TP00.1 - Company Allocation
Use TP00.1 (Company Allocation) to define the company as an allocation level
and define the method and percent used to calculate the shortfall allocation
for that level. The company allocation level is the default if tip pay is not
assigned to another allocation level.
If you use the Individual Gross Receipts method, you have the option, at the
company level, to use control totals. That is, to require that the total gross
receipts entered for an allocation level for any given day must balance with
the individual gross receipts entered for that day and allocation level.
Updated Files
TPPARAM - TPPARAM is initially created using TP00.1 (Company Allocation).
Referenced Files
PRSYSTEM - PRSYSTEM is used to validate company and process levels.
TIPPAY - TIPPAY ensures that no tip pay records exist before deleting
the parameter record.
TP00.2 - Process Level Allocation
Use TP00.2 (Process Level Allocation) to define a process level as an
allocation level and define the method and percent used to calculate the
shortfall allocation for that level.
Updated Files
TPPARAM - TPPARAM is used to set up tip parameters.
Referenced Files
PRSYSTEM - PRSYSTEM is used to edit company and process levels.
TP00.3 - Department Allocation
Use TP00.3 (Department Allocation) to define a department as an allocation
level and define the method and percent used to calculate the shortfall
allocation for that level.
Updated Files
TPPARAM - TPPARAM is used to set up the tip parameters.
Referenced Files
DEPTCODE - DEPTCODE is used to validate the entered department code and
default the department name.
PRSYSTEM - PRSYSTEM is used to validate the company and process Levels.
TP00.4 - Shift Allocation Level
Use TP00.4 (Shift Allocation Level) to define a shift as an allocation level,
and to define the method and percent used to calculate the shortfall
allocation for that level.
Updated Files
TPPARAM - TPPARAM is used to initally create the tip parameters.
Referenced Files
DEPTCODE - DEPTCODE is used to validate the department code and default
the department name on the screen.
PRSYSTEM - PRSYSTEM is used to validate the company and process levels,
and to default their names on the screen.