
                       plans only.
                       HI = Hire Date
                       AJ = Adjusted Hire Date
                       SN = Seniority Date
                       AN = Anniversary Date
                       B1 = Benefit Date 1
                       B2 = Benefit Date 2
                       B3 = Benefit Date 3
                       B4 = Benefit Date 4
                       B5 = Benefit Date 5

PLN-DED-TABLE          Alpha 2                                   BN100   BN102
Element: Frequency TablIf deductions or pay codes have been      BN15.1
                       set up for this plan, this field is the
                       frequency table used to determine
                       premium divisors (if applicable) and
                       deduction cycles for benefits added
                       under this plan.

PLN-ACT-EMP-FLAG       Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Active Last DaSpecifies if an employee must be active
                       on the last day of the plan year to
                       receive the company plan contribution.

                       This field is used for defined
                       contribution and defined benefit plans
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

PLN-CONT-ANN-HRS       Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Hours For              This field specifies the minimum number
Contribution           of  hours that an employee must work in
                       a  plan year in order to receive a plan

                       This field is used with defined benefit
                       and defined contribution plans only.

PLN-MIN-HOURS          Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Break In Service       This field is the minimum number of
Hours                  hours that an employee must work in a
                       plan year to prevent the year from being
                       considered a break in service.

                       This field is only used with defined
                       contribution and defined benefit plans.

PLN-VEST-HOURS         Signed 7.2                                BN15.1
Element: Vesting Hours This field is the minimum number of
                       hours an employee must work in a plan
                       year in order to vest for the year.

                       This field is only used with defined
                       contribution and defined benefit plans.

PLN-INV-DIST-FLG       Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Investment ChoThis field determines if an employee is
                       able to choose the distribution of plan
                       contributions to investment accounts.

                       This field is used only with defined
                       contribution plans.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

PLN-LAST-CMT-SEQ       Numeric 4                                 BN15.1  BN90.1
Last Comment           This is the last sequence number of the
Sequence Number        comments added for the plan.

PLN-PLAN-NAME          Alpha 10                                  BN15.1
Element: Plan          If using Time Accrual this is the name
                       of the vacation plan to be updated with
                       the number of hours bought or sold
                       through Benefits.

                       This field is only used with vacation

PLN-ACR-DIST-CO        Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Element: Company

PLN-ACR-ACCT-UNT       Alpha 15                                  BN15.1
Accrual Accounting     If COBRA participants and retirees are
Unit                   covered under the plan, this field is
                       the accrual accounting unit for the
                       plan. This field is only used with
                       health, dental, life, dependent life,
                       spending account plans.

PLN-ACR-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BN15.1
Element: Accrual AccounContains the accrual account for plans.

                       This field is only used with health,
                       dental, life, dependent life, and
                       spending account plans.

PLN-ACR-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Element: Accrual SubaccContains the accrual subaccount for
                       health plans.

                       This field is used only with savings
                       bond plans.

PLN-BOND-VALUE         Signed 11.2                               BN15.1
Element: Bond Value    Contains the face value of the bond
                       that can be purchased under this plan.

                       This field is only used with savings
                       bond plans.

PLN-BOND-COST          Signed 11.2                               BN15.1
Element: Bond Cost     Contains the cost to the employee for
                       purchasing one bond of this value.

                       This field is used only with savings
                       bond plans.

PLN-CORE-BEN-FLG       Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Core Plan     Specifies whether the plan is the core
                       benefit under a flex plan.

                       This field is used for health, dental,
                       life, disability, and dependent life
                       plans. If yes is entered this field is
                       used only for health and dental plans.
                       N = No
                       S = Spouse
                       Y = Yes

PLN-AR-DIST-CO         Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Element: Company

PLN-AR-ACCT-UNIT       Alpha 15                                  BN15.1
Element: A/R AccountingThis field is the accounts receivable
                       account unit that contains the part of
                       the premium COBRA participants and
                       retirees, for the health plan.

                       This field is used only for health,
                       dental, life, dependent life, and
                       spending account plans.

PLN-AR-ACCOUNT         Numeric 6                                 BN15.1
Element: A/R Account   This field is the accounts receivable
                       account that contains the part of the
                       premium COBRA participants and retirees,
                       for the health plan.

                       This field is used only for health,
                       dental, life, dependent life, and
                       spending account plans.

PLN-AR-SUB-ACCT        Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Element: A/R SubaccountSee PLN-AR-ACCT-UNIT.

                       This field is used only with health,
                       dental, life, dependent life, and
                       spending account plans.

