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                              OEMISC FILE

                      Customer Order Misc Charges

This file stores customer order add-on charges.  These add-on charges can be
added to an order during entry or any time during the processing stage until
the order has been processed through OE129 (Daily Shipment Journal).


BL10.1    BL121     BL123     BL16.1    BL209     BL210
BL215     BL220     BL230     BL231     BL232     BL290
BL30.2    BL30.5    BL330     BL331     BL34.1    BL45.1
BL46.1    BL47.1    BL80.1    OE294     OE86.1    SA100


BL09.1    BL120     BL122     BL130     BL20.1    BL20.3
BL21.2    BL21.5    BL29.1    BL29.2    BL31.1    BL31.2
BL31.3    BL31.5    BL31.7    BL32.3    BL32.4    BL520
BL820     BL92.1    OE10.1    OE10.2    OE10.3    OE10.4
OE10.5    OE10.6    OE10.7    OE10.8    OE11.1    OE11.4
OE11.8    OE11.9    OE110     OE111     OE113     OE114
OE116     OE129     OE13.2    OE13.3    OE13.5    OE13.6
OE14.4    OE30.1    OE30.2    OE30.3    OE30.4    OE30.5
OE30.6    OE30.7    OE30.9    OE510     OE530     OE810
OE830     WH20.7


OEM-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BL09.1
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

OEM-MISC               Alpha 16                                  BL09.1
Element: Misc          User-defined value that can be set up
                       as an add-on charge and tied to either
                       the order header or the individual lines
                       on the order at entry time.

OEM-CURRENCY-CODE      Alpha 5                                   BL09.1
Element: Currency Code The currency code indicating the
                       currency that will be used when the
                       add-on charge is assessed.

OEM-DESCRIPTION        Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    BL09.1  BL230
Element: Description   The description of the add-on charge.     BL232   BL45.1
                       When the add-on charge is added to the    BL46.1  BL47.1
                       order, this description will display on   OE11.1  OE114
                       the form and print on invoices.           OE129

OEM-ORD-DISC-FL        Alpha 1                                   BL09.1
Element: Order DiscountThis flag indicates whether the add-on
                       charge should be included in the order
                       total when the system is assessing any
                       order-level discounts.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

OEM-CHARGE-TYPE        Numeric 1                                 BL09.1
Element: Charge Type   Indicates whether the charge is a flat
                       monetary amount, an amount per unit, or
                       a percentage. Amount per unit is based
                       on stock unit of measure.
                       1 = Flat Amount
                       2 = Unit Price
                       3 = Percentage

OEM-AOC-CODE           Alpha 2                                   BL09.1
Element: Add On Cost CoThis field contains the purchase order
                       add-on cost code to be used if an order
                       line is causing a purchase order to be
                       created. Purchase order add-on cost
                       codes are added and maintained in the
                       Invoice Matching system.

OEM-UNIT-PRICE         Signed 18.5                               BL09.1
Element: Intl Cost     The unit price. Only valid if attached
                       to an order line. This is the amount to
                       be charged per stock unit of measure
                       sold on the order line.

OEM-PRICE-PCT          Percent 5.3  (Percent)                    BL09.1
Element: Cost Pct      The price percent. This is the percent
                       applied to the order line extension (if
                       attached to an order line) or to the
                       order total goods amount (if attached to
                       an order) to determine the amount to be

OEM-PRICE              Signed 18.2                               BL09.1
Element: Intl Amt      The flat monetary amount to be charged
                       to the customer.

OEM-UNIT-COST          Signed 18.5                               BL09.1
Element: Intl Cost     Only valid if attached to an order
                       line. This is the cost amount and will
                       be posted to cost of goods sold.

OEM-COST-PCT           Percent 5.3  (Percent)                    BL09.1
Element: Cost Pct      Cost percent. The percent applied to
                       either the order line extension (if
                       attached to an order line) or to the
                       total order goods amount (if attached to
                       an order) to determine the amount to be

OEM-COST               Signed 18.5                               BL09.1
Element: Intl Cost     The flat monetary amount to be posted
                       to cost of goods sold.

