Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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SA101 - Sales Analysis File Info Reset

**Form Purpose
Run SA File Info Reset (SA101) to remove summary files and rebuilds them
again from detail files.

Warning If you have already deleted detail files, this could cause disastrous
results. Do not run this program without first consulting Lawson.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used to store data used in restart logic.

    COLINE     - Used to provide customer order line information for transfer
                 to Sales Analysis bookings.

    CUSTORDER  - Used to provide customer order information for transfer to
                 Sales Analysis bookings.

    OEINVOICE  - Used to provide actual invoice information for transfer to
                 Sales Analysis bookings.

    SABOOKADDR - Used to store Order Entry customer bill-to address overrides.

    SABOOKAOC  - Used to store bookings for add-on charges.

    SABOOKCOMP - Used to store booking information for kit components.

    SABOOKED   - Used to store order booking information.

    SABOOKLINE - Used to store order booking information.

    SABUDGET   - Used to store budget data for company, customer, and item.

    SAINVCAOC  - Used to store actual invoiced add-on charge information.

    SAINVCCOMP - Used to store actual invoiced information for kit components.

    SAINVCLINE - Used to store actual invoice information.

    SAINVOICE  - Used to store actual invoice information.

    SAPERFORM  - Used to store performance data for a fiscal year.

    SAREASON   - Used to store summary data by reason code for a fiscal year.

    SASUMMARY  - Used to store booked and actual data for company, customer,
                 and item.

Referenced Files

    SACOMPANY  - Used in editing a Sales Analysis company.