Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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GL42.1 - Journal Entry Log

**Form Purpose
Use Journal Entry Log (GL42.1) to view journal entry transaction information
for a specific period or range of periods. Log records display for each
journal entry, including a message about journal entry errors. This program
displays the date and time the journal entry was posted, what program was used
to create the journal entry, what period and year the journal entry was
created in, the journal entry source code, the type or journal entry, the
number, sequence number, and description.

Choose the Maintain button to open Journal Entry (GL40.1). Use this program
to maintain and correct Unreleased journal entry information.

To view journal entry detail, totals, or transaction lines, use the Drill
Around feature.

Updated Files

    ADDRDATA   -

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    GLADDRESS  - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
                 program.  This file is not used by this program.

    GLCHART    - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
                 program.  The file is not used by this program.

    GLJELOG    - This file is accessed for journal entry log information.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the existence of the company.


INVOKED Programs