PLN-EXP-DIST-CO        Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Element: Company

PLN-EXP-ACCT-UNT       Alpha 15                                  BN15.1
Expense Accounting     If retirees are covered under the
Unit                   health plan, this is the expense account
                       that contains the expense amount.

                       This field is used only with health,
                       dental, life, dependent life, and
                       spending account plans.

PLN-EXP-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BN15.1
Element: Expense AccounSee PLN-EXP-ACCT-UNT.

                       This field is used only with health,
                       dental, life, dependent life, and
                       spending account plans.

PLN-EXP-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BN15.1
Element: Expense SubaccSee PLN-EXP-ACCT-UNT.

                       This field is used only with health,
                       dental, life, dependent life, and
                       spending account plans.

PLN-GRP-LIFE-FLG       Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Reportable LifThis field flags a plan as being a
                       group life plan.  If the plan if group
                       term life, coverage under the plan will
                       be included in the calculations of
                       excess life insurance cost for

                       This field is used only with life and
                       dependent life plans.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

PLN-INCREMENT          Signed 5.2                                BN15.1
Element: Percent IncremRegulates the percent increments that
                       the employee can elect for distribution
                       for the defined contribution account
                       funds on the plan.

PLN-PAY-EXP-FLAG       Numeric 1                                 BN15.1
Element: Pay Exp Flag  Identifies whether an employee can be
                       reimbursed for expenses up to the
                       employee's contribution-to-date amount
                       (less withdrawals-to-date) or up to the
                       amount to be contributed for the entire
                       plan year or if system displays a
                       warning only.

                       This field is used with spending
                       account plans only.
                       1 = Stop at Annual Limit
                       2 = Stop at Current Limit
                       3 = Warning over Annual Limit
                       4 = Warning over Current Limit
                       5 = None

PLN-DED-FREQ-FLAG      Numeric 1                                 BN04.1  BN104
Element: Frequency TablThis field is updated when the            BN15.1
                       deduction frequency table is changed.
                       Run BN104 (Deduction Frequency Update)
                       when the flag is set to one.
                       0 = Not Updated
                       1 = Updated

PLN-FLEX-PAY-CODE      Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Flex Credit PaContains the plan's flex credit pay

PLN-FLEX-DED-CODE      Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Flex Company  Contains the plan's flex company

PLN-COBRA-COVERED      Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Cobra Covered Indicates whether COBRA participants
                       can elect benefits under a plan. This
                       field is only used with health, dental,
                       life, and spending account plans.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

PLN-INS-CARRIER        Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Insurer       Contains the insurance carrier assigned
                       to the plan.

PLN-CONTRACT-NMBR      Alpha 30                                  BN15.1
Element: Contract      Contains the contract the number of the
                       insurance plan.

PLN-COMP-CLASS         Alpha 3                                   BN15.1
Compensation Pay       Contains the pay class used to keep
Class                  track of an employee's covered

                       This field is used for defined
                       contribution and defined benefit plans.

PLN-MAX-COMP-LIMIT     Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Max Comp LimitIndicates whether the maximum
                       compensation limit for 401k and 403b
                       plans is checked by PR140 (Earning and
                       Deductions Calculations). If yes is
                       entered, deductions stop when the
                       maximum compensation limit is met.

                       The maximum compensation limit is
                       defined in the Benefit Limits file.

                       This field is used only with defined
                       contribution plans.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

PLN-WAIVE-FLAG         Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Waive Plan    Indicates whether the plan is a waive

                       A waive plan tracks employees who do
                       not elect coverage.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

PLN-VEST-CLASS         Alpha 3                                   BN15.1
Element: Vesting Pay ClContains the pay class that keeps track
                       of the number of vesting hours each
                       employee accumulates for a year.

                       This field is used with defined
                       contribution plans only.

PLN-CHG-ELIG           Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Chg Elig      This field is not used.
                       0 = Changed
                       1 = Not Changed

PLN-DEFAULT            Alpha 1                                   BN15.1
Element: Default       Indicates whether benefits should
                       automatically be added to an employee
                       who is eligible for a plan. This field
                       is used by BN100 (Employee Change
                       Benefit Update) and BN101 (Mass Benefit
                       A = Always Default
                       T = Default for Plan Type
                       O = Default for Plan Option
                       N = Do Not Default
                       C = Default for Plan Category

PLN-COVERAGE-TYPE      Alpha 2                                   BN15.1
Element: Coverage Type Defines the type of coverage for
                       benefits under a plan. If coverage
                       options are used, the user will define
                       coverage options the employee may elect.
                       If coverage amounts are used, the system
                       will calculate a dollar amount of
                       0 = No Coverage
                       1 = Coverage Options
                       2 = Coverage Amount
                       X = Custom Calculation

PLN-CONTRIB-TYPE       Alpha 2                                   BN15.1
Element: Contrib Type  Defines the contribution type used by
                       the plan.
                       0 = No Contribution
                       1 = Options Amount
                       2 = Options Amount Range
                       3 = Flat Contributions
                       4 = Salary or Coverage Rate Table
                       5 = Contribution Limits
                       6 = Match Limit Schedule
                       7 = Match Percent Schedule
                       X = Custom Calculation

PLN-PRE-DED-CODE-A     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Pre Ded Code AContains the pre-tax amount deduction

PLN-AFT-LMT-DED-A      Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Aft Lmt Ded A Contains the after-limit amount
                       deduction code.

PLN-AFT-DED-CODE-A     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Aft Ded Code AContains the after-tax amount deduction

PLN-CMP-DED-CODE-A     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Cmp Ded Code AContains the compensation amount
                       deduction code.

PLN-PRE-DED-CODE-P     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Pre Ded Code PContains the pre-tax percent deduction.

PLN-AFT-LMT-DED-P      Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Aft Lmt Ded P Contains the after-limit percent
                       deduction code.

PLN-AFT-DED-CODE-P     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Aft Ded Code PContains the after-limit percent
                       deduction code.

PLN-CMP-DED-CODE-P     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Cmp Ded Code PContains the company percent deduction

PLN-PRE-DED-MTCH-A     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Pre Ded Mtch AContains the company match of the
                       pre-tax deduction amount.

PLN-AFT-LMT-MTCH-A     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Aft Lmt Mtch AContains the company match of the
                       pre-tax percent deduction.

PLN-AFT-DED-MTCH-A     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Aft Ded Mtch AContains the company match of the
                       after-limit percent deduction.

PLN-PRE-DED-MTCH-P     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Pre Ded Mtch PContains the company match of the
                       pre-tax percent deduction.

PLN-AFT-LMT-MTCH-P     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Aft Lmt Mtch PContains the company match of the
                       after-tax percent deduction.

PLN-AFT-DED-MTCH-P     Alpha 4                                   BN15.1
Element: Aft Ded Mtch PContains the company match of the
                       after-limit percent deduction.

PLN-DISPLAY-DESC       Alpha 15                                  BN15.1
Element: Display Desc  Contains the short plan description
                       displayed on benefit entry.

PLN-PLAN-TYPE-2        Derived
Element: Plan Type 2

PLN-CURRENCY-CODE      Alpha 5                                   BN15.1
Element: Currency Code This field contains the company base
                       currency code established in Company
                       (GL10.1 ).

PLN-CURR-ND            Numeric 1
Account Currency       Represents the number of decimals
Code                   defined for the currency of the object.

PLN-REGISTR-NBR        Alpha 7                                   BN15.1
Element: Registr Nbr   Contains the registration number.

PLN-COUNTRY-CODE       Alpha 2                                   BN15.1
Element: Country Code  The country code.  Required for VAT and
                       intrastat reporting.  Must be defined in
                        IN01.1 (Country Maintenance).

PLN-SCON-NBR           Alpha 9                                   BN15.1
Element: Scon Nbr

PLN-CREATE-TRANS       Alpha 1                                   BN15.2
Element: Create Trans  Y = Yes
                       N = No

PLN-SPONSOR-ID         Alpha 30                                  BN15.2
Element: Sponsor Id

PLN-MEMBER-ID          Numeric 1                                 BN15.2
Element: Member Id

PLN-HIPAA-INS-CODE     Alpha 3                                   BN15.2
Element: Hipaa Ins CodeAG = Preventive Care
                       AH = 24 Hour Care
                       AJ = Medicare Risk
                       AK = Mental Health
                       DCP = Dental Capitation (DMO)
                       DEN = Dental
                       EPO = Exclusive Provider Org.
                       FAC = Facility
                       HE = Hearing
                       HLT = Health
                       HMO = Health Maint. Org.
                       LTC = Long Term Care
                       LTD = Long Term Disability
                       MM = Major Medical
                       MOD = Mail Order Drug
                       PDG = Prescription Drug
                       POS = Point of Service
                       PPO = Preferred Provider Org.
                       PRA = Practitioners
                       STD = Short Term Disability
                       UR = Utilization Review
                       VIS = Vision

                         PLAN FILE INDEX


PLNSET1   COMPANY                                                BN00.1  BN02.5
          PLAN-TYPE                                              BN03.1  BN04.1
          PLAN-CODE                                              BN06.1  BN100
                                                                 BN101   BN102
                                                                 BN103   BN104
                                                                 BN105   BN106
                                                                 BN13.1  BN138
                                                                 BN140   BN141
                                                                 BN145   BN15.1
                                                                 BN15.2  BN150
                                                                 BN16.1  BN16.2
                                                                 BN16.3  BN16.4
                                                                 BN17.1  BN17.2
                                                                 BN17.3  BN18.1
                                                                 BN18.2  BN18.3

PLNSET2   COMPANY       KeyChange                                BN52.1

PLNSET3   COMPANY       KeyChange                                BN52.1

PLNSET4   COMPANY       Subset                                   BN104
          PLAN-TYPE     Where DED-FREQ-FLAG = Zeroes

PLNSET5   POST-CODE-TBL KeyChange                                BN11.1

PLNSET6   COMPANY       KeyChange                                BN04.1  BN100

PLNSET8   COMPANY       KeyChange                                BN04.1

                         PLAN FILE RELATIONS



Acr Account    GLMASTER     Required
                            When PLN-ACR-ACCT-UNT != Spaces
                            And  PLN-ACR-ACCOUNT  != Zeroes
                            And  PLN-ACR-SUB-ACCT != Zeroes

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            PLN-ACR-ACCT-UNT      -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            PLN-ACR-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            PLN-ACR-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Aft Ded Code A DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-AFT-DED-CODE-A != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-AFT-DED-CODE-A    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Aft Ded Code P DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-AFT-DED-MTCH-P != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-AFT-DED-CODE-P    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Aft Ded Mtch A DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-AFT-DED-MTCH-A != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-AFT-DED-MTCH-A    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Aft Ded Mtch P DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-AFT-DED-MTCH-P != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-AFT-DED-MTCH-P    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Aft Lmt Ded A  DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-AFT-LMT-DED-A != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-AFT-LMT-DED-A     -> DDC-DED-CODE

Aft Lmt Ded P  DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-AFT-LMT-DED-P != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-AFT-LMT-DED-P     -> DDC-DED-CODE

Aft Lmt Mtch A DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-AFT-LMT-MTCH-A != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-AFT-LMT-MTCH-A    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Aft Lmt Mtch P DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-AFT-LMT-MTCH-P != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-AFT-DED-MTCH-P    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Ar Account     GLMASTER     Required
                            When PLN-AR-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            And  PLN-AR-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            And  PLN-AR-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            PLN-AR-ACCT-UNIT      -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            PLN-AR-ACCOUNT        -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            PLN-AR-SUB-ACCT       -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Cmp Ded Code A DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-CMP-DED-CODE-A != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-CMP-DED-CODE-A    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Cmp Ded Code P DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-CMP-DED-CODE-P != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-CMP-DED-CODE-P    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Comp Class     PAYCLASS     Required
                            When PLN-COMP-CLASS != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PCL-COMPANY
                            PLN-COMP-CLASS        -> PCL-PAY-CLASS

Company Name   PRSYSTEM     Required

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces                -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Country        INSTCTRYCD   Required

                            PLN-COUNTRY-CODE      -> INT-COUNTRY-CODE

Currency       CUCODES      Required
                            When PLN-CURRENCY-CODE != Spaces

                            PLN-CURRENCY-CODE     -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Ded Freq Table DEDFREQTBL   Required
                            When PLN-DED-TABLE != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DFT-COMPANY
                            PLN-DED-TABLE         -> DFT-TABLE-CODE

Exp Account    GLMASTER     Required
                            When PLN-EXP-ACCT-UNT != Spaces
                            And  PLN-EXP-ACCOUNT  != Zeroes
                            And  PLN-EXP-SUB-ACCT != Zeroes

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> GLM-COMPANY
                            PLN-EXP-ACCT-UNT      -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            PLN-EXP-ACCOUNT       -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            PLN-EXP-SUB-ACCT      -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Flex Ded Code  DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-FLEX-DED-CODE != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-FLEX-DED-CODE     -> DDC-DED-CODE

Flex Pay Code  PRPAYCODE    Required
                            When PLN-FLEX-PAY-CODE != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PCD-COMPANY
                            PLN-FLEX-PAY-CODE     -> PCD-PAY-CODE
                            Spaces                -> PCD-PROCESS-LEVEL
                            Spaces                -> PCD-JOB-CODE

Flexible Plan  FLEXPLAN     Required
                            When PLN-FLEX-PLAN != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> FLP-COMPANY
                            PLN-FLEX-PLAN         -> FLP-FLEX-PLAN

Ins Carrier    BNCARRIER    Required
                            When PLN-INS-CARRIER != Spaces

                            PLN-INS-CARRIER       -> BCR-INS-CARRIER

Persgroup      PERSGROUP    Not Required

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PRG-COMPANY
                            PLN-GROUP-NAME        -> PRG-GROUP-NAME

Personnel Grp  PERSGROUP    Required
                            When PLN-GROUP-NAME != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PRG-COMPANY
                            PLN-GROUP-NAME        -> PRG-GROUP-NAME

Plan Name      PLANMASTER   Required
                            When PLN-PLAN-NAME != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PLM-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-NAME         -> PLM-PLAN-NAME

Pre Ded Code A DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-PRE-DED-CODE-A != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-PRE-DED-CODE-A    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Pre Ded Code P DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-PRE-DED-CODE-P != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-PRE-DED-CODE-P    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Pre Ded Mtch A DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-PRE-DED-MTCH-A != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-PRE-DED-MTCH-A    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Pre Ded Mtch P DEDCODE      Required
                            When PLN-PRE-DED-MTCH-P != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PLN-PRE-DED-MTCH-P    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Prsystem       PRSYSTEM     Required

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces                -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Retiree Group  PERSGROUP    Not Required

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PRG-COMPANY
                            PLN-RET-GROUP-NAME    -> PRG-GROUP-NAME

Vest Class     PAYCLASS     Required
                            When PLN-VEST-CLASS != Spaces

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PCL-COMPANY
                            PLN-VEST-CLASS        -> PCL-PAY-CLASS

Vesting Sched  VESTSCHDHD   Required

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> VSH-COMPANY
                            PLN-VEST-SCHED        -> VSH-VEST-SCHED

                         PLAN FILE RELATIONS



Benefit        BENEFIT      Delete Restricted

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> BEN-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> BEN-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> BEN-PLAN-CODE

Bnaccounts     BNACCOUNTS

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> BNA-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> BNA-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> BNA-PLAN-CODE

Bncovdft       BNCOVDFT     Delete Cascades

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> BCD-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> BCD-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> BCD-PLAN-CODE

Bncoverage     BNCOVERAGE   Delete Cascades

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> CVR-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> CVR-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> CVR-PLAN-CODE

Bncovopt       BNCOVOPT     Delete Cascades

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> COP-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> COP-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> COP-PLAN-CODE

Bnprmopt       BNPRMOPT     Delete Cascades

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PCV-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> PCV-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> PCV-PLAN-CODE

Bnwait         BNWAIT

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> BWT-COMPANY
                            Spaces                -> BWT-RULE-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> BWT-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> BWT-PLAN-CODE

Cobra Benefits PARTBEN

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PTB-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> PTB-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> PTB-PLAN-CODE

Comments       BNCOMMENTS   Delete Restricted

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> BCM-COMPANY
                            "PL"                  -> BCM-CMT-TYPE
                            Zeroes                -> BCM-EMPLOYEE
                            Zeroes                -> BCM-PARTICIPNT
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> BCM-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> BCM-PLAN-CODE
                            Spaces                -> BCM-GROUP-NAME
                            Zeroes                -> BCM-START-DATE

Investment     BNINVEST     Delete Restricted

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> BIV-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> BIV-PLAN-CODE

Partben        PARTBEN

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PTB-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> PTB-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> PTB-PLAN-CODE

Postal Code    BNPOSTCODE
                            Valid When PLN-POST-CODE-TBL != Spaces

                            PLN-POST-CODE-TBL     -> BPC-POST-CODE-TBL

Premium        PREMIUM      Delete Cascades

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PRE-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> PRE-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> PRE-PLAN-CODE

Retiree Ben    PARTBEN

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> PTB-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> PTB-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> PTB-PLAN-CODE

Wait Rules     BNWAIT

                            PLN-COMPANY           -> BWT-COMPANY
                            PLN-PLAN-TYPE         -> BWT-PLAN-TYPE
                            PLN-PLAN-CODE         -> BWT-PLAN-CODE