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                             SABOOKAOC FILE

                               Booked AOC

The Booked Add-On Charges file stores booked add-on charges.  Charges can be
associated with an order or with a specific order line.  The line number will
be zero for charges associated with the entire order.


SA100     SA101     SA110     SA300


SAA-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Company       The company number represents the         SA300
                       highest organizational level and is
                       required on all form action codes.

SAA-ORDER-NBR          Numeric 8                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Order Number  Each order is assigned a unique number.   SA300
                       Order numbers are either manually
                       assigned or system assigned based on a
                       company-level option.

SAA-LINE-NBR           Numeric 6                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Line Number   This field contains the line number.      SA300

SAA-SEQ                Numeric 3                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Sequence NumbeThis field contains the record sequence   SA300

SAA-MISC               Alpha 16                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Misc          Booked add-on charge code.  Add-on        SA300
                       charges are created/updated using BL09
                       (Add-on Charges).

SAA-YEAR               Numeric 4                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Last Closed YeContains the fiscal year for the data     SA300
                       stored on this record.

SAA-PERIOD             Numeric 2                                 SA100   SA110
Element: Last Closed PeContains period when booked or actual     SA300
                       sales occurred.

SAA-SALES-MAJCL        Alpha 4                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Major Class   Major sales class for this add-on         SA300
                       charge.  Used for summarization.

SAA-SALES-MINCL        Alpha 4                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Minor Class   Minor sales class for this add-on         SA300
                       charge.  Used for summarization.

SAA-TOTAL-SALE         Signed 18.2                               SA100   SA110
Element: Intl Amt      Total dollar amount booked for this       SA300
                       add-on charge.

SAA-TOTAL-COST         Signed 18.2                               SA100   SA110
Element: Intl Amt      Total cost booked for this add-on         SA300

SAA-ACTIVITY           Alpha 15                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Activity      Used for Revenue (Sales) postings         SA300
                       whereas the Activity-C field is used for
                       Cost (COGS) postings.

                       Activities are the processes or
                       procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity. Activities and
                       cost object activities are used
                       synonymously in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. Direct costs are
                       posted to activities, and indirect costs
                       are allocated to activities based on
                       activity drivers.

                       Activities are grouped or organized by
                       activity levels. There are two types of
                       activities: "posting allowed" and
                       "summary only." Use posting level
                       activities to budget and maintain all
                       posted transactions. Summary activities
                       or macro activities combine information
                       and balances from lower level activities
                       for reporting and inquiries.

SAA-ACCT-CATEGORY      Alpha 5                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Account CategoUsed for Revenue (Sales) postings         SA300
                       whereas the Acct-Categ-C field is used
                       for Cost (COGS) postings.

                       Account categories are groupings of
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

SAA-ACTIVITY-C         Alpha 15                                  SA100   SA110
Element: Activity      Used for Cost (COGS) postings whereas     SA300
                       the Activity field is used for Revenue
                       (Sales) postings.

                       Activities are the processes or
                       procedures that produce work. Cost
                       objects (products, services, customers,
                       and so on) are the reasons for
                       performing the activity. Activities and
                       cost object activities are used
                       synonymously in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. Direct costs are
                       posted to activities, and indirect costs
                       are allocated to activities based on
                       activity drivers.

                       Activities are grouped or organized by
                       activity levels. There are two types of
                       activities: "posting allowed" and
                       "summary only." Use posting level
                       activities to budget and maintain all
                       posted transactions. Summary activities
                       or macro activities combine information
                       and balances from lower level activities
                       for reporting and inquiries.

SAA-ACCT-CATEG-C       Alpha 5                                   SA100   SA110
Element: Account CategoUsed for Cost (COGS) postings whereas     SA300
                       the Acct-Category field is used for
                       Revenue (Sales) postings.

                       Account categories are groupings of
                       costs, revenues, or a combination of
                       both used for reporting and inquiries
                       for activities in the Lawson Activity
                       Management system. All transactions are
                       posted to an account category within an
                       activity. You can assign a specific
                       General Ledger account or range of
                       accounts (company, accounting unit,
                       account, and subaccount) that make up
                       the transactions posted to an account
                       category using AC07.1 (Account

                       Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                       life-to-date balances are maintained by
                       account category for activities. Account
                       categories must be assigned to
                       activities before you do any budgeting
                       or transaction processing.

                         SABOOKAOC FILE INDEX


SAASET1   COMPANY                                                SA100   SA101
          ORDER-NBR                                              SA110   SA300

                         SABOOKAOC FILE RELATIONS



Iccompany      ICCOMPANY    Required

                            SAA-COMPANY        -> ICC-COMPANY

Majorcl        MAJORCL      Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP     -> MAJ-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                -> MAJ-CLASS-TYPE
                            SAA-SALES-MAJCL    -> MAJ-MAJOR-CLASS

Minorcl        MINORCL      Required

                            ICC-ITEM-GROUP     -> MIN-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                -> MIN-CLASS-TYPE
                            SAA-SALES-MAJCL    -> MIN-MAJOR-CLASS
                            SAA-SALES-MINCL    -> MIN-MINOR-CLASS

Sabooked       SABOOKED     Required

                            SAA-COMPANY        -> SAB-COMPANY
                            SAA-ORDER-NBR      -> SAB-ORDER-NBR

Sabookline     SABOOKLINE   Required
                            When SAA-LINE-NBR != Zeroes

                            SAA-COMPANY        -> SAL-COMPANY
                            SAA-ORDER-NBR      -> SAL-ORDER-NBR
                            SAA-LINE-NBR       -> SAL-LINE-NBR