GL141 - Consolidation Unload
**Form Purpose
Run Consolidation Unload (GL141) to consolidate financial information for a
general ledger company that processes General Ledger transactions on more than
one machine by transferring balances and transaction data. This process
creates summarized balance information on the target machine for each posting
account for a fiscal year.
**Processing Effect
UNIX platform: This program creates a work file of balance data.
Balances come from the General Ledger Consolidation (GLCONSOL) file.
Transaction data comes from the Currency Amounts (CUAMOUNT) file, General
Ledger Units (GLUNITS) file, or both.
If you are transferring Balance information, GL141 creates the following work
file: $LAWDIR/productline/work/mastrel.csv
If you are transferring Transaction information, GL141 create the following
work file: $LAWDIR/productline/work/transrel.csv
Important If you choose to summarize data using GLCONSOL and you have
non-base transaction amounts, these values will NOT be maintained. The
transaction amount and the transaction currency will default to the base
amount and base currency. If the data contains transaction currency amounts,
you will want to use the level 5 posting option in the Consolidate Level field
to maintain the integrity of the amounts.
iSeries platform: This program creates a work file of balance data.
Balances come from the General Ledger Consolidation (DBGLGCN) file.
Transaction data comes from the Currency Amounts (DBGLCAM) file, General
Ledger Units (DBGLGLU) file, or both.
If you are transferring Balance information, GL141 creates the following work
file: LAWDIR/productline/work/mastrel.csv
If you are transferring Transaction information, GL141 create the following
work file: LAWDIR/productline/work/transrel.csv
Important If you choose to summarize data using DBGLGCN and you have non-base
transaction amounts, these values will NOT be maintained. The transaction
amount and the transaction currency will default to the base amount and base
currency. If the data contains transaction currency amounts, you will want to
use the level 5 posting option in the Consolidate Level field to maintain the
integrity of the amounts.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for report updates, not used for restart.
Referenced Files
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCONSOL - Used to access consolidated account balances.
GLMASTER - Used to validate posting account information.
GLNAMES - Used to validate accounting units.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
GLUNITS - Used to access posting account unit balances.
INVOKED Programs