OEM-UPD-SA-FL          Alpha 1                                   BL09.1
Element: All Flag      Determines whether the add-on charge
                       should update the Sales Analysis system
                       for reporting purposes.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

OEM-TAX-EXEMPT-CD      Alpha 1                                   BL09.1
Element: Tax Exempt CodDetermines whether the add-on charge
                       amount will be included when the system
                       calculates tax amounts for the order.
                       E = Exempt
                       T = Taxable

OEM-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  BL09.1
Element: Tax Code      Tax code this charge is subject to.
                       Only used for Value-Added Tax (VAT).
                       Domestic sales tax does not differ by
                       charge. Tax exempt flag is sufficient.

OEM-SALES-MAJCL        Alpha 4                                   BL09.1
Element: Major Class   Sales major class code. If the add-on
                       charge is passed to the Sales Analysis
                       system for reporting purposes, the user
                       can assign the charge to a sales
                       major/minor class for subtotaling.

OEM-SALES-MINCL        Alpha 4                                   BL09.1
Element: Minor Class   Sales minor class code within the major
                       class. If the add-on charge is passed to
                       the Sales Analysis system for reporting
                       purposes, it can be assigned to a sales
                       major/minor class for subtotaling.

OEM-PROD-TAX-CAT       Alpha 15                                  BL09.1
Element: Product Tax CaThe product's tax category. Used to
                       override taxability by specific taxing

OEM-SLS-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  BL09.1
Element: Accounting UniThe general ledger account unit that
                       will be credited as the revenue account
                       when the add-on charge is assessed.

OEM-SLS-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BL09.1
Element: Account       This is the general ledger account
                       number that will be credited as the
                       revenue account when the add-on charge
                       is assessed.

OEM-SLS-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BL09.1
Element: Subaccount    The general ledger subaccount number
                       that is credited as revenue when an
                       add-on charge is assessed.

OEM-OFF-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  BL09.1
Element: Accounting UniThe general ledger account unit that
                       will be credited as the offset to COGS
                       when the add-on charge is assessed.

OEM-OFF-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BL09.1
Element: Account       The general ledger account number that
                       is credited as the offset to COGS when
                       the add-on charge is assessed.

OEM-OFF-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BL09.1
Element: Subaccount    The general ledger subaccount that is
                       credited as the offset to COGS when the
                       add-on charge is posted to general

OEM-CGS-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  BL09.1
Element: Accounting UniThe account unit that will be debited
                       as the COGS account unit when an add-on
                       charge is assessed.

OEM-CGS-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 BL09.1
Element: Account       The general ledger account number that
                       will be debited as the COGS account when
                       the add-on charge is assessed.

OEM-CGS-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 BL09.1
Element: Subaccount    The subaccount number that will be
                       debited as the COGS subaccount number
                       when an add-on charge is assessed.

OEM-ACTIVE-FLAG        Alpha 1                                   BL09.1
Element: Status        Indicates the active status of the
                       add-on charge.
                       A = Active
                       I = Inactive

OEM-USED-FL            Alpha 1                                   BL09.1  BL120
Element: Used          Indicates whether the add-on charge has   BL122   BL130
                       ever been used.                           BL20.1  BL20.3
                       Y = Yes                                   BL21.2  BL21.5
                       N = No                                    BL29.1  BL29.2
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3
                                                                 BL32.4  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE10.1  OE10.2
                                                                 OE10.3  OE10.4
                                                                 OE10.5  OE10.6
                                                                 OE10.7  OE10.8
                                                                 OE11.1  OE11.4
                                                                 OE11.8  OE11.9
                                                                 OE110   OE111
                                                                 OE113   OE114
                                                                 OE116   OE129
                                                                 OE13.2  OE13.3
                                                                 OE13.5  OE13.6
                                                                 OE14.4  OE30.1
                                                                 OE30.2  OE30.3
                                                                 OE30.4  OE30.5
                                                                 OE30.6  OE30.7
                                                                 OE30.9  OE510
                                                                 OE530   OE810
                                                                 OE830   WH20.7

                         OEMISC FILE INDEX


OEMSET1   COMPANY                                                BL09.1  BL10.1
          MISC                                                   BL120   BL121
          CURRENCY-CODE                                          BL122   BL123
                                                                 BL130   BL16.1
                                                                 BL20.1  BL20.3
                                                                 BL209   BL21.2
                                                                 BL21.5  BL210
                                                                 BL215   BL220
                                                                 BL230   BL231
                                                                 BL232   BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL290
                                                                 BL30.2  BL30.5
                                                                 BL31.1  BL31.2
                                                                 BL31.3  BL31.5
                                                                 BL31.7  BL32.3


                         OEMISC FILE RELATIONS



Cucodes        CUCODES      Required
                            When OEM-CURRENCY-CODE != Spaces

                            OEM-CURRENCY-CODE    -> -CURRENCY-CODE

Glchartcogs    GLCHARTDTL   Not Required
                            Valid When OEM-CGS-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                                  Or   OEM-CGS-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                                  Or   OEM-CGS-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            GLS-CHART-NAME       -> GDT-CHART-NAME
                            GLM-SUMM-ACCT-ID     -> GDT-SUMRY-ACCT-ID
                            OEM-CGS-ACCOUNT      -> GDT-ACCOUNT
                            OEM-CGS-SUB-ACCT     -> GDT-SUB-ACCOUNT

Glchartoffset  GLCHARTDTL   Not Required
                            Valid When OEM-OFF-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                                  Or   OEM-OFF-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                                  Or   OEM-OFF-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            GLS-CHART-NAME       -> GDT-CHART-NAME
                            GLM-SUMM-ACCT-ID     -> GDT-SUMRY-ACCT-ID
                            OEM-OFF-ACCOUNT      -> GDT-ACCOUNT
                            OEM-OFF-SUB-ACCT     -> GDT-SUB-ACCOUNT

Glchartsales   GLCHARTDTL   Not Required
                            Valid When OEM-SLS-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                                  Or   OEM-SLS-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                                  Or   OEM-SLS-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            GLS-CHART-NAME       -> GDT-CHART-NAME
                            GLM-SUMM-ACCT-ID     -> GDT-SUMRY-ACCT-ID
                            OEM-SLS-ACCOUNT      -> GDT-ACCOUNT
                            OEM-SLS-SUB-ACCT     -> GDT-SUB-ACCOUNT

Glmaster Cogs  GLMASTER     Required
                            When OEM-CGS-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   OEM-CGS-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            Or   OEM-CGS-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            OEM-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            OEM-CGS-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            OEM-CGS-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            OEM-CGS-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Glmaster Offst GLMASTER     Required
                            When OEM-OFF-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   OEM-OFF-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            Or   OEM-OFF-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            OEM-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            OEM-OFF-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            OEM-OFF-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            OEM-OFF-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Glmaster Sales GLMASTER     Required
                            When OEM-SLS-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   OEM-SLS-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes
                            Or   OEM-SLS-SUB-ACCT  != Zeroes

                            OEM-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            OEM-SLS-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            OEM-SLS-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            OEM-SLS-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Glsystem       GLSYSTEM     Required

                            OEM-COMPANY          -> GLS-COMPANY

Iccompany      ICCOMPANY    Required
                            When OEM-SALES-MAJCL != Spaces
                            Or   OEM-SALES-MINCL != Spaces

                            OEM-COMPANY          -> ICC-COMPANY

Majorcl        MAJORCL      Required
                            When OEM-SALES-MAJCL != Spaces
                            Or   OEM-SALES-MINCL != Spaces

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> MAJ-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                  -> MAJ-CLASS-TYPE
                            OEM-SALES-MAJCL      -> MAJ-MAJOR-CLASS

Minorcl        MINORCL      Required
                            When OEM-SALES-MINCL != Spaces

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP       -> MIN-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                  -> MIN-CLASS-TYPE
                            OEM-SALES-MAJCL      -> MIN-MAJOR-CLASS
                            OEM-SALES-MINCL      -> MIN-MINOR-CLASS

Oecompany      OECOMPANY    Required

                            OEM-COMPANY          -> OEC-COMPANY

Poaocmast      POAOCMAST    Required
                            When OEM-AOC-CODE != Spaces

                            OEM-COMPANY          -> PAM-COMPANY
                            OEM-AOC-CODE         -> PAM-AOC-CODE

Txtaxcode      TXTAXCODE    Required
                            When OEM-TAX-CODE != Spaces

                            OEM-COMPANY          -> TAC-COMPANY
                            OEM-TAX-CODE         -> TAC-TAX-CODE