OE294 - Credit Sales Report
**Form Purpose
Run Credit Sales Report (OE294) to print a report of credit card sales by
company, credit card type, and customer. Credit sales are first processed by
OE129 (Daily Shipment Journal) before they appear on this report. You can
define valid credit card types in the Billing application.
Updated Files
ARPROCLEVL - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable process level.
CKPOINT - Used for batch recovery.
Referenced Files
AGINGCODE - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
ARCOMP - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable company.
ARCUSTFLDS - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARCUSTGRP - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate the Accounts Receivable customer.
ARCUSTTOTS - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARLOCKBOX - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
ARPAYMENT - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
CUSTDESC - Used in the Accounts Receivable Edit routine.
NATACCT - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
NATBALANCE - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
OECOMPANY - Used to validate the Billing company.
OECUST - Used in the Customer Edit routine.
OEINVCLINE - Used to store invoice line information.
OEINVCMISC - Used to store invoice/invoice line add-on charges.
OEINVOICE - Used to store invoice information.
OEMISC - Used to validate add-on charges.
STATICCUST - Used in the Customer Edit routine